The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1325: The Immortal, the Dead and the Living, the Supreme Emperor Escapes

Chapter 1325: The Immortal, the Dead and the Living, the Supreme Emperor Escapes
"I will see him again. It seems he is not dead."

The man in green narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't collect Wu Wudi's soul just now, it seems because Wu Wudi is still alive.

"It's interesting. I've become slightly interested in you [Qinglong Club]. If I capture you, I should be able to learn a lot."

The man in green looked at Su Chen with a hint of interest in his eyes.

"I'm afraid you can't take me down. I dare to stay here. Do you think I have no trump card at all?"

"I don't know what your name is?"

Su Chen looked at the man in green and said.

Su Chen asked this just because he wanted to know where the other party came from.

"It's okay to tell you, I belong to the Zhuanxu clan, Zhuanxu Yu!"

The man in green said his name.

"The Zhuanxu clan?"

When Su Chen heard this, he was slightly shocked.

He had never heard of the Zhuanxu clan, nor had he seen it in some ancient books.


The people watching the battle have recovered from the previous shock. Seeing the scene above the void, some people couldn't help but said: "Is this Su Chen talking to the Supreme Emperor? How dare he? Shouldn't he run away now?"

"Why can't we hear their conversation!"

Some people spoke.

"Shielded by an invisible energy!"

An old man exuding the aura of the Great Emperor said in a deep voice.

"It seems that this Su Chen is not simple. He even makes the supreme emperor afraid."

Some people thought that the man in green didn't take action because he was afraid of Su Chen.

"Then Su Chen can mobilize a giant among emperors like Wu Wudi. It's normal for him to have the Supreme Emperor behind him. Maybe the powerful one behind him has already arrived."

Some people whispered.

While the man in green was talking, he kept paying attention to Su Chen, wanting to see Su Chen's reaction, but Su Chen's stunned reaction made him a little disappointed.

"It seems I'm overthinking, so there's no need to waste time, I'll know everything if I catch you!"


The man in green reached out and grabbed Su Chen.

"Are you taking action? Then let me show you my trump card!"

When Su Chen spoke, his aura began to surge.

With Su Chen as the center, the air currents dispersed, and a terrifying figure appeared behind him.

The figure appeared, and a terrifying fighting spirit shot straight into the sky like a thundering giant.

The sky, earth and sky were changing, and the void was also stirred by this fighting spirit. The terrifying pressure was like the domination of the world.

It gives people the feeling of controlling life and death with just one thought.

"The Supreme Emperor, that phantom is the Supreme Emperor."

"Su Chen really has a back-up plan!"

Some people saw the power erupting from the figure behind Su Chen and said in horror.

In their gaze, Su Chen stood in the void, highlighted by the shadow behind him.

The whole person is in harmony with the heaven and earth, regardless of each other, full of unparalleled momentum, and seems to be able to bring infinite power with every move.

"This Su Chen, is there really a supreme emperor behind him?"

Some were dumbfounded.

Although they had thought about this possibility, the Supreme Emperor, in their understanding, was the absolutely powerful one.


Under everyone's attention, Su Chen gave a low drink.

That figure integrated into Su Chen's body.

Su Chen felt for a moment as if he had mastered supreme power. This was even more powerful than the previous attack by the Supreme Emperor.

He raised his hand and punched out. The fist turned golden and collided with the opponent's palm.

"Well, this breath?"

When the aura of the man in green clothes changed on Su Chen's body, his eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed slightly, but the palms of his hands were black, like diamond.


The fist collided with the palm, making the sound of gold and iron.

After one hit.Su Chen burst out with endless fighting spirit, fighting towards the opponent, and his fists erupted into bright clouds.

Feeling the supreme emperor's strength in him, Su Chen wanted to fight the man in front of him.

The man in green's face changed, and without any thought, he rushed towards Su Chen.

The action is extremely simple, pure killing.

The two collided together again. Where the two met, a trace of energy shot out and penetrated the void. However, the confrontation between the two did not stop. Only phantoms were seen colliding in the void, and the energy flowed backwards, but it could not be seen. their figures.

"Yin Yang Tian Diagram!"


A low shout came from the void.

Suddenly, a huge yin and yang pattern appeared in the sky, exuding a terrifying aura and moving towards a certain location.

The surrounding void collided with the yin and yang sky map and was all shaken into powder, turning into empty abyss, which made people tremble with fear.

"Qinglong Heaven-Suppressing Sword."

at this moment.

A huge green dragon roared in the void. After the roar, it turned into a long green knife. The blade was piercingly cold and its murderous intent was soaring into the sky. It was slashed out with one strike. The blade split the mountain and was dazzling, like a comet cutting through the sky and heading towards the yin and yang sky. Tu beheaded and left.

An extremely domineering sword!

The Yin Yang Tiantu was sent flying backwards with a slash of the sword, and the luster on its body disappeared.

"Pick me up again!"

After one strike, a cyan sword light burst out in the void again, slashing towards the Yin-Yang Heavenly Map that had lost its luster.

"Is that Su Chen's voice?"

Some people heard that it was Su Chen's voice, and their faces were extremely shocked.

Judging from the fighting situation, Su Chen seems to have some upper hand.

The slashing sword energy tore apart the heaven and the earth, and struck the Yin-Yang Heavenly Map again, splitting the Yin-Yang Heavenly Map into two on the spot.

"Qinglong War Emperor, you are really the Qinglong War Emperor. Have you come back from the dead? Have you become a person between the dead and the living?"

A man in green clothes appeared, reached out and grabbed the two halves of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Map, and looked at Su Chen in surprise.

There was something unusual in his tone.

There was a kind of eagerness in his eyes, as if he was eager to leave.

The man in green was not talking to Su Chen, but to the Qinglong War Emperor who possessed Su Chen.

Hear the words of the man in green.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. This Zhuan Xuyun actually knew the Qinglong War Emperor, and even said that the Qinglong War Emperor was a person between the dead and the living.

"Zhuan Xuyun, I just borrowed my strength, why don't I want to fight?"

He stopped and stood in the void holding a knife. He looked at the man in green and said coldly.


"Just power, no consciousness?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the man in green was slightly startled.

"Are you a disciple of the Azure Dragon War Emperor? The Azure Dragon War Emperor has become a survivor."

The man in green looked at Su Chen, wanting to find out something from Su Chen.

"I don't know what you mean by the dead and the living?"

Su Chen did not say that he was not the Qinglong War Emperor, but that he did not know the life and death.

"It seems that the Qinglong War Emperor didn't tell you."

"The dead are those who are born from death. The Qinglong War Emperor has fallen in early modern times, but the fact that he can still appear now means that he has been resurrected."

When the man in green clothes spoke, he stared at Su Chen, wanting to get something, but Su Chen's eyes were confused. He didn't know anything about the dead and the living.

Although Zhuanxu said some things, he revealed very little.

But no matter how it is, rebirth from death is not that simple. There must be something special in the middle.

"How did you determine that the power in me is the Azure Dragon War Emperor? And the dead and alive you mentioned, are there other living beings?"

Su Chen asked in a deep voice.

"I have seen the statue of the Qinglong War Emperor, and the Qinglong Heaven-Suppressing Sword in his hand."

"Although this Qinglong Heaven-Suppressing Sword is extraordinary, it cannot break my Yin-Yang Heaven Map in the hands of outsiders."

"In this world, in addition to the dead and living, there are also immortals. Su Chen, you are actually a disciple of the Qinglong War Emperor. That Youcheng should be regarded as a gift from me, and I will say goodbye."

The man in green suddenly changed his words, turned around and tore the void apart without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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