The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1327: The magical power sank in the sea of ​​blood, and the empress died at the hands of the

Chapter 1327: The magical power sank in the sea of ​​blood, and the empress died at the hands of the dead and alive

Seeing that Su Chen looked bad, Huan Huan suddenly came closer. The jade-like skin seemed to have pores, exuding a trace of heat, making Su Chen feel a little hot.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Huanwan's soft voice sounded in Su Chen's ears, and it also carried an intoxicating body fragrance.

Su Chen came back to his senses and stabilized his mind.

It has been said since ancient times that Wenwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes, and I am truly not deceived.

"Just distracted!"

Su Chen arranged his clothes, stood up, and quickly drew 10 orange lottery cards again.

[Acquire the magical power Blood Sea Sinking, obtain fatal block*5, and obtain the enslavement charm*3. 】

"Yeah! A magical power appears, and the sea of ​​blood sinks!"

Su Chen's eyes couldn't help but froze, and he immediately checked the blood sea sinking.

The magical power of Sinking in the Blood Sea: Based on the blood of the strong, it swallows endless blood, condenses the blood sea, and destroys all things under the blood sea.

"Does it need the blood of a strong person as its foundation?"

Su Chen couldn't help but frown. If you want to practice this, you need the blood of a strong person as the foundation, swallowing the blood and condensing the sea of ​​blood.

"Let's go to the hall together!"

Su Chen said to Huanwan.

As for how Huanwan was caught by the people of the Netherworld Inn, it was because she sneaked out from the Taishang Demon Palace and was spotted by the Situ family of the Netherworld Inn, and then plotted against her. When Huanhan killed the opponent, she exposed the moonlight Her body was ready to call for help, but a master appeared on the other side. Before she could send a message for help, she was captured by the other side, restrained, and fell into a coma.

"Situ Shen was killed, but the Situ family is still there. We still have to destroy this Situ family if we have time."

Su Chen was thinking in his mind as he walked towards the hall.

in the hall,

Li Chenzhou, Jiang Yuyan and others were in the hall.

Yan Shisan has returned to Leizhou, while Dugu Qiubai and Li Wuxie were sent to Yu Peiyu to investigate the origin of the divine dynasty. Yao Yue and Lian Xing also left to return to the Great Shang Dynasty, preparing to return to the Snowy Land.

"I have seen the Lord!"

When Su Chen stepped into the hall.

Everyone in the room stood up and saluted Su Chen. Now that there were no outsiders, they all called Su Chen their master.

"When will Empress Dajing come?"

Su Chen asked.

This time he met Empress Dajing mainly because he wanted to know about the dead and the living.

The Zhuanxu of the Netherworld Inn must be the Qinglong War Queen. As the Queen of the Blood Moon, Empress Dajing should know about this Zhuanxu. Then she should also have heard of what the Immortal and the Undead are?
"Empress Dajing should be on her way."

Jiang Yuyan replied.

"How about the investigation into Kunpeng Emperor's Palace?"

"The investigation has not been completed yet. The restriction is very strange. It disappears and appears. There is a stone tablet in front of the imperial palace. It is very repulsive to explore. If you forcefully explore it, you will be swallowed by a force!"

"My subordinates think it may not be time yet to explore the Kunpeng Emperor's Palace!"

Li Chenzhou said in a deep voice.

"Kunpeng Imperial Palace can be named after Kunpeng. The imperial palace here is not simple. Don't explore too much for the time being. Once the imperial palace here is too unusual, more powerful people will be attracted to come, which will be disadvantageous to us!"

Su Chen said.

From the incident at Netherworld Inn, it can be seen that there are not as few supreme emperors in this world as the outside world reports.

What's more, the appearance of the Kunpeng Imperial Palace will definitely be felt by the Kunpeng clan, a clan of ferocious beasts in this world.

while they were talking.

"My lord, Empress Dajing is here, I will retreat first!"

Li Chenzhou said.

He met Empress Dajing before, but did not show his face. Now that Su Chen wanted to ask Empress Dajing, he had to exit the hall first.

Su Chen nodded.

After Li Chenzhou left for a moment.

Yuan Suiyun appeared outside the living room.

"My Lord, Empress Dajing is here!"

It turns out that Suiyun is Su Chen's butler, and he can call Su Chen "Sir" at any time. "please!"

After Yuan Suiyun reported, he invited Empress Dajing to enter the hall.

Empress Dajing's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because in the hall, a young man was sitting on the main seat, and Jiang Yuyan was standing next to Su Chen. The five dragon heads of the Qinglong Society did not show up.

"This is our Qinglong Club, Young Dragon Leader Su Chen!"

Jiang Yuyan said.

"I have met Su Shaolongshou. I wonder why Su Shaolongshou invited me here this time?"

Empress Dajing spoke.

"Empress, please sit down!"

Su Chen asked Empress Dajing to sit down and said.

"This time it's mainly because I have something to trouble Her Majesty the Empress. I don't know if Her Majesty the Empress knows about the immortals and the dead."

Su Chen said.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Empress Dajing's expression changed, but she quickly adjusted.

Of course, this change had already fallen into Su Chen's eyes.

"It seems that Your Majesty the Empress knows about the Immortal and the Dead. I wonder if you can tell me?"

Su Chen looked at Empress Dajing and said.

"I don't know why Su Shaolongshou suddenly asked about the immortals and the dead?"

Empress Dajing couldn't help but said.

"Zhuan Xu from the Zhuan Xu clan told me about immortals and dead beings, but he didn't tell me clearly, so I wanted to ask Her Majesty the Empress!"

Su Chen said.

"What, Zhuanxu and Zhuanxu of the Zhuanxu clan, how could you meet? Zhuanxu's clan could not hide in late ancient times, how could you meet them."

Empress Dajing asked with a change of expression.

"Your Excellency, the Empress, the fact that I can name the Zhuanxu clan and Zhuanxu Yue means that I have met him. As for the rest, you don't need to know. You only need to tell me what the immortals and the dead are!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Empress Dajing was shocked. She did not expect that Su Chen could actually talk to the Zhuanxu clan, and he was also the Zhuanxu of the Zhuanxu clan. Zhuanxu was the supreme emperor of the Zhuanxu clan.

"What is behind this Su Chen, what is behind this Qinglonghui?"

Recently, she has investigated the [Blue Dragon Society], and the more she investigates, the more terrifying the [Blue Dragon Society] becomes.

Because some of the people who appeared in the [Qinglong Club] came up from the Tianmen not long ago.

But the strength of these people has improved very quickly.

Of course she could check under Tianmen, and Jiang Yuyan also gave some hints.

Otherwise, Empress Dajing would never have thought of being under the Tianmen.

To be able to raise the strength of these people to this level in such a short period of time is unfathomable to the [Blue Dragon Club].

"Su Shao Longshou, I don't know much about the immortals and the dead!"

"Immortals are existences that have been alive in ancient times. These people are rarely born. It is rumored that they only appear at the end of each era. It is very strange. I have never seen them."

"But I have come into contact with the dead and alive. I was killed by the dead and alive back then."

Empress Dajing said in a deep voice.

"Huh? You said you were killed by the undead!"

Hearing this, Su Chen had a look of surprise on his face. He did not expect that Empress Dajing would be beheaded by the dead and alive.

"That means the people who are chasing you are the Dead and Living Organization?"

Su Chen thought that when Jiang Yuyan and the others reported earlier, they mentioned that Empress Dajing was being hunted. This made Su Chen think of the dead and the living.

"I don't know if the forces that are chasing me are the Undead Organization, but the leader of this organization is a Undead organization."

"When I was in my heyday, I was taken away by the leader of this organization after his soul disappeared!"

"As for how I can escape from this half of my soul, I don't know very well!"

Empress Dajing said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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