"If you want to know, then I can take you to see that person."

Got a message from Yu Peiyu.

Leng Qingqiu immediately spoke.

Jiang Luoli was stunned when she heard Leng Qingqiu's words. She never expected that Leng Qingqiu would agree to take her to see the emperor. In her guess, Leng Qingqiu would not agree.

Looking at Yu Peiyu, Leng Qingqiu had received notice from Yu Peiyu, judging from his expression just now.

"Why is Miss Jiang unwilling?"

Leng Qingqiu looked at Jiang Luoli's stunned expression and said.

Jiang Luoli's expression changed slightly: "Of course I am willing, Miss Leng, you lead the way!"

"Judging from the traces on the scene, the strong man should have been injured. Since he was injured, it should not be easy to recover. What's more, I am from the Jiang family and the Tianliu Sword Sect. I believe that the other party will also care about my identity."

Jiang Luoli thought to herself.

This was also the reason why she dared to agree to go see the emperor with Leng Qingqiu.


Sun He, who was following them, changed his expression slightly when he heard this.

"How can there be an emperor behind Leng Qingqiu?"

Eyes flickering, watching the three people leaving, Sun He was considering whether to follow them.

He originally followed up with the intention of killing Leng Qingqiu and Yu Peiyu, but he didn't expect to hear such news.

When he arrived at Wangshan City before, he got this information. There were strong men fighting outside the city, and Emperor Wei also appeared. He didn't expect it to be related to Leng Qingqiu.

"It is rumored that the powerful emperor is injured. This may be my chance."

Sun He was thinking in his mind.

If he kills the seriously injured emperor, he will be able to devour the opponent's imperial seal, and then he will be able to quickly step into the quasi-emperor level.

At that time, I hope to step into the realm of the Great Emperor,

The light flickered in the eyes.


When human desires arise, it is very difficult to extinguish them.

Sun He moved and followed him.

outside the city
Outside a remote courtyard.

"Leng Qingqiu, who is in this courtyard?"

Jiang Luoli asked with some uncertainty.

While she was talking, her soul searched, but she did not find any breath in the courtyard.

"Of course, let's go in together!"

After speaking, Leng Qingqiu opened the door of the small courtyard and walked in with Yu Peiyu.

"You lied to me!"

After entering the courtyard, Jiang Luoli looked at Leng Qing warily and said.

Because it was very lonely in the courtyard, and it didn't look like a place where anyone lived.

"Don't you want to see that person?"

"That one is right here!"

When Leng Qingqiu spoke, he looked at Yu Peiyu


Hearing Leng Qingqiu's words.

The previously changed Yu Peiyu's skeletal face began to change, and she returned to her original form in the blink of an eye.

There is a shallow scar on the face.

Although there are scars, he is still flawless and has an attractive temperament.

Jiang Luoli had seen Yu Peiyu's portrait. The man in it was very attractive, but when she actually saw him, she found that he was even more attractive, and there was a sense of love at first sight.

Just then.

A stream of energy appeared in a crystal pendant hanging around Jiang Luoli's neck and poured into her body.

Jiang Luoli's mind returned in an instant.

The pendant around her neck is called the Qingxin Bead, which can help people stabilize their minds when they lose control.

"No wonder I can charm you, Leng Qingqiu, and give me everything. Such a man is really attractive!"

"But do you think I will believe that the emperor's power comes from him?"

Jiang Luoli, who was speaking, looked at Leng Qingqiu.

"You really have to believe him, that imperial power is really coming from him!" At this time, a deep voice appeared in the originally lonely courtyard.

An old man wearing gray cloth walked out of the courtyard.

Jiang Luoli looked at the old man in gray cloth, and her pupils shrank suddenly. The other man's eyes were like a pool of death, without any fluctuation, but it made people's hearts chill.

The true energy in her body began to circulate unconsciously,

This person gave her a feeling of extreme danger.

Now she felt regretful for testing Leng Qingqiu.

"who are you?"

"I'm Li Wuxie, I'm from the same place as Brother Yu."

When Li Wuxie was speaking, a surge of imperial power appeared on his body, instantly covering Jiang Luoli. Li Wuxie inherited the Thunder Emperor's heritage, and although he had not yet entered the imperial realm, he was able to display a hint of imperial power.

Jiang Luoli, who was on alert, was suddenly enveloped by the emperor's power, and her whole body suddenly became drowsy.

It was at this time that Yu Peiyu took action.

A rune appeared in his hand, and a palm struck directly into Jiang Luoli's body.

"That is?"

When Leng Qingqiu saw the rune, he couldn't help but ask about returning to Yu Peiyu,

"The runes refined by the young master can enslave her soul. From now on, she will be the young master's maid!"

Yu Peiyu said.

"Little Lord?"

"Young Master of the Qinglong Club?"

Leng Qingqiu couldn't help but ask.

Yu Peiyu nodded. At this time, the emperor's power disappeared, but Jiang Luoli struggled for a few times, and then slowly opened her eyes after a few times.

"I didn't expect to be plotted by you."

Jiang Luoli looked at Yu Peiyu and said.

She was enslaved by Su Chen's enslavement talisman, but her soul did not disappear, she was just completely loyal to Su Chen.

Su Chen, who was far away in the Dajing Dynasty in Yuzhou, had an extra maid.

And at this moment

Outside the courtyard, not far away.

Sun He was looking at the courtyard, and suddenly a breath came from the courtyard.

"Diwei, really Diwei!"

His eyes became fiery.

"This imperial power is very good. What seems to be its shortcomings? And that aura?"

Sun He frowned slightly. He was an elder of the Tianshu Hall of the Zhenwu Temple. He had frequent contact with the powerful emperors of the Zhenwu Temple. He was very familiar with the power of the emperor.

But the imperial power that just emitted from the courtyard seemed to be missing something?
Li Wuxie absorbed the Thunder Emperor's inheritance, but had not yet entered the realm of the Great Emperor, so there was some barrier between him and the Thunder Emperor's power.

"The barrier, the breath of the ninth level of the Supreme Realm, it seems that the other party is really hurt."

A sinister smile appeared on Sun He's gloomy face.

He moved towards the courtyard.

He opened the courtyard door with one palm.

"Elder Sun, I have been waiting for you for a long time. How tiring it is to stand outside!"

When he entered the courtyard, Yu Peiyu's voice rang in his ears.


Sun He's eyes narrowed and he looked at an old man in the courtyard. The old man's eyes were looking at him, and his pupils suddenly changed.

Because the person looking at him had no injuries at all.

"You are"

Sun He spoke, but before he could finish his words, Li Wuxie raised his hand in front of him, clasped his five fingers,

Then he saw the space around Sun He suddenly collapse.

Rays of lightning shot out from the space, like a network of light, covering Sun He's body.

Wherever the lightning passed by, black traces appeared in the space.

An indescribable feeling of danger surged into Sun He's heart at this moment, and he suddenly retreated.

At that moment, it was as if the body was illusory.

Then, before the lightning that could tear apart space shrank into his body, he appeared at the entrance of the courtyard and dodged the blow.

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