The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1336: The Sword Demon, the Mage, the Great Emperor in the Future, and the Netherworld Inn’s

After the two talked for a while, Yuan Suiyun sent Qin Hongyi and Qin Hongyi away.

After sending Qin Hongyi away, Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and played with the supreme token left by Qin Hongyi in his hand.

The Netherworld Inn is not afraid of him, but of the dead and alive behind him.

"Although you are wrong, my back is stronger than the living and the dead. You made a good choice."

Su Chen said in his heart.

"But you were able to find me in Dajing Dynasty so quickly. It seems that you have intelligence agencies everywhere!"

Su Chen said in his heart,

He was teleported directly to the Great Jing Dynasty.

But it had only been a month since he arrived in the Dajing Dynasty.

In a month, he showed up very rarely, but people from the Netherworld Inn found him.

Of course, it was impossible for Netherworld Inn to determine his location through anything.

Because he had placed the token given to him by Qin Hongyi in the mall, and they could not locate the items in the mall.

Throw the token in your hand into the mall.

Good luck.

Su Chen is going to draw 2 purple lottery cards again, leaving 10 cards.

Click to open 2 lottery cards
[Obtained the body of the sword demon Dugu Qiufei and became the emperor of the next generation, and obtained the body of the magician Pangban and the emperor of the future. 】


Seeing this, Su Chen's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that this time he would obtain the status of one of the great emperors of Dugu Qiubai and Pang Ban.

This is so powerful,

Check it out immediately,

But after investigating, Su Chen's eyes narrowed,

The Emperor's Giant Body is actually different from the previous ones. After using it, the power on the body will be drained. After half a month, you will not be able to use your own Emperor's power. That is to say, once the Emperor's Giant Body is used, the two of them will not be able to use it within half a month. The strength can only be in the supreme realm.

"Where there is gain, there must be loss!"

Su Chen thought in his heart,

And here,

After Qin Hongyi took the person away, she quickly came to an attic next to a lake in the city.

In this attic,

A middle-aged man was standing, looking at the lake outside,

"It's done?"

This man is Luan Tiansheng, No. 1 among the five chief masters of Netherworld Inn.

"Chief Luan, Su Chen has accepted the gift and given the bloodlines that he took away earlier to me."

Qin Hongyi said,

"Tell me about the situation when you saw him!"

Luan Tiansheng asked.

Qin Hongyi immediately informed Chief Luan about seeing Su Chen.

After listening to Qin Hongyi's words, Mr. Luan waved his hand: "You go back to the Netherworld Inn first and hold the auction again as soon as possible!"


Qin Hongyi bowed and left,

After Qin Hongyi left.

A man appeared in the room. The man was tall, powerful and powerful. His skin was bronze. When his eyes opened and closed, electric light flowed like a sword, which was extremely intimidating.

"Then Su Chen is not worried at all that we will take action against him?"

Luan Tiansheng saw the man and said.

"I heard that Zhuanxu of the Zhuanxu clan had a fight with him, then left quickly, and then asked you to handle the rest. Even the royal family is afraid of him, so it's normal not to worry about us taking action!"

The tone of the middle-aged man who appeared showed no respect for the so-called royal family at all.

"This time you took this opportunity to destroy the Situ clan. The royal family has some objections to you, so you are a little anxious!"

The middle-aged man then said. "It doesn't matter if you have any objections to me. As long as they don't want to show up, they still need us to do things. This is a rare opportunity and we can't miss it."

"The Situ clan, the Gongsun clan, and the Yuchi clan are all loyal lackeys of the royal family. You and I previously supported Qin Tai to become the general master to restore our disadvantage in the general master meeting, but the Situ clan secretly sent people Kill him and let this loser Situ Shen take the position of chief commander. This time, with the help of Su Chen's incident, it will be very beneficial to us to make Qin Hongyi the chief commander!"

Luan Tiansheng said.

"It's just that Qin Hongyi's strength is too weak!"

The middle-aged man sighed,

"It doesn't matter if we are weak. If we can use Qin Hongyi to cooperate with Su Chen, then we will succeed."

"No matter what the royal family is, its strength is beyond the reach of you and me. Sometimes we need to rely on outside power!"

Luan Tiansheng said.

"I have investigated the dead and alive, and they are deeply involved. If we can avoid contact, it is best not to contact them!"

The middle-aged man then said.

"It's not time to get involved yet, and we haven't let anyone see the benefits yet. This auction will be completed by Qin Hongyi. In the future, Qin Hongyi can cooperate with Su Chen!"

"I believe that in the face of interests, any cooperation will appear!"

Luan Tiansheng said.

"In this case, let's go first. I have received news that the Yuchi clan and the Gongsun clan are in contact with several other people and want to turn the position of the five major masters into seven major masters to check and balance us. Once we let them succeed, we will be restricted again."

The middle-aged man said.

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Luan Tiansheng's eyes. After he became the chief master, he had always hoped to get the Netherworld Inn out of the control of the royal family.


After saying that, the figure disappeared into the room.

The middle-aged man also left.

in a cave

The First Evil Emperor is sitting on a blood pool. The blood energy in his body is constantly circulating, converging towards a place in the Dantian. The blood energy gathers and gradually condenses into a knife mark. This mark emerges, and an emperor Power emanates from it.

Seeing this sword mark appear, the first evil emperor showed a smile on his face. As long as this sword mark can be successfully condensed, he can step into the quasi-emperor level.

Only when he steps into the Quasi-Emperor can he have the opportunity to attack the Great Emperor realm, or even higher realms.

Just before the smile on his face spreads.

A magic pattern appeared on the sword seal. The magic pattern exuded a domineering aura. After it appeared on the sword seal, the sword seal immediately collapsed.


Immediately, the First Evil Emperor spurted out a mouthful of blood,

Open your eyes slowly.

"This demonic influence affects me in condensing the imperial seal runes!"

The First Evil Emperor frowned.

At this time, when he saw the dark sword body that Su Chen had traded and the introduction of the dark sword body, his face suddenly showed joy.

Just click on the dark blade body.

When he clicked it, his body suddenly began to change, and a dark force spread within his body.

The demonic patterns that appeared in his body before seemed to be absorbed by a huge suction force, and disappeared into his dantian in the blink of an eye. Not only in his dantian, but also in his mind, the blood in his body, and the demonic energy was absorbed by the body.

"This is my chance!"

The First Evil Emperor immediately began to condense the Emperor Seal of the Sword Dao,

The sword mark that appeared before appeared again, this time it was directly condensed,

When the imperial seal was successfully condensed, the blood in the blood pool below continued to gather towards his body.

The aura of the First Evil Emperor began to rise.

The quasi-emperor level suddenly passed and directly reached the half-step emperor level, but it was unable to reach the great emperor level.

"This is a breakthrough to the Half-Step Great Emperor. My sword will not be affected in any way from now on."

The First Evil Emperor opened his eyes, the light burst out from his eyes, and his body exuded a terrifying killing intent.

"Shenzhou, the ruins of the Origin God Dynasty appear, you come with me!"

When he was excited, the news came from Duanlang.

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