The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1341: Battle between the sea of ​​souls, Dugu seeks defeat with 1 against 2

Chapter 1341 The battle between the soul seas, Dugu Qiu defeated one against two
There was a violent wave in Zi Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness at this moment.

Dugu Qiubai and the imperial figure were facing each other in the sky.

Just now, he sensed a powerful soul force appearing here, so he immediately trapped Chen Quan with a sword formation. His mind left his body and appeared here to help An Shigeng block the opponent's blow.

"Strong kendo aura, who are you?"

The phantom of the emperor looked at Dugu Qiubai's soul and said.

He could feel an invisible sword intention from Dugu Qiubai's soul. The sword intention was powerful and had destructive fluctuations. There was no doubt that the person's sword skills were very strong.


Dugu Qiubei's eyes narrowed. When the phantom of the emperor spoke, he instantly felt an extremely terrifying aura, which was as vast as a mountain roaring and a tsunami, making a deafening sound.

His eyes were slightly focused, and the strength of the visitor was probably at the level of a giant among emperors.

"[Azure Dragon Club] Sword Master Dugu seeks defeat!"

Dugu Qiubai said.

Reporting your name is a sign of respect for the strong.

As he spoke, Dugu Qiubai's soul changed, and his aura changed. His whole body was like a supreme sword rising into the sky, with thousands of pores exuding the sword's intent.

At this moment, Dugu Qiubai exploded the power of his soul to the extreme.

"Dugu Qiubai, what a good name. I am from the country of origin, Zi Mingsheng, but I am from a royal family, and I don't seem to have any issues with the [Blue Dragon Society]. Why are you taking action against a child of my royal family!"

Seeing the changes in Dugu Qiubei's aura, the emperor's shadow said in a deep voice.

"It's not a festival, but he interfered with things that he shouldn't have interfered with, and touched my [Qinglong Club] affairs, so he is going to die, and you can't save him!"

Dugu Qiubai said coldly.

Although the aura on the opponent's body was unusual, it did not pose any special threat to him.

After hearing Dugu Qiubai's words, the body of the emperor's phantom began to change, reaching a height of ten thousand feet. A series of terrifying purple lights appeared all over his body, and the light illuminated the heaven and earth.

"If that's the case, then I'll kill you!"

The emperor's shadow shouted in his mouth, and countless purple energy suddenly burst out from his side. With a rumbling sound, the figure raised his hand and waved his huge purple palm towards Dugu Qiubai's body.

The power is huge and the divine power is overwhelming, turning Zi Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness upside down.

under these circumstances.

Murasakihara Chen's seven orifices in the hall began to bleed.

His soul was actually not enough to support the shadow of the emperor in his soul, and at this moment, the shadow of the emperor in the sea of ​​consciousness was still fighting against Dugu Qiubai.

That’s why this situation occurs,

His face was extremely ferocious, but his body was still standing. His hands wanted to hold his head, but he couldn't.

"Your real body is very strong, and the power of your soul is not weak, but after all, there is only a little soul here. Although it is a battle, it is a pity."

An iron sword appeared in Dugu Qiubai's hand, and he slashed out instantly.

Endless sword energy appeared and struck towards the palm of the emperor's phantom,

The sword light collided with the purple palm.

A terrifying torrent of energy erupted, but the sword light circulated, and the purple palm was chopped into pieces under the sword light.

After it was chopped into pieces, Dugu Qiubai's sword light slashed on the body of the emperor's phantom.Immediately, the body of the emperor's phantom was broken one after another, and each broken body brought endless purple energy. Facing Dugu Qiu's offensive, he seemed to have no power to fight back.


In this case, the emperor's shadow became angry, roared, and rose into the sky. Endless purple light erupted from all over the body. With a powerful move in his hand, the surrounding space shattered, and an extremely terrifying aura instantly broke out. Rushing down from the space channel.

One after another, extremely huge stars emerged in an instant, extremely huge, burning with blazing light, and with terrifying auras. They were summoned from another void by him with great means.

Countless stars immediately let out an ear-splitting roar and quickly blasted towards Dugu Qiubei's body.

Dugu Qiubei's eyes were cold, and he let out a heavy groan. The momentum in his body was infinitely condensed, and he swung the big iron sword in his hand, and suddenly swept it out.

call out!
A piercing roar of unparalleled sword light shattered the space, like a vast sea of ​​stars passing across the sky, carrying an immeasurable and unparalleled aura.

The falling stars are rapidly shattering and roaring.

The terrifying sword light passed through, almost splitting Zi Yuanchen's consciousness space in two, and the sky and the earth were filled with endless destructive aura.

It's hard to imagine how powerful this sword is.

Giving people the illusion that Murasakihara Chen's endless sea of ​​consciousness was divided into two.

The incredible blow from the emperor's shadow was cut away by Dugu Qiubei's sword.

The face of Emperor Xuying Zi Mingsheng changed, and all the power he unleashed was split in half by the opponent's sword.

"I didn't expect that when I exploded with the strongest power of this divine soul, I was cut away by your sword. It's really different for a strong swordsman!"

"Chen Quan, the soul is here to help me!"

Zi Mingsheng gave a low drink.

When he spoke, Dugu Qiubei's eyes condensed, and he felt something. He suddenly turned around and swept away. A ray of divine soul power appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. It turned out to be Chen Quan who was trapped by his sword formation. Suddenly, his eyes shot out. Cold sword light

"I originally asked you to live a little longer, but if you don't want it and you dare to appear in this soul, then I'll kill you first!"

Dugu Qiubai abandoned Zi Mingsheng and rushed towards Chen Quan quickly.

Chen Quan's soul is more complete than that of the emperor's shadow, so Dugu Qiubai must kill him first.


Chen Quan, who appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, did not expect that Dugu Qiubai would attack him. He made a decision immediately and without thinking, he raised his hand and clenched his palm into a fist. The power from all over his body poured into his fist crazily, and the momentum of his whole body was overwhelming. Climb infinitely higher.

It's like he transformed into an unparalleled boxing master in an instant


He shouted loudly and punched Dugu Qiubei hard, his fist like a sharp sword.

The extremely terrifying murderous intent surged out in an instant and penetrated directly towards Dugu Qiufei's body.

Dugu Qiubai shattered Chen Quan's murderous intention almost instantly. The big iron sword in his hand struck Chen Quanli directly with boundless terrifying momentum, as if it contained a whole world.

Chen Quan roared loudly, waved his fist and charged towards Dugu Qiubei.

"Thunder, Heavenly Fist!"

Chen Quan shouted, the lightning in his soul shone over his fist, and he pushed his combat power to the extreme, directly engaging in a fierce battle with Dugu Qiubai.

Dugu Qiubei's expression was cold and extremely terrifying. He swung the iron sword in his hand with unparalleled and terrifying momentum, and slashed straight at Chen Quan.

(End of this chapter)

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