The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1408 It’s the [Blue Dragon Society] again, the tyranny of the immortal god

Qin Wumo clenched his palm into a fist and punched out.

The fierce power that shatters the void is terrifying.


The falling hands shattered into pieces, and Qin Wumo's fist dissipated.

Qin Wumo's body trembled, and he looked at Ling Donglai with cold eyes: "It seems that you really want to be my enemy!"

"I also want what you want. We are already our enemy. What's more, if you attack my young master [Qinglong Club], you are also provoking me [Qinglong Club]."

Ling Donglai said calmly.

"That person is the young master of the [Blue Dragon Club]?"

Emperor Tianmu, the head of the Jiang family and others looked towards Su Chen.

"Isn't that boy with you? Isn't he your descendant?"

The dead man Ming Yuan looked at Granny Long and said.

"I don't know his identity either. I met him after I entered the ruins of the Origin God Dynasty. I felt destined, so I took him with me. I know he is the young master of the [Blue Dragon Society]." Granny Long said.

But I was also surprised in my heart.

"No wonder this kid doesn't have any sense of crisis. There are experts protecting him. He is just a man who has stepped into Wushang Emperor so easily. Call him Young Master."

"This [Blue Dragon Society] power is unimaginable!"

But here, Qin Wumo's face showed a solemn expression.

"I didn't expect someone like you to call someone else Young Master. It really makes me curious about what kind of force this [Blue Dragon Society] is."

He looked at Su Chen with sharp eyes.

"You don't need to ask what kind of force the [Blue Dragon Society] is!"

"I just heard a message from Mr. Ling, saying that you know where the immortal body is in the Ancient Palace of Stars. Tell me and I will let you go!"

Su Chen looked at Qin Wumo and said.

"You are crazy!"

"Do you think that if Ling Dong comes, he can keep me?"

Qin Wumo's face showed a terrifying and angry look, and the evil energy began to permeate his body.

Although Ling Donglai is strong, it is simply impossible to defeat him.

Although his strength has declined, he still has the confidence to be undefeated against the Supreme Emperor.


An extremely terrifying blood-colored light instantly rushed out from a crack in the void, carrying unimaginable fluctuations. It was incredibly fast, and it came up and struck Qin Wumo fiercely.

Looking closely, it was clearly a huge blood-colored magic knife, thousands of feet long, like a dazzling meteor.

Qin Wumo's expression changed when he saw the bloody magic sword slashing towards him.

Palm up.

Shot out.

The huge evil palm collided with the bloody magic sword.

Suddenly there was a deafening sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

In the end, the huge bloody magic knife was shattered, and Qin Wumo took a step back slightly in shock.

see this scene.

Everyone looked surprised.

Although the opponent was a sneak attack, the sword was able to shock Qin Wumo back a step.

It was just one step, which showed that the person coming was extremely powerful.

A figure with a stern face stepped out of the void. The figure was tall and curly, wearing an elegant outfit and a red cloak. He looked at Qin Wumo with cold eyes.

The energy and blood in his body are surging, vaguely affecting the changes in the surrounding void.

"who are you?"

Looking at the visitor, Qin Wumo's eyes were cold and stern.

This person is at the level of a giant among emperors, but the combat power he exudes is very strong.

"Young Master, it's an honor to give you the opportunity. As for you wanting to fight Mr. Ling, I don't think it's necessary!"

"Your strength has not been restored, so I will take you down. I am the Immortal God of the [Blue Dragon Society]."

The person's voice was rough and wild, and there was a terrifying fighting spirit in his eyes. "People from the Blue Dragon Club!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

One Ling Donglai is already shocking, and now there is another person. Although this person is a giant among the emperors, his energy and blood are extremely powerful.

He is not an ordinary giant in the emperor at all.

How come there are so many strong men in the Qinglong Club?

If it were not the ruins of the Origin Divine Dynasty.

They may not even know that there are so many powerful people in this [Qinglong Club].

"Young Master, [Qinglong Club] is [Qinglong Club] again"

Upon hearing this, Qin Wumo made a hoarse hoarse sound, evil energy flying around his body, his breath rumbling, and the space collapsed in pieces.

This [Qinglong Club] really bullied him too much.

Compared to Qin Wumo's anger, the Immortal God was filled with fighting spirit.

He needs to fight.

Although he can fight the Supreme Emperor when he uses Chi You's bloodline, he needs to be stronger.

Your own realm must be raised to the level of the supreme emperor.

"Although this person has strong energy and blood, he is only at the level of a giant in the emperor. Compared with Qin Wumo, he is probably far behind!"

"But you are lucky this time to meet such a big shot."

"Being able to mobilize such a powerful person, there will probably be a transcendent figure behind the young master of the Blue Dragon Society!"

An envious look appeared on Ming Yuan's deathly old face.

"This is my old lady's luck too!"

"But this person is impulsive. Qin Wumo has stepped into an evil existence. Although his strength has dropped, even the strongest among the emperor's giants cannot be his opponent at all!"

"Just now, he was only better at sneak attacks. He was able to make Qin Wumo move. I'm afraid he won't be able to block many moves in a real fight!"

Granny Long said in a deep voice.

"Master Jiang, you are an ancient family, do you have any records of this [Qinglong Club]?"

Emperor Tianmu looked at the head of the Jiang family and said.

The existence of a supreme emperor in itself is extremely frightening, and there is also such a powerful emperor giant. Such a power should not be unknown!

There must be something profound about it.

"I don't have any records of the [Qinglong Club] in the ancient books, but from now on, what we have to do is make good friends with the [Qinglong Club]. My little girl seems to be in this ruins, and I should let her get to know Mr. Su." host,"

The head of the Jiang family said.


Emperor Tian Mu's eyes were startled, he didn't expect that the other party would do this.

"Looking for death, looking for death!"

Qin Wumo was completely angered, and the evil energy in his body began to erode the space. He raised his palm and attacked the Immortal God with one palm.

The power of terror permeates the world.

The Immortal God snorted coldly. He didn't seem to notice Qin Wumo's anger at all. His eyes were very serious and he punched out.

The terrifying bloody energy filled his fist, colliding with the opponent's palm.

Between the two, the sound was deafening, and the space exploded into pieces, rumbling.

"Die, die!"

Qin Wumo himself had been imprisoned for countless years, and the hostility accumulated in him was already heavy. Now that he was provoked, the hostility and evil energy in his body merged, and it became even more powerful.

After a palm strike, his figure rushed out, and his palms kept slapping towards the Immortal God.

Every attack contained earth-shattering power, as if he was creating the world.

The people watching the battle all hurriedly backed away.

Afraid of being swept away by this force.

The Immortal God also rushed out and collided with the opponent.

The Immortal God is a ruthless man, with a lot of blood under his hands. In order to pursue power and immortality, he will not hesitate to kill anyone. Although he is called the Immortal God, it is more appropriate to call him a demon.

Such people are crazy. (End of chapter)

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