The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1410 The fate of the Purple Emperor reappears, one of the eight generals is Shen Luoyan

Chapter 1410 The fate of the Purple Emperor reappears, Shen Luoyan, one of the eight generals

Origin of the Divine Dynasty
In the underground palace.

The sitting Zi Diyuan looked at the four dolls in front of him.

Three of the four dolls have chains tied to their bodies, while the other chain is broken on the ground.

"I didn't expect that Qin Wumo from the Ancient Star Palace would be the first to escape, but I just didn't know if he would get the immortal heart and immortal body."

"If you get it! You should be able to completely restore the strength of the Supreme Emperor. In that case, you should be able to create a storm when you leave the Star Palace."

"This way, I can use this to expand the divine dynasty that I originated from!"

Zi Di Yuan looked at the puppet with broken chains and said.

Then his eyes looked at the body lying in the coffin.

"It's still a little slow. This body requires too little energy to raise its strength to the level of the Great Emperor!"

"If you haven't reached the Great Emperor realm and transformed into a dead person, you won't be able to break through to the next stage!"

Zi Diyuan's face became serious.

"It seems like that body should take some action!"

When speaking, his eyes were directed towards the top of his head.

in the palace.

The standing statue of Purple Emperor Yuan emits bright golden light.

The faces of the people sitting cross-legged in front of him were filled with joy when they saw this situation, and they all knelt down and worshiped in front of the statue.

In the bright light, cracks appeared on the statue.

A terrifying aura filled the air from the cracks.

In this breath, a figure wearing a golden dragon robe walked out.

The figure is also the Purple Emperor Yuan.

The moment he walked out, he opened his eyes, and two rays of light shot out, turning the entire palace into daylight.

in the void.

Two mottled shadows of meteors suddenly appeared. The shape of the meteors was actually [-]% similar to his eyes.

Two dark and mottled meteors slowly rotated in the void,

It emits an immeasurable force.

Pressing the space, it buzzed and made an overwhelming sound.

After a moment, the light in his eyes disappeared, and the changes between heaven and earth disappeared.

"Meet the Emperor!"

The five people in front of him paid their respects to the visitor at the same time.

"Open the military palaces in various places, sit in all directions of my originating dynasty, and tell the world that my originating dynasty will open various places with spiritual veins, so that entering forces can occupy them."

"Also, I want to be crowned king!"

"You will be the first five kings of my originating dynasty."

Zi Diyuan looked at the five people in front of him and said.

There were originally six people, but unfortunately there were only five.

After hearing Zi Diyuan's words, the five people kneeling below showed excitement on their faces.

Although it has been announced to the world before that the Origin Divine Dynasty officially appeared in China, it did not show its power.

Now that the major military palaces are opened, it represents the power of the Origin God Dynasty.

"Invite all forces from China, Tianzhou, and Zhongzhou to come and watch the ceremony, especially Shenwu Palace and Zhenwu Taoist Temple."

"There must be more warriors and forces entering my dynasty of origin. Only if they are on the site of my dynasty of origin can my body become stronger."

"Tiandu, you do this!"

Zi Diyuan looked at Zi Tiandu, the previous leader of the country of origin.

He only talked about the three states, and he didn't even care about the other outer states.
"Emperor, my subordinates will definitely get this done. I will go to Shenwu Palace first to pay my respects to Emperor Shenwu!"

Zi Tiandu bowed.

"How is the palace renovation going?"

Zi Diyuan then looked at Zi Mingsheng and said.

"Emperor, the renovation is almost completed!"

Zi Mingsheng hurriedly replied.

"The military palace is open. Please contact the eight generals regarding this matter!"

"You three, your cultivation has been almost consolidated recently. Go to the bloodline pool to evolve your bloodline and improve your strength. Especially you two, I want you to step into the emperor when you step out of the bloodline pool here. Giant level.”

Zi Diyuan looked at the two people who only had the strength of the top emperors and said.

"Yes!" The five people bowed and left the palace.

In the main hall, only Zi Di Yuan was left.

"The world has changed, but the divine dynasty from which I originated can still live another life."

The voice was low, but there was an edge to it.

The movement of the Origin God Dynasty attracted many people.

In the Ancient Palace of Stars.

one place

Li Chenzhou looked at the dark palace in front of him alone.

Now that the Origin Dynasty has been integrated into China, there is no space restriction, and he and the two old men who followed him were separated due to the previous space fluctuations.

The palace is surrounded by some towering ancient trees, which are lush and cover the sky.

Li Chenzhou walked toward the palace.

Although this palace felt dangerous, he would definitely go in now that he was here.

"Perhaps one of the eight palaces!"

Li Chenzhou thought first.

He was alert, but no danger appeared until he reached the palace gate.


Li Chenzhou's heart moved slightly.

Looking at the two big characters on the palace door plaque in front of me, Kan Palace.

"It's really one of the eight palaces. Kan Palace is hazy, shadowy, and gloomy. It's quite appropriate."

The door of the palace was wide open, but nothing could be seen inside. It was dark inside, swallowing up all the light.

Li Chenzhou walked towards the palace.

inside the palace.

The haze-like darkness began to dissipate when Li Chenzhou stepped into it.

became extremely bright.

But when the palace became brighter, Li Chenzhou's pupils suddenly shrank.
Because there are many clothed skeletons standing in this palace.

Judging from his robe, he was someone who had just arrived.

The flesh and blood on the skeleton has disappeared.

From the posture of the skeleton and the expression on the face, it can be seen that the other person was deprived of life in a state of panic and without any resistance.

Seeing this situation, Li Chenzhou was extremely vigilant.

His consciousness began to scan.

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold voice sounded in the palace.

Li Chenzhou's expression changed, but his consciousness was not in front and he could sense no one.

He looked in the direction of the sound.

But see.

Right in front of the palace, on a black seat, sat a woman wearing a black brocade robe.

The proportions of the woman's figure are extremely exaggerated, and her graceful curves do not hide her explosive power at all.

The exposed skin was as white as frost, and her face was extremely beautiful, with a scholarly air. But when Li Chenzhou looked over, his aura changed instantly.

Exuding a queen-like aura, she pressed towards Li Chenzhou.

Who is Li Chenzhou?

A person who relies on power, power and fists give him an unrivaled domineering aura.

When the opponent pressed over, the momentum from his body swarmed away like a tide, blocking the opponent's momentum.

"Who among the eight generals of the Origin God Dynasty are you?"

In order to take the initiative, Li Chenzhou spoke first.

Although the opponent's momentum was blocked by him, judging from the momentum that the opponent did not easily exude, it seemed that the person coming was extraordinary and he needed to take the initiative.

Only those who take the initiative can take the initiative above the situation.

"Hmm! It's interesting!"

The woman in black who was sitting upright looked at the aura exuded by Li Chenzhou, with a smile on her lips.

"I am Shen Luoyan, one of the eight generals of the Origin Divine Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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