On the second floor of the inn.

When Li Xunhuan and A Fei sat down, they heard someone talking downstairs.

"Do you know? The Origin Emperor took action today. It seems that he was fighting against the Shenwu Emperor. The shadow of the Shenwu Emperor was shattered."

One person said excitedly.


Li Xunhuan looked startled when he heard the news.

The Origin Emperor fought against the Shenwu Emperor.

The fight may be the phantom of Emperor Shenwu.

"You are wrong. We are not fighting against the Shenwu Emperor, but the Master of the Tianling Immortal Valley, the Holy Mother of the Tianling!"

"The Divine Mother of Heaven was defeated, the phantom of the Divine Martial Emperor appeared, and was shattered by the Origin Emperor!"

"It is estimated that Our Lady of the Holy Spirit was seriously injured that day!"

One person spoke.

Hear these people talking.

Li Xunhuan and A Fei couldn't help but look at each other.

“Brother, it’s not the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit we are saving, right?”

"The Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit actually fought against the Emperor of Origin. This Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit is very powerful!"

Some news about the Origin Emperor

Li Xunhuan already knew from Su Chen that the Origin Emperor Zi Diyuan definitely had the power of a supreme emperor.

And it is stronger than the ordinary supreme emperor.

"Why would the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit fight against the Emperor of Origin?"

Li Xunhuan thought in his mind.

"The notice is out!"

At this moment, a rough voice sounded outside the inn.

Then a burly figure walked in and quickly came to a place.

"There was a notice from the palace. The one who escaped today was really Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit. The notice said that Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit was seriously injured. Whoever captures Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit can become the Earl of the Origin God Dynasty."

The big man came in and said with excitement.

"What, becoming the earl of the Origin Dynasty, this is great news."

"If you can become the earl of the Origin Dynasty, you will be very successful. If so, the emperor will be at least as great as the Shenwu Emperor. He is the supreme emperor."

"A divine dynasty with a supreme emperor must be extremely powerful. The Divine Mother of Heaven is seriously injured. This is our chance!"

"But did the notice say where the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit will be?"

"If you leave the Origin God Dynasty, there will be no chance!"

"The notice says that Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit is seriously injured and cannot escape hundreds of miles around the Imperial City!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's find it quickly!"

A group of people left quickly.

"Take care of it and clear the memory of the female family members to avoid trouble!"

Li Xunhuan looked startled when he heard this and said to A Fei.

Originated in the imperial palace of the Divine Dynasty.

Zi Diyuan sat on the imperial chair, deep in thought between his brows.

"The manpower is still small. Although we have some high-end combat power, we still can't keep up with the follow-up. It's been so long, and the strength of those who have joined me is average."

He groaned softly.

The country of origin itself is a small country, and there is not much in the Supreme Realm.

And they were all sacrificed.

Purple Emperor Yuan initiated the resurrection of the Origin Dynasty, but only some of the main characters survived and could be revived.

There is still a shortage of other middle-level masters, supreme realm, quasi-emperors, great emperors, top emperors, and the origin of the divine dynasty.

But now the two people around him have been sent out, and the three of them are cultivating in secret.

There really is no one left.

He couldn't leave the imperial city in person to capture Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit, so he issued a notice asking people in the city to capture Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit.

As for why we captured the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit.

Because he wants Tianling Fairy Valley to surrender, and Tianling Holy Mother has some friendship with Emperor Shenwu and Holy Mother Tianling, maybe he can use this to attack Emperor Shenwu.

The Origin God Dynasty had just come out and needed a benchmark.The benchmark is the Shenwu Emperor, the most powerful person in the human race today.

In this case.

In the eyes of outsiders, his origin as an emperor was to suppress the existence of the current Shenwu Emperor. In that case, he would be able to attract more masters.


The pensive Origin Emperor Zi Di Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked towards the front of the palace.

a black light

He rushed into the palace instantly.

The person who came was dressed in black, holding a wide and long knife in his palm. The whole body exuded surging energy, and the energy was like the roar of the sea, sweeping across all directions.

It's just that when these energies get close to the Origin Emperor, they seem to stop for an instant and no longer move forward.

"The Origin Emperor, Qingzhou Jiuyan Lianhui Cave, the three cave masters, Lu Dao, come here this time and are willing to surrender and be loyal to the emperor!"

As he spoke, the man in black knelt down on one knee.

The Emperor of Origin looked at Lu Dao who was kneeling on one knee.

Eyes narrowed.

The surrender and allegiance Lu Dao was talking about was to himself, not to Jiuyan Lianhui Cave.
"You, Jiuyan Lianhui Cave, are as famous as the Heavenly Sword Saint Sect in Qingzhou. You are the third cave master of Jiuyan Lianhui Cave. You have an extraordinary status. Why do you think of being loyal to this emperor!"

The Origin Emperor looked at the other party and said.

"I am reporting to the Emperor and loyal to the Emperor because I want to be the cave master of the Jiuyan Lianhui Cave!"

Lu Dao replied.

He didn't hide his ambition at all.

This Lu Dao is the top emperor, and now the cave master of Jiuyan Lianhui Cave is a giant among emperors. The second cave master has been in seclusion for hundreds of years after he stepped into the top emperor. Rumor has it that he has also entered the imperial giant.

He, Lu Dao, wanted to become the master of the Jiuyan Lianhui Cave, so he had no choice but to seek refuge with others.

The Origin God Dynasty reappears.

It was his opportunity, so when others were still hesitating, he came to pledge his allegiance and show his ambition and

Warriors, without ambition, have no motivation.

Both power and martial arts realm are the product of ambition.

"This emperor gives you a chance!"

"The Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit was seriously injured by this emperor. Now her strength is very low. If you bring her back, I will accept your allegiance. I will help you take that step when the time comes, and I will also arrange people to help you take charge. Jiuyan returns to the cave!"

The Origin Emperor looked at Lu Daodao.

Hearing the words of the Origin Emperor, Lu Dao showed excitement on his face.

He thought he had taken the right step.

"Don't worry, Emperor, I will definitely bring back the Heavenly Holy Mother!"

After speaking, he stood up and bowed to exit the palace.

"He is a good person, but his qualifications are a bit poor. If you help me complete this matter, it would be good to spend some knowledge to help you take that step. This can also make those who are waiting and watching come to seek refuge with me!"

The Origin Emperor said in a deep voice.

another place

Su Chen received news from Li Xunhuan that they had arrived at the Imperial City of the Origin God Dynasty and had accidentally rescued the Virgin Mary of Tianling Fairy Valley.

"Why don't you give me this luck?"

Su Chen was a little envious.

This Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit is also a famous beauty in China. It is said that she has been practicing the magic of immortality in recent times. It is said that her whole body is full of fairy spirit.

"Young Master, where are we going now?"

Huanwan asked beside Su Chen.

Not long after Su Chen and the others came out.

The other two ancient lands have also been integrated into the Origin God Dynasty one after another. There are some restrictions on entering, and the dangers are much higher than before.

Today, only Taikoo Tiancheng is free from previous dangers and has no restrictions.

[The host's subordinate Duan Lang occupies the east and west of the four regions of the Ancient Heavenly City in the name of the human world, and is rewarded with 3 purple lottery cards. 】

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this.

Occupying the eastern region of Taikoo Tiancheng, how could Taikoo Tiancheng be divided into regions?
Su Chen was a little puzzled.

"Let's go to Tiangu Tiancheng!"

Su Chen wanted to know the changes in Taikoo Tiancheng.

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