The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1423 [Human World] The Branch Hall of the Ancient Heavenly City, the Temptation of the Beast

"Three days, you only have three days, if you don't solve Duanlang and the human world in the Taikoo Tiancheng in three days."

"Then the follow-up plan has nothing to do with our Pei family. Our Pei family will cooperate with the human world to open up that dimension."

"Of course, you promised to give me the Pei family's war map of hundreds of beasts, and I will hand it over today."

Pei Yuan said.

The reason why he asked Duanlang for three days before was actually to test this situation and provide some information to the Beast God Sect.

The Beast God Sect has a grudge against the human world, and they want to occupy the East City of the Ancient Heavenly City where the human world is now located.

Of course, their help from the Pei family was not in vain.

They need reward, and the reward is the Beast God Sect and the Hundred Beasts War Map.

"Don't worry, Mr. Pei. When I return, I will hand over the Hundred Beasts Battle Map to your Pei family!"

The old man said.

The chariot continued to move forward.

"That seems to be the Pei family's chariot. Does the Pei family want to cooperate with the human world?"

Some people couldn't help but speak when they saw Pei Mu on the chariot and some warriors on the street.

"What's so curious about this? Some Chinese aristocratic families, represented by the Pei family, occupy the West City, which borders the East City. It's normal for them to cooperate."

Some humanity.

"That's not the Pei family, but the Shenzhou family. In the world, it's just a little famous in the outer realm. Only Duanlang has gained some fame in the Ancient Celestial City and occupied this East City. But when you look at this East City, it doesn't occupy dimensional nodes like other forces. , control everything and collect the results of our victory!"

Someone said so.

"Do you want to exploit us like other forces in this world? You can go to other areas?"

A warrior spoke.

"That's not true. I just think that [the human world] may not have enough manpower. If this is the case, the Dongcheng that follows may not be the [human world]."

The warrior who spoke earlier said worriedly.

Compared to other places, Dongcheng is actually the most stable.

This is due to the prestige established by Cutting Waves and Killing, and also because it does not occupy dimensional nodes in the [human world].

"Let's find some dimensional nodes to enter as soon as possible to see if we can gain anything, so as not to cause problems in the human world and our gains will be greatly reduced."

Some people suggested,

Just then.

A terrifying figure appeared on the huge pavilion in the human world. The figure wore a mask on his face, but he was wearing a robe exclusive to the human world.

"Today, in the human world, the Taikoo Celestial City Branch Hall was established and started to recruit people. Those who enter my [human world] Taikoo Branch Hall can come and sign up!"

A low voice came from the figure.

"In the human world, the Taikoo branch is recruiting people. If there is such a good thing, let's sign up quickly."

Some people seemed very excited.

But some people are hesitant because they are worried about becoming cannon fodder [in the world].

On the Pei family's carriage leaving Dongcheng.

Pei Mu looked at the figure and the rich voice, and frowned slightly.

"How is this person's strength?"

he asked in a deep voice.

The eyes of the old man beside him were equally solemn.

"The robes he wears are not simple. They can isolate him from detection. If you want to know his strength, you can only test it."

The old man said in a deep voice.

"What do they mean? Is this what they are showing to my Pei family? Recruiting people by dividing the palace, this person really thinks that they can occupy the East City."

"This ancient heavenly city will inevitably be occupied by various forces in the future. All forces can only coexist. We, the aristocratic families, just want to take advantage of this early period to gain some benefits." "What's more, this place still belongs to the Origin Divine Dynasty. The region and the dynasty of origin will definitely control this."

"Yi Lao, but the person who appears may not be under the broken waves. It seems that we still need to test it!"

Pei Mu looked at the old man beside him and said.

"Indeed, as Mr. Pei said, it still needs to be tested!"

A jade talisman appeared in the palm of the old man beside him, and a seal formed on his palm poured into it.

The First Evil Emperor and Duan Lang sat side by side on the main chair in the hall.

The breath is flowing around the body.

To become a top emperor, he needs to constantly adjust his state of mind and his own martial arts.

of course!

When the First Evil Emperor entered the realm of the Origin God Dynasty, he still encountered some adventures.

In a dilapidated swordsmanship sect, he obtained a book called [Extreme Killing Swordsmanship].

He is integrating his sword skills into his own magic sword to increase his power.


Suddenly, Duan Lang, who was standing aside, looked at the door of the hall with cold eyes.

I saw black mist billowing at the entrance of the main hall, gradually dissipating to both sides.

A tall and burly figure walked out slowly, more than three meters tall, with a strong body and bulging muscles. He was dressed in black animal skin and had a cruel smile on his face. He was holding a head in his left hand.

The eyes above the head are wide-eyed, and the head is still staring at death!
It was the head of the person Duanlang had just sent out to investigate.

"Xue Yang!"

"Where are you from?"

Duan Lang looked at Xue Yang and said.

His eyes were extremely sharp, but there was no expression on his face.

This Xue Yang was the first person in the Taikoo Celestial City to seek refuge with him, and he even traveled through a dimensional space with him.

"Mr. Duan, I am from the Beast God Sect, and I will take our great elder to say hello to you!"

Xue Yang looked at Duan Lang and said.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you when you appear in front of me like this?"

Duan Lang looked at Xue Yang, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Mr. Duan, I am here this time because our great elder wants to see the strength of this powerful man next to you."

Xue Yang looked at the First Evil Emperor,

"See my strength? Well, your great elder has arrived, then I will go and meet him!"

The First Evil Emperor sensed something and disappeared into the hall.

At this moment, a layer of black mist appeared above the towering pavilion in the human world.

Along with the black fog, a terrifying cold air shrouded the place.

Within the pavilion
Duan Lang did not leave, but looked at Xue Yang: "I don't understand. Logically speaking, you have been following me for a while. Your Beast God Sect should not let you show up. After all, it is more beneficial to you to attack me secretly." ,"

"Mr. Duan, you are joking. Although I have taken refuge with you, based on what I have learned about you during this period, you will not believe anyone. I have no chance to sneak attack you."

"And I know that people from [the human world] should come one after another. For those of us, when the time comes, I believe that Mr. Duan will use another method to control us."

"Looking at Mr. Duan's expression just now, Mr. Duan has seen through it a long time ago. It's just that Mr. Duan didn't touch me. If he did, I would never be able to hide."

"So when I showed up and revealed my identity this time, I just wanted to find a way out for myself."

Xue Yang said.

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