The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1428 Nangong Ba of Shenwu Palace, the Origin of the Divine Dynasty’s 8 Generals, 1 Wen 9 Yua

"Situ Shen, I didn't expect that he also joined the Origin Dynasty and became a worshipper of the Origin Dynasty. This Situ Shen's strength has reached the top emperor level."

When some people heard Situ Shen's name, they all looked at Situ Shen.

Others looked horrified. They didn't know that Situ Shen was a powerful person at the top emperor level.

"The carriage doesn't seem to have stopped."

Others paid attention to the carriage that had not stopped yet.

"Hmph, are you trying to make enemies of my origin dynasty?"

Situ Shen, who spoke out, snorted coldly, his voice terrifying.

He believed that the carriage was most likely to contain the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit.


The sound fell.

The aura on his body exploded, and the terrifying power suddenly spread in a mighty force, directly thinking of A Fei and his carriage and rushing away.

A Fei, who was driving, had a cold look in his eyes.

The sword energy on his body exploded, and the terrifying sword energy rose into the sky. These sword energy instantly transformed into countless sword lights, and the enveloping aura was shattered.

"Are you trying to resist?"

Situ Shen's face showed excitement.

He also took advantage of this opportunity to show off his power by joining the Origin God Dynasty.

A battle ax appeared in his hand, and a fierce aura filled the air. As soon as his body moved, he was about to rush away.

inside the carriage,

The face of Holy Mother Tianling changed. She didn't expect to encounter such a thing just after leaving the city.

"Brother Li, if this continues, they will find me."

Upon seeing this, Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit spoke.

"It's okay, it's just speculation, as long as you don't show up, it's okay."

Li Xunhuan sensed the situation outside and said, but the expression on his face was very calm.

"When I was leaving the city just now, my escort was almost here. He is Nangong Ba from the Shenwu Palace. He is here. Brother Li can contact him and hand the carriage to him, so that we can escape!"

The Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit said.

"It's just the Origin God Dynasty, they can't do anything to me."

Li Xunhuan took a sip of wine and said.

three days.

Dugu Qiufei and the Immortal God have arrived at the Imperial City of the Origin God Dynasty.

They came here just to see the power of the Origin God Dynasty.

This will further make their [Qinglong Club] famous.

Although Ling Donglai stepped into the role of the Supreme Emperor in the ruins of the Ancient Palace of Stars, very little was known about his reputation, so he needed to be further known.

of course
The [Blue Dragon Club] is also preparing to establish a [Blue Dragon Club] base in the Imperial City of Yuanshen Dynasty.

The Origin God Dynasty was born, and there was a lot of movement.

The imperial city of the Origin God Dynasty will definitely become one of the key points for major forces to settle in.

[Qinglong Club] It is necessary to establish a stronghold here.


After hearing Li Xunhuan's words, the expression of Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit moved slightly.

Previously, she thought Li Xunhuan was a lone warrior type, but now she felt that he was not, because Li Xunhuan didn't pay much attention to the Origin Dynasty.

This made her a little curious.

"Situ Shen, this is my friend from Shenwu Palace, what do you want to do?"

Just then.

A deep voice sounded.

Following this sound, a figure appeared not far away.

The person who came was not very tall, but his eyes showed a sharp edge, and the aura on his body was filled. A huge figure burst out from the person who appeared, and headed towards Situ Shen who was about to take action.

Situ Shen, who was about to take action, was enveloped by this pressure and his body came to a halt.

His eyes looked at the figure that appeared.

Pupils constrict.

"Shenwu Palace, Nangong Ba!" "This is the dynasty of my origin. Is your Shenwu Palace provoking my dynasty of origin?"

Situ Shen said sharply.

Nangong Ba's strength is among the giants among emperors, and he is no match for him, but this is the Origin Dynasty, and he doesn't need to be afraid of Nangong Ba at all.

What's more, this made him even more certain that the person on the carriage was the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit.


Hearing Situ Shen's words, Nangong Ba snorted, just a cold snort.

A terrifying bloody aura shrouded Situ Shen like a demonic flame.

The blood flames surged into the sky.

Nangong Ba is a disciple of Emperor Shenwu, and he is also famous among Yuanzhong. He has killed countless ferocious beasts and demons, and he is also very powerful among the giants in the emperor.

This is also the reason why Emperor Shenwu notified Nangong Ba to come.

In fact, he arrived at the Imperial City of the Origin God Dynasty a day ago.

He wanted to contact Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit, but failed to do so. Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit just contacted him and was about to leave the city, so he came to pick up Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit.

I originally thought about just picking up someone and leaving.

But I didn't expect this to happen.

"Golden Glaze!"

At this moment, Guo Tao, who was behind Nangong Ba, suddenly stepped out, and a dazzling golden glazed light suddenly bloomed from his body. There was a clicking sound, and the space solidified, as if it had turned into gold, helping Nangong Ba resist the enveloping force. The breath of blood flames.

The terrifying pressure that Nangong Ba erupted began to be quickly offset, and the people around him suddenly felt relieved.

certainly!Even so, strong pressure is still spreading.

The people at the city gate quickly moved away, but when this coercion touched the Imperial City of the Origin God Dynasty, it was blocked by a forbidden formation.

Lu Dao's aura on the other side also exploded quickly.

A soaring sword intent erupted from his body, and together with the other two people, the aura of Nangong Ba,

He has surrendered to the Origin God Dynasty.

Then there is no way out.

And this is a time to show resolve.

"Guo Tao, Jiu Yan returned to Dong Lu Dao. I didn't expect you to join the Origin God Dynasty."

Nangong Ba looked at Lu Dao, his eyes slightly condensed.

Compared with Guo Tao, Situ Shen, these two casual cultivators, Lu Dao is different. They are the big forces in Qingzhou, and this move means a lot.

"Shenwu Palace, Nangong Ba, it is truly an honor for the Origin Divine Dynasty to come here. I, the general, will come to greet you on behalf of the emperor!"

Just then.

A cold voice came.

The void and the ground suddenly trembled, and a man wearing armor appeared on the wall of the imperial city.

The man in the armor was strong and strong, and his body was filled with lifeless energy. The deathly energy was filled with terrifying and murderous aura. As soon as he appeared, everyone within a hundred miles became desolate and frosty.

It was not a change in temperature, but a change in the mind. Looking at it, it was like seeing a god of death.

It makes people feel that their death is coming.

"I am one of the eight generals of the Origin God Dynasty, Wen Jiuyuan!"

The visitor simply announced his or her name.

One of the eight generals of the Origin Dynasty, Wen Jiuyuan, was originally supposed to be in charge of the Bagua Palace, but at this moment he appeared in the imperial city.

"You invite the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit in the carriage back to the palace. If you stop her, shoot and kill her. Nangong Ba will leave it to me!"

The voice was low, but filled with murderous intent.


Nangong Ba looked solemn at this moment.

He was locked by Wen Jiuyuan. If he took action, he would definitely be dragged down. He couldn't help but look in the direction of the carriage.

"Boy, hand over the man in the carriage or die!"

Situ Shen's face was filled with fierceness.

Nangong Ba was blocked, and Ah Fei couldn't stop him at all. After all, Ah Fei's strength was only at the level of the Great Emperor.

Can't stop him from attacking.

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