The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1439: The owner of Heavenly Sin, "Huai Kong", 1 Long Yuan's "Po Jun&quot

Sometimes, collaboration is the way to go.

The emergence of the Origin God Dynasty at this point in time must be a sign of something.

The Immortal God wanted to use this opportunity to contact the Origin Dynasty and understand what was going on, so he wanted to end this war, and he believed that the Origin Emperor would do the same.

It was indeed what he thought.

"Then I will be in the imperial city, waiting for everyone from the [Qinglong Club] to come."

The figure of the Origin Emperor disappeared on the city wall.

"This is the end."

Some people looked at this situation with a trace of confusion on their faces, thinking that a more intense battle would break out, but it ended like this, but think about it, the immortal god of the [Blue Dragon Society] stepped into the supreme Emperor.

A supreme emperor can completely end this fight.

If the fighting continues, more intense fighting may break out. In that case, it will be bad news for both sides.

However, the Origin God Dynasty lost a powerful person among the emperors, and its momentum was somewhat weakened.

"Mother of Heavenly Spirit, there should be no problem with your own safety. The two gentlemen and I will stay in the Imperial City of the Origin God for a while. Let's say goodbye. See you later."

Li Xunhuan said to the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit.

The matter has been resolved, and there is no need for him to send Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit away.

"Okay, thank you so much this time, Brother Li!"

Our Lady of Heavenly Spirit expressed thanks,

As long as the Origin Divine Dynasty doesn't attack her, she has no problem protecting herself.

After Li Xunhuan said goodbye to the Holy Mother of Heavenly Spirit, he entered the Imperial City of the Origin God Dynasty with Dugu Qiubai, the Immortal God, A Fei and others.

In the imperial city
inside the palace.

The Origin Emperor appears.

The moment he appeared, a figure came out of the darkness.

This figure was wearing powerful clothing and had a burly body. Half of the tattoos were exposed on his arms. It was a giant claw, and the giant claw was bloody.

"[Qinglong Club], it seems that the information your Fierce God Palace gave me before was not there?"

The Origin Emperor looked at the figure walking out and said.

"Emperor, the [Qinglong Society] appeared in Yuzhou before, and its power was average. Our Fierce God Palace only briefly recorded it and did not focus on it."

The visitor replied in a deep voice.

When he said this, his brows also furrowed.

"Emperor, are you going to let [Qinglonghui] go like this? Why don't your subordinates take action secretly?"

A man wearing a black robe and a stern expression walked in from outside the hall.

When the person who came in was talking, there was a cold light in his eyes, especially when five huge faces appeared behind him, each with different emotions, including smiles, sadness, and anger. There is resentment and laughter.

Happiness, anger, sorrow, joy and resentment are often spoken of in the world.

These five kinds of faces carry a trace of strange power, eroding people's souls.

The man from the Fierce God Palace lowered his head unconsciously, not daring to face this person. He was afraid that his soul would be eroded and controlled by the other party.

"No need for the time being. My birth this time will cause changes soon. Won't the [Blue Dragon Society] take over the mission? Maybe they can help us do something."

The Origin Emperor spoke.

This was also the reason why he didn't fight hard with the opponent.

The Supreme Emperor, a powerful giant among emperors, has a powerful fighting force that is currently stirring up the situation.

"Haven't you always been unable to take down the Zhenwu Temple? Didn't the people from the [Blue Dragon Society] enter the imperial city? You can contact them, pay them, and let them take action against the Zhenwu Temple."

“I’d love to see how far they can go.”

After hearing the words of Emperor Origin, the eyes of the sinister man appeared slightly: "Emperor, I will follow Ji Li to meet the people of the [Blue Dragon Club]."

"Okay!" The Origin Emperor waved his hand.

The two bowed and exited the palace.

After the two of them retreated, the Emperor of Origin spoke into the darkness: "Wen Shiyuan, go and take over, your brother's [Sky Thunder Army]."


At this time, a figure walked out from the darkness. The figure was wearing armor and holding a helmet in his hand. His face was somewhat similar to that of Wen Jiuyuan who had been killed before, but there was a strong killing intent between his eyebrows.

After the visitor bowed to accept the order, he put on his helmet and turned around to leave.

"[Qinglonghui], I didn't expect that I would encounter such a force as soon as I was born."

The Origin Emperor slowly sat on the imperial chair.

Taikoo Tiancheng.


[The Immortal God steps into the Supreme Emperor and is rewarded with 1 golden lottery card. The Immortal God, Li Xunhuan, and Dugu Qiubai’s Origin God become famous outside the imperial city and are rewarded with 9 purple lottery cards. 】

"The Immortal God steps into the Supreme Emperor. Now, [Qinglonghui] has two powerful Supreme Emperors, and there are also many giants among the emperors. After a while, Yan Fei should be able to break through. By then, there will be three Supreme Emperor, in this case, the strength should be enough, but the human world needs to be strengthened."

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Seeing that he got another lottery card, Su Chen's heart moved.

After all, it is useless to keep the lottery cards. It is better to take them out. In addition to the previous one, 1 purple lottery cards can be exchanged for 10 golden lottery card.

After the exchange was completed, Su Chen drew out all two golden lottery cards.

[Obtain the character "Huai Kong" who owns the natural sin, and obtain "Po Jun" who owns a dragon element. 】

"Two characters!"

Su Chen was slightly shocked when he saw the information appeared.

These two people are both characters in Fengyun No. [-] Middle School, and their strength is considered to be among the top ten.

In particular, Huai Kong is a man of extraordinary resoluteness, awe-inspiring justice, and a very kind-hearted man. In "The Wind and Cloud", he is truly a man who can be called a gentleman, and he has severely damaged Emperor Shitian.

As for breaking the army, Emperor Shitian
The characters from the golden lottery cards must be emperor-level, but I don’t know what their strength is.

After all, in Fengyun No. [-], the strength of these two people is not as good as Duan Lang who has eaten two Dragon Yuans.

But there is no way, Duanlang is the character drawn from the purple lottery card.

Su Chen checked the information of the two people.

[Huai Kong]: Martial Arts Breaking the Sky Yuan Shou, Condensing the Infinite Space, Iron Smelting Hand, the most powerful emperor among emperors, the best imperial weapon and heavenly sin, and the bloodline five elements celestial body.

"Well, I didn't expect that he has the strength of a giant among emperors, and also carries the heavenly sin of a top-grade imperial weapon!"

Su Chen was slightly surprised.

There was also a slight bit of envy in my heart. Except for the iron-smelting hand, Huai Kong had a special martial art called Ningwu Space. It used a special internal force to seal off a person's mental center, making them unable to hear, see or move, as if they were wandering in another space.

Only after three hours, the blue air on the forehead gradually fades, can the patient recover from paralysis.
[Pojun] Martial Arts: Punishment with ferocious aura, Sacrifice Seal, Prison Sword Jue, Ten Thousand Swords to the Emperor, etc., powerful, a giant among emperors, possessing the rare blue dragon bloodline.

"With the addition of two more powerful giants among the emperors, our strength in the human world will be strengthened."

Su Chen thought in his heart.

He himself was still thinking about how to increase his strength in the [human world].

Now that there are two more giants in the emperor, this problem can be temporarily solved.

Su Chen summoned the two of them.

At this banquet, he planned to take these two people there to show his strength in the [human world].

Have such strength.

He doesn’t want to occupy only one area of ​​Taikoo Tiancheng

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