this moment

Behind Su Chen.

A figure walked out, the aura surging around his body, and turned into a huge greedy wolf behind him.


Heaven and earth change color.

He held a long sword in his hand, and he slashed out instantly. The light of the sword ripped through the air. In an instant, he was in front of Pei Haori. The speed was so fast that it was shocking.

In this unforgettable moment, Pei Haori stood up and moved quickly on his toes. His whole body instantly moved in parallel and contrary to common sense, and he moved to the side with the people on his side.

The sword light suddenly landed on the spot where he had just been sitting.

At this moment, the document in front of him was wiped away by the sword light, leaving a huge trench on the ground where he was sitting, from which sword energy came out.


"Didn't take action to resist, but instead evaded. It seems that he wanted to let the Origin God Dynasty also take action. It's really a good calculation. I originally thought that people who cultivate the physical body are all the same? I didn't expect to have such a scheming mind."

Su Chen thought to himself as he looked at Pei Haori who was leading people to retreat.

His previous thought was that Pei Haori would directly block Po Jun's sword.

But I didn't expect that the other party would lead people to retreat.

"But it's a pity that no matter how deep your calculations are, it will be useless unless your strength can defeat Po Jun."

Su Chen snorted coldly in his heart.

The calculation was good, but so what, he didn't really care about [Origin Divine Dynasty].

If you want to protect yourself, you can only rely on Pei Haori's strength.

The whole place was silent.

As soon as Su Qingchen said harsh words, the people behind him took action. He really had no scruples and didn't take the Origin Divine Dynasty into his eyes at all.

Yan Lingtian, who was sitting at the table next to the case, had an angry flame in his eyes.

When he grasped his hand, the air was crushed.

"How dare he be so presumptuous? How dare he be so presumptuous?"

Yan Lingtian screamed in his heart, but he restrained himself and did not take action immediately.

"General, this [human world] is too presumptuous. They must be deprived of their power to control the East District and destroyed!"

Pei Haori's eyes became fierce.

The other party had no scruples in taking action, just to kill him.

Since his life is wanted, he will destroy the other party and also take advantage of it.

Asking Yan Lingtian for instructions is to use Yan Lingtian to destroy [the human world]. Of course, he must also show his worth.

At any time, strength is the most important part.

at this moment.

Pei Haori stepped out, and the turbulent air and blood in his body instantly gushes out like water from a bursting embankment, just like the sunset on earth!
Bang bang bang!
The energy and blood were like a stormy sea, violently beating towards the surroundings.

Everyone only felt a strong high temperature rushing towards their faces, as if their bodies were about to melt!
not good!

Everyone at the banquet was shocked.

Then quickly retreat and stay away from this jade platform
At this moment, the meridians on Pei Haori's figure seemed to be escaping from the body, like dragons and pythons coming out of the cage, wrapping around him, making him look like a terrifying physical powerhouse.

"The meridians enter the python and the dragon. The cultivation of this physical body is really extraordinary."

"With such physical strength, it is really surprising to become a giant among the emperors."

Su Chen himself also cultivates his physical body and can know that the opponent's physical body is now powerful.

Sitting on the seat, Yan Lingtian saw the explosion of power in Pei Haori, and his eyes moved slightly.

Weak first, then explode.

"Are you asking me to see your strength? Are you asking me to take action with you?"

What a good plan, then let me see your strength.

His eyes couldn't help but look at Su Chen.

He really wanted to see the change in Su Chen's face.

But Su Chen was still holding the wine glass and drinking the wine, as if he was savoring the aroma of the wine.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Look at the person who made the move.

Po Jun's sword was unsheathed behind him, and Greedy Wolf appeared behind him and landed on his body, merging with his sword intent.


The strong sword energy aura instantly rose into the sky!Almost all the clouds in the sky were shaken away.

"Such a strong sword spirit, Pei Haori, show me your value."

Yan Lingtian glanced at Pei Haori.

"I didn't expect to see such a battle while attending a banquet. I think it was worth coming this time!"

The Immortal Taoist Temple's Tianzhong Taoist narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured with a calm expression.

But in front of him, there was an air of energy that protected his documents from being disturbed by sword energy and blood energy.

At this time, the long sword in Po Jun's hand was slashed out.

The sword energy merged into one in mid-air.

This sword has a shocking sword light, almost like splitting the entire sky in half!
Facing Po Jun's sword, flames burst out in Pei Haori's eyes. He moved forward without retreating, and punched straight into the shocking sword light.

This punch was simple and unpretentious, nothing flashy at all, but it contained as much power as the red sun.

The fist is like the sun, rising in the east.

"Great sun, furnace!"

The sword light collided with the fist and shattered at the same time.

"I couldn't force it!"

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly.

Although Po Jun is not the main figure in the storm, his combat power is pretty good. From the previous confrontation, it can be seen that the opponent is very powerful.

At this time, Pei Haori roared, his energy and blood exploded, and the ground shook under the energy and blood, and then he charged towards Po Jun brazenly.

When Po Jun saw this, the eyes on his mask became extremely sharp and fierce.

The fists kept punching out.

For a moment, all I saw was the shadow of the fist bombarding Po Jun. The powerful shadow of the fist seemed to explode Po Jun.

Po Jun didn't move, and the long sword in his hand slashed continuously.

The fist shadows that erupted were as if destroyed by the long sword. One by one with one sword, all the falling fist shadows were chopped into pieces.

"You got Fooled!"

But at this moment, Pei Haori's figure had already arrived in front of Po Jun.

A ferocious smile appeared on his face.

For those who are physically strong, close combat is king.


How can it be compared.

He just broke out the fist shadow, actually just to bring his body closer to the opponent.

In this case, he can defeat the opponent.

A fist struck Po Jun's head.

Po Jun did not have any mood swings because of the other party's words and sudden appearance.

The sword light blocked the falling fist.

But at this moment, Pei Haori's other hand.

The fist seemed to be extremely fast, heading towards Po Jun's chest like a sharp sword.

It instantly penetrated Po Jun's chest.

"You dare to act rampant in front of me with such strength!"

Pei Haori's face was ferocious. Everything was as he expected. If it were a normal fight, he might not be able to get close so quickly. When the opponent blocked his fist, he shot with another fist.

Penetrate the opponent's body.

"give me!"

Pei Haori was about to explode with power and shatter Po Jun's body into pieces.

But at this moment, a sword light suddenly flew out from between the opponent's eyebrows and instantly penetrated into his head.

The long sword that had previously blocked his fist quickly passed through his neck.

Heads fly.

"You are not weak. It will be difficult to kill you head-on, but if you think you are right, you will be the one who dies!"

Po Jun's cold voice sounded in the manor.

Use yourself as bait, and then kill the opponent after he succeeds.

Be very hard on yourself.

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