Chapter 1451 The top emperor, good blood food

The place of spiritual origin.

Kuangtu Yan walked out of an underground space.

A terrifying force erupted from the body, shattering the surrounding space and forming a terrifying storm.

Not far away, Mrs. Yuan Xiang looked at Kuangzu Yan at the center of the storm, her beautiful eyes wrinkled,
"Having really devoured that dragon vein, is this a step into the realm of the Great Emperor?"

"No, this aura is much stronger than the powerful emperors in the clan? How is it possible to break through to the top emperor!"

Mrs. Yuanxiang didn't believe what she saw before her eyes.

Swallowing Dragon Vein can really step into the Great Emperor in one step.

Follow Kuangtu Yan here for a while.

She was completely impressed by the murderous and domineering aura of Yan Kuangtui.

Kuangtu Yan relied on one person to kill all the forces, monsters, ferocious beasts, and humans in the entire spiritual source land and completely surrendered.

After doing this, Kuangtu Yan actually entered the underground dragon vein and wanted to devour the underground dragon vein.

She tried her best to stop him, but she couldn't change Kuangtu Yan's determination.

But at this moment, Kuangtuo Yan appeared, and she could feel the tyrannical aura fluctuations on Kuangpu Yan's body. The opponent might have stepped into the top emperor level, and she was shocked in her heart. She just felt that Kuangpu Yan was too scary.

No one in the clan can compare with him.

Even the clan leader cannot compare with Kuangtu Yan.

Yan Kuangtu is a born dominator.

The person behind her was exactly the same as her, shocked, and there was also a sense of fanaticism in the shock.

Kuangtu Yan walked out of the storm.

The meridians were coiled around his body like a giant python, exuding extremely terrifying power.

When a person stands there, he feels like he can break the stars and control the world with his hands.

"See the helper!"

One after another, figures knelt down to Kuangtu Yan.

Even Mrs. Yuanxiang knelt down under this emotion.

"After today, the eastern part of Huangzhou can only belong to the power gang. Others are not allowed to lie on the bed or snore on it. You go out and make them surrender. Anyone who refuses will be killed."

"And I am from [Tianya Pavilion]."

Kuangtu Yan’s voice was loud and clear.

At this moment, he revealed his identity.

Announce Tianya Pavilion.

In the human world, the Qinglong Society has become famous.

Tianya Pavilion has not appeared, but now it is time to appear.

This matter will be done by Yan Kuangzi.

"Power Gang, Tianya Pavilion!"

Some people started shouting wildly.

The sound echoed in this place of spiritual origin.

Amid the frantic sound, Kuangtu Yan waved his hands and his voice paused.

At this moment, Kuangtu Yan's aura began to shrink.

"Kill! How arrogant."

"I originally thought something was going on here, but I didn't expect that someone was crazy and wanted to occupy the eastern part of this deserted state. Have you ever reported it to our Yunxiao Dao Sect?" "

A thin figure wearing Taoist robes appeared not far away, looking at Kuangtu Yan.

"Gang leader, this person is Xia Yunhe, the leader of Qinghe Temple, one of the three temples of Yunxiao Taoism in Huangzhou."

When Mrs. Yuan Xiang saw this figure, she immediately sent a message to Kuangtu Yan.

The Yunxiao Taoist Sect is the two dominant forces in Huangzhou. Taoism is the Taoism among Buddhas, and Buddhism is the Grotto Tianfo Temple.

They control the most resource-rich areas of the Barren State.

This Xia Yunhe is the master of one of the three temples of the Yunxiao Taoist Sect. He doesn't know how he can appear in a resource-poor place like the eastern part of Huangzhou.

"There is no owner in the eastern part of the deserted state. Why can't I, Kuang Yan, take over?"

Yan Kuangtu looked at Xia Yunhe and said coldly.

"From here on, this is my Yunxiao Dao Sect's territory. All forces must report to my Yunxiao Dao Sect."

"Well, your aura is unusual. Today I will give you a chance to surrender to my Yunxiao Dao Sect. Then I will leave this place to you!"

Xia Yunhe looked at Yan Kuangtu and said.

The Land of Spiritual Source appeared, and he came here to investigate, preparing to incorporate it into the area of ​​their Yunxiao Dao Sect.

I noticed a change in the aura here before, so I came to check, but I didn't expect to hear Kuang Yan's arrogant words.

Of course, he could sense that the aura of Kuangtu Yan was not simple, so he asked Kuangtu Yan to surrender to their Yunxiao Dao Sect.

The words fell.Xia Yunhe's skinny figure exuded a golden radiance, and his aura seemed to be connected with the heaven and the earth, giving people the feeling that he suddenly became towering and tall.

Vaguely, the Taoist rhyme lingering around it seemed to turn into countless stars, surrounding it, illusory and mysterious.

The unique skill of the Yunxiao Taoist Sect [The Great Law of Reflection by the Stars].

A technique that condenses stars with its own true energy. The more stars are condensed, the stronger the foundation and the stronger the strength.

The name is out, but the strength must also be shown.

"Gang leader, Xia Yunhe's strength is now rumored to be at the top emperor level!"

Mrs. Yuanxiang said through the message.

"You're just a top emperor, and you just want me, Yan Kuangpu, to surrender. I really don't know where you got the courage."

"Is it the Yunxiao Dao Sect behind you?"

Kuangtu Yan snorted coldly.

When he came out previously, he restrained his aura and compressed his strength to the level of the top emperor, but he has already stepped into the level of the giant among emperors.

"Looking for death, I give you a chance. If you don't want it, this punch will let you know what power is!!"

After hearing Kuangtu Yan's words, Xia Yunhe's face turned cold and he punched out.

Void chaos.

A huge golden fist seal crossed the sky, dazzling and fierce, filled with the most powerful power, showing a power that shook people's hearts.

This punch went straight, without fancy.

Such power!

Mrs. Yuan Xiang and others couldn't help but change their expressions, and there was a feeling in their hearts that they couldn't resist at all.

There is no doubt that under this punch, there is no possibility for them to survive. Under this punch, they may be turned into powder with one punch.

However, Yan Kuangtu's expression was calm and he also punched out in the same way.

Compared to Xia Yunhe's punch, the momentum was majestic.

Yan Kuangtu's punch was so simple that there was no smell of fireworks, it seemed to have washed away all the lead, and it was so plain as to be simple.

To deal with this punch, Kuangzu Yan didn't need to show too much domineering punching power.

A simple punch can kill him.

However, although it was simple, at the moment when this punch and the golden fist seal clashed, a fierce and terrifying power broke out, as if all the punches were concentrated on one point.


The fist seal was destroyed and shattered, and light rain splashed.

Although this moment of fighting was extremely fast, when it fell into the eyes of everyone present, it still made their hearts beat with fear and their bodies stiffened in shock.

Especially Mrs. Yuan Xiang, her jaw almost dropped and she was dumbfounded.

How could Kuangzu Yan's simple punch be so terrifying?

The blow was not over yet. Kuangtu Yan smashed the opponent's fist seal with one punch, and without losing any momentum, he fell straight towards Xia Yunhe!

"What a terrifying punch!"

Xia Yunhe's face changed slightly.

The power of this punch was so terrifying that he was unexpected.

But it was too late for him to hesitate.

The moment the fist came down, his expression was solemn, his eyes were filled with cold lightning, and a roaring sound suddenly sounded on his skinny figure.

A terrifying amount of true energy appeared around him, and the true energy exploded, condensing several giant shadows of stars.

"The stars break through the mountains and rivers!"

Xia Yunhe shouted low, and raised his right fist suddenly. The stars gathered with his fist, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and the nearby void air flow exploded and collapsed.

This is one of the fist moves in [Star Reflection Technique], and the punch is like falling stars.

But this fist collided with Kuangtu Yan's fist and still shattered.


Seeing this scene, Xia Yunhe's face changed drastically, and his body wanted to move, escape,

But Yan Kuangtu's fist had already landed on his body.

The fist penetrated his body.

Gurgling blood fell from his body.

"If you weren't the top emperor and your superior blood food could help me improve the strength of my men, I would crush you with one punch!"

Kuangtu Yan looked at Xia Yunhe Road.

Kuangtu Yan decided to imprison Xia Yunhe and use it as blood food to allow his subordinates to increase their strength.

After all, he has many demons and beasts under his command.

He used to kill ferocious beasts and demons, but now that the metaworld has changed, everything must be used by him.

(End of this chapter)

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