Chapter 1459 Yan Kuangtuo trampled a person to death

The Bagua picture appears.

The Taoist's face was horrified.

He felt that the power in his body was suppressed and drained towards the Bagua chart at his feet.

His consciousness searched the surroundings, but he found that he had entered an endless dark void.

The exploration is endless.

"Your Yunxiao Dao Sect is not very strong, but your tone is very strong. Today, I will let you stay in my endless treasure forever and become the nourishment here."

Wan Guizang's voice was calm but cold.

"Looking for death, looking for death!"

As soon as Wan Guizang's words fell down, the Taoist's expression became ferocious.

The other party actually wanted to use him as nourishment.

This is a great shame.

"True Yuan, Dao Heart, Reversal!"

The man roared and spurted out a mouthful of blood. The blood was black and strange.

When this black blood appears.

The Taoist's true essence began to change, turning black in the blink of an eye, exuding terrifying demonic power.

The injuries on his body began to recover quickly, and they healed in the blink of an eye.

Wan Guizang's eyes narrowed.

at this moment.

The sky and the earth were changing, the wind was howling, and the entire sky turned dark quickly visible to the naked eye.

Pieces of black lightning emerged without warning, densely packed, appearing above the man's head.

"All things, thunder, are destroyed!"

The Taoist continued to speak.

Black thunder fell like heavy rain.

Terrifying black thunder and lightning struck the Bagua Diagram and poured into the endless treasure that day.

The eight types of qi energy in the Bagua originally began to vibrate under the impact of this thunder and lightning, and there was a tendency of gradually disintegrating.

Wan Guizang frowned slightly.

He could feel the energy fluctuations around him, and it had completely affected Zhou Liuxu and Tian Wunzang.


Wan Guizang could not wait for the opponent's thunder to destroy all his skills.

So take action decisively.

"Kill me, and I'll kill you first. If you make me possessed, I'll kill you too!"

The Taoist let out a voice of resentment, and the demonic energy in his body surged, rolling up endless waves and forming black ripples, dispelling the surrounding oppression.

Then he slapped Wan Guizang with his palm.

Endless destructive power exploded in his palm, shattering the space and making a huge roar.

The furious Wan Guizangna's originally calm eyes shot out a bright divine light,

Without any hesitation, they slapped each other directly.

The extremely brilliant palm power came out from his palm and turned into a huge gray palm, which directly collided with that person's attack.

Unparalleled terrifying power instantly erupted between the two, and endless ripples of energy swept around, majestic and indescribable.


The Taoist roared, his voice was loud, his eyes were red, and his body became even darker. He seemed to be in a completely possessed state. He was even crazier than before. He rolled up endless black energy and quickly moved towards Wan Guizang. Culled over.

Wan Guizang's face darkened, he moved like lightning, and began to attack quickly, sending out beams of light one after another, with a bang, and he directly killed the Taoist.

The world turned upside down between the two in an instant.

"It's too terrifying. I didn't expect Lord Wan to actually force the people of Yunxiao Dao Sect to turn into demons. This is the last resort for some people in Yunxiao Dao Sect."

"However, the time for him to reverse his demonic state is limited. After a while, I am afraid he will be unable to die at the hands of Mr. Wan,"

Mrs. Yuanxiang looked horrified when she saw this scene.

"Junior sister, you go help Junior Brother Ming Yuan, and I will kill this Kuangyan disciple."

When Taoist Yu saw this that day, his expression was very bad, and he said to Taoist Qingyue who was not far away.

His eyes were staring at Kuangtu Yan.

"Let's go, you two are against me, no one can leave!"

An extremely terrifying aura erupted from Kuangtu Yan who spoke.

The breath is rolling, the surrounding air waves are rolling, crushing the surrounding space, and ripples are oscillating in all directions. "Kuaint Yan, I'm here to kill you!"

Seeing that Kuangtuo Yan was about to stop him, Daoist Tian Yu took the lead and struck out with one palm. The terrifying purple light formed a huge canopy and shrouded Kuangtuo Yan.


But Kuangtu Yan, with a violent aura, suddenly disappeared from the place, and appeared in front of Taoist Qingyue like a floating light or a flying shadow, slapping out his palm.

Although Taoist Qingyue was injured, she still had fighting strength, so Yan Kuangtui wanted to kill her first.

Facing this palm, Taoist Qingyue's expression changed, and a feeling of fear arose in his heart.

Without thinking, he quickly rose into the sky and quickly moved away from where he was.

But still too slow!

Kuangtu Yan's golden palm had already been slapped, and the place where the palm passed emitted a hissing white mist, sealing off the entire space around her. .

"Yan madman!"

Seeing this, Taoist Qingyue quickly and desperately launched a series of terrifying killing moves, heading towards the palm.

But it's all of no use.

The terrifying big hand passed through instantly.


Taoist Qingyue let out a scream.

The whole body was slapped hard on the ground by the big golden hand.

Blood was vomited wildly, and the bones all over the body were broken in many places. In some places, white bones pierced the skin and came out, stained with flesh and blood, and looked extremely miserable.

The body lay on the ground, panting feebly.

At this moment, Taoist Qingyue was temporarily unable to fight.

Some people couldn't believe their eyes when they saw this situation.

"Junior Sister!"

When Taoist Tianyu who took action saw this scene, his expression changed, and he turned around to save Taoist Qingyue.

"You better take care of yourself first!"

Yan Kuangtu, who took action, rushed directly towards Taoist Tianyu. He clenched his fist and turned into a fierce fist seal to bombard Taoist Tianyu.

The figure fell down, and Taoist Tianyu, who was about to save Taoist Qingyue, saw this and could only resist Yan Kuangtuo's attack first.

The palm of his hand shot out and collided with the fist mark.

But at this time, Kuangtu Yan, who had punched earlier, had already landed in front of Taoist Qingyue.

Steps lifted.

One foot down.

The injured Taoist Qingyue instantly turned into a ball of flesh and blood at Kuangtu Yan's feet.

Kill with one kick.

There is no pity.

Blood sprayed out and stained the clothes, revealing the cruelty of Yan Kuangtuo.

Then he looked at Taoist Tian Yu with sharp eyes.

"I'll kill you first, what do you think?"

Domineering tone.

"Junior Sister!"

Seeing this scene, Tian Yudaoren's expression became ferocious.

"I want you to die, Ziyuan Sky Lantern!"

That day Taoist Yu formed a seal on his palm.

A series of terrifying purple flame runes emerged from his palm, quickly condensing into a golden lamp that emitted purple light.


The purple light emitted by the purple golden lamp instantly shrouded Kuangtu Yan.

Sensing the power of the purple light, Yan Kuangtu's eyes narrowed.

He raised his palm and punched out to block the light falling towards him.

But some people around Kuangtu Yan showed fear and yelled after being enveloped by the purple light.

Their bodies are aging rapidly, their essence disappears, their flesh and blood disappears, and they turn into withered bones. Then the withered bones develop cracks, and the cracks turn into countless debris.

After these people disappeared, the purple light became bigger and bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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