"You're welcome, I just can't stand what Huanxi Tianfo Sect is doing!"

Su Chen said after coming back to his senses.

At this moment!
Wen Qingfan, the woman in purple skirt who had previously blocked Huanwan, quickly came to Monk Juexing and searched for it in the skin bag with her palm.

One stored the ring, and the other found the Buddhist Jade Butterfly in his chest.

"This is my young master's thing, and it's not yours to take!"

Huanwan looked at the woman in purple skirt and said coldly.

"We only want this jade butterfly, and we won't take anything else. This thing is very important to us, and we are willing to pay the price to exchange it with this young master!"

"Su Xin Sword Sect, Wen Qingfan!"

Wen Qingfan handed the ring in his hand to Hanhan, but Yudie did not.

"Buddhist Jade Butterfly, this seems to be pointing in a direction. Is the direction pointed by the Jade Butterfly the place where the Buddhist Glazed Heart is?"

"Buddhism's Glazed Heart, I also want it!"

"If you try to rob me, you may not be able to rob me!"

Su Chen looked at Wen Qingfan.

The False Divine Eye allows him to see something on the jade butterfly. Of course, this thing does not necessarily point to the Buddhist Glazed Heart. He is just testing it.

"Yes, this jade butterfly points to the Buddha's Glazed Heart. We came to intercept the Buddhist monk, and we also want to get this jade butterfly from his hands, so as to find the Buddhist Glazed Heart."

"But we are looking for the Buddhist Glazed Heart. We just want to use the Buddhist Glazed Heart to see if we can remove the Happy Heaven Buddha Seal in our bodies."

"If we can't, we won't want the things. If we can, after removing the Happy Heaven Buddha Seal from our bodies, we can also give the Buddha's Glazed Heart to the Young Master."

Wen Qingfan said quickly.

As soon as Hanhan took action, she felt that his combat power might not be weaker than hers.

What's more, as soon as Su Chen made a move, the treasure could stabilize his awareness.

Although the opponent's realm is very weak, they have the means to kill them.

"Didn't I just say that I can help you unlock the swastika marks on your bodies!"

Su Chen disliked the enslavement of women like Juexing and turned her into a forbidden existence.

"You really can!"

After hearing Su Chen's words, she, who originally wanted to ask Su Chen, showed joy on her face.

"Our young master, is there any benefit in lying to you?"

"Our young master just can't understand this matter."

Huanwan said at the side.

Hearing what Huanwen said, the faces of the women showed surprise.

"Sir, this is the seal of the Huanxi Tianfo Sect. If you help me unlock this seal, the Huanxi Tianfo Sect may be able to deal with you."

"You have helped us once, we can't harm you!"

At this time, the woman in purple skirt Wen Qingfan said.

Although Su Chen is unusual and has some background, Huanxi Tianfo Sect is one of the five major branches of Tianfo Origin.

They were close to the source of Tianfo and knew that Huanxi Tianfo Sect was powerful.

Once someone from the Huanxi Tianfo Sect is targeted, the entire family and the entire force will suffer.

The men became blood food, and the women became slaves for the people in their temples to collect.

Hearing Wen Qingfan say this.

The expressions of the women who followed her changed, even that Wen Zixin.

"Mr. Su, we don't want to implicate you. Give us the jade butterfly and we will go find the Buddhist Glazed Heart ourselves."

Wen Zixin also spoke.


“These people are really kind!”

Su Chen looked at Wen Zixin, who had resisted him before, and couldn't help but think.

"It's just the Huanxi Tianfo Sect. Even if the Tianfo origins, our young master can still offend!"

Huanwan said disdainfully from the side.

"Mr. Su, the origin of Heavenly Buddha spread among the outside world is only part of it. In fact, the origin of Heavenly Buddha is more terrifying and more powerful than what is reported from the outside world. I think even the Shenzhou Zhenwu Temple and the Shenwu Palace are not. I am willing to confront him!"

Wen Qingfan couldn't help but say. "Is he so strong? I really want to see it!"

"If they can kill me, let them do it. I don't mind killing more people who are happy with the Buddha Sect!"

"What's more, the swastika characters on your body may not be removed even if you get the Buddhist Glazed Heart, so you'd better let me help you remove them."

Su Chen doesn't mind helping kind people.

Of course, if this group of people had malicious intentions, Su Chen would not take action.

"You come first!"

A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Su Chen's body.

It instantly enveloped Wen Zixin, and at this moment, his eyes began to change, and false eyes appeared between his eyebrows.

The false divine eye can see through all restrictions,

In the final analysis, this swastika character is just a restriction.

When Su Chen's eyebrows appeared, Wen Zixin, who was suppressed by Su Chen, suddenly felt that everything about her seemed to be non-existent in front of Su Chen.

A trace of red could not help but appear on his face.

At this moment, in Su Chen's eyes, the swastika rune on Wen Zixin's body was completely revealed.

"Gradually eroding the soul, the fire of desire fills the inside. This Huanxi Tianfo Sect is so cruel!"

"This is to enslave him into a person filled with lust, for them to ravage at will."

Su Chen liked Tianfo Sect, and his senses were very bad.


It is not done by Buddhism at all.

Palm up.

He grabbed the node of the swastika character, and a suction force emerged in Su Chen's palm.

The swastika Buddhist text was gradually pulled out by the suction force of Su Chen's palm.


Seeing this scene, everyone felt nervous, with surprise in their eyes.

After grabbing the swastika, Su Chen grabbed it with his palm, and bang, the swastika was crushed by Su Chen.

The removal was very smooth.

But Su Chen felt it, and it consumed a lot of energy.

"The strength is still a bit weak. If I were in the Great Emperor realm, I wouldn't need to be like this at all."

It's just that Su Chen is still a little weak now.

The restriction on his body was broken by Su Chen.

Wen Zixin's body suddenly burst out with a soaring sword intent. Under this sword intent, her strength unexpectedly stepped into the quasi-emperor level.


"It seems that because of this Buddha Seal, the opponent's spirit, mind, and body were all suppressed. Now, once it is lifted, he can successfully break through to the quasi-emperor level,"

"Extraordinary talent!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

[Help Su Xin Sword Sect disciple Wen Zixin remove the Happy Heaven Buddha Seal and be rewarded with a purple lottery card! 】

At this time, Su Chen got the hint.

"You can get a reward for this too!"

Su Chen was overjoyed.

There are eleven or twelve people in this group? If everyone can get a purple lottery card, the harvest will be huge!

Here we see Su Chen breaking the restrictions on Wen Zixin.

Everyone looked happy.

Although Su Chen said it was okay before, they were still a little uneasy because they didn't see it. Now that they saw it, their faces showed joy.

They can get rid of this Buddhist mark.

They can be free.

(End of this chapter)

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