The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1469: The Buddhist glazed heart, the mighty dragon, subduing the dragon and subduing the tig

Just then.

A terrifying black demonic energy appeared in the ancient temple, and the demonic energy condensed into the lid of a magic jar.

The lid of the jar fell, and the demonic energy was bright and radiant, suppressing the Buddha's light.

"How can the devil cover the Buddha!"

"The true blood of ancient Buddha!"

Inside the ancient temple.

The temple looked small, but at the moment of the battle with Su Chen, the ancient temple was like a changing space, expanding infinitely.

Suppressed by the lid of the magic jar.

The golden Buddha shouted low and burst out with bright light. A big golden hand was raised towards the magic cap, trying to lift it up.


But at this moment, it was in Su Chen's eyes.

In the center of the Buddha's body, there was a drop of golden blood. The blood was so bright that it seemed to be still flowing. It was really unimaginable.

In other words, the fact that the Buddha's body still has power should be caused by this drop of essence and blood.

"The true blood of ancient Buddha?"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Buddhas existed in the age of gods and demons and in the age of immortals and evil.

Although they seemed inconspicuous in these two eras, they have always been recorded in the records.

It is as if this Buddha is independent from the outside world.

He punched out with his palm.

The violent fist fell on the Buddha's body. The golden blood in the center of the Buddha's body moved. The golden light of the Buddha's body grew larger, blocking Su Chen's punch.

And this time.

A golden palm swept towards him.

A swastika symbol appears in this palm.

"Those who kill Buddha will surely perish!"

A low voice came from the Buddha's body.

"Sinking, it has passed away. The remaining trace of blood and soul still wants to save me. Today, I will smash all these things."

"Black Water Pluto!"

Su Chen shouted lowly and continued to sacrifice a treasure.

Now he is using the power of the giant in the emperor. The opponent's body is unusual. If he wants to take down the opponent in a short time, Su Chen will have to use treasures.

Compared with others, the treasures in Su Chen's hands are not comparable to others, there are so many.

Black Water Pluto.

Black water filled the sky, and the Buddha's original bright Buddha light was confronting the lid of the magic jar. Now, endless black water poured in, and the Buddha's light on the Buddha's body was squeezed.

And the Buddhist text on the palm that was bombarded became flickering under the attack.

"This is the time!"

Su Chen's body suddenly moved at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, his figure appeared in front of the Buddha's body.

The palms of his hands stretched out like eagle talons.

The powerful force penetrated the golden body and appeared in front of the drop of golden blood.

"Get me out!"

He grabbed the drop of blood with his palm.

Then he grabbed it hard.

The moment the drop of blood was taken out, the originally dazzling Buddha's body dimmed instantly, and a moment later, it turned into the previous stone Buddha again.

At this moment, countless cracks appeared on the stone Buddha's body.

It looks mottled.

It seems like it will weather at any time.

[Obtain the ancient Buddha’s true blood and be rewarded with 3 purple lottery cards. Drop it on the Buddhist glazed Buddha heart to completely stimulate the Buddhist glazed heart.]

A message appeared in front of Su Chen.

"I didn't expect that the ancient Buddha's true blood would need to be dripped on the Buddhist glazed heart for the Buddhist glazed heart to be real."

Su Chen raised his hand and sucked the stone-like Buddhist glazed heart into his hand.

[Obtain the Buddhist Glazed Heart and reward 3 purple lottery cards. 】

Drop the ancient Buddha's true blood in your hand onto the Buddhist glazed heart.

The Buddhist glazed heart, which was originally very plain, emitted a golden luster at this moment, and made the sound of a beating heart.

As the beating of the heart intensified, the golden Buddha light shot into the sky.

And the ancient temple began to weather after the Buddha's light soared into the sky.


Su Chen hurriedly sent the Buddhist Glazed Heart to the system mall.

But the Buddha's Light should still attract many people just now.

"Let's go!" Su Chen appeared outside and shouted to everyone.

When everyone saw this, they quickly left with Su Chen.

In one place

The First Evil Emperor was the opponent of the Buddhist master, Ci Kuzheng, who had fought against him before.

not far from them.

Several more people showed up, two wearing Taoist robes and one wearing monk robes like Ci Ku.

"The Buddhist Glazed Heart was born. It seems that our people got the Buddhist Glazed Heart first."

The monk next to the man spoke.

His face showed joy.

"It seems that you are luring us here, so your Immortal Taoist Temple will use the same method. I just don't know if your Immortal Taoist Temple has also obtained the Immortal Source Spirit Tree."

Duan Lang looked at the man in Taoist robes.

"Probably not yet, but as long as you are involved here, the Immortal Source Spirit Tree must belong to our Immortal Taoist Temple."

The man said calmly.

"Really? People have gotten their things, don't you think they won't leave?"

Duanlang looked gloomy.

"Ci Hui, do you want to leave?"

The Taoist next to the monk looked at the monk who had a happy face before and said.

"This is our connection. Of course we won't leave. Don't you think this is the time for us to intercept and kill [the human world]?"

"We are happy about the revenge of the Buddha Sect, and we must avenge it today!"

Ci Hui looked at Duan Lang with cold eyes.

While he was speaking, he took a step forward, and a jade color appeared on his body.

Jade flesh and golden body.

He raised his palm and struck towards Duan Lang.

The huge Buddha palm, like holding up the sky, shrouds the broken waves, covering the sky and the sun.

"Well, taking the lead to take action is a bit unlike your method of rejoicing in the Buddhist sect!"

The burly Taoist looked at Ci Hui with surprise in his eyes.

"Senior brother, what are they?"

The Taoist beside him also didn't believe it.

"Wait before taking action, now we need time!"

The burly Taoist said in a deep voice.

"Well done! You died so early, so I'll help you and let you reach bliss as soon as possible!"

Duan Lang snorted coldly and twisted his neck.

Seeing the sky-holding Buddha palm crashing down, not only did he not dodge, but he faced it head on!

Just face it!
Taking one step forward, the boundless true energy in his body surged out like water from a bursting embankment, thunder erupted from the ground, and dragon scales emerged from his body.

Transform directly into a dragon.

Now that we are fighting, we will use our full strength.

The dragon's body covered the sky and the sun, and the world was dark. The huge dragon claw came out and collided with the Buddha's palm.


The golden body of subduing the dragon.

The moment the palms collided, a low shout came from Cihui's mouth.

The body also began to become huge.

On top of that huge body, golden dragons wrapped around the body, emitting a ferocious roar.

"The mighty heavenly dragon, subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger fist!"

Huici's palms shot out one after another.

The huge golden dragon roared out and flew towards Duanlang. After the golden dragon flew out, the giant Buddha's palm punched out.

The terrifying power shook the world, forming a terrifying fist shadow.

The shadow of the fist came out.

Duanlang, who transformed into a real dragon, suddenly felt that the power in his body was being suppressed.

Can't explode with full strength.

I was shocked!
But it can only be resisted first.

The protruding dragon claw collided with the golden dragon, and the huge fist shadow also burst out and followed.

The entire dragon body was sent flying backwards by the impact.

While flying upside down, his body turned into a human form in an instant, with astonishment in his eyes.

"What else can you do without a dragon body?"

Cihui's cold and stern voice echoed in Duanlang's ears.

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