The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1570: Sword masters rush to the Full Moon Canyon and the battle begins

"Situ Wuque!"

"I didn't expect that Changsheng Taoist Temple would send you here. Aren't they afraid that you will perish here?"

Taoist Yunmu raised his hand, and the Kanyu Tiantu returned to his body, and his eyes looked at Situ Wuque coldly.

"Situ Wuque!"

"This is Changsheng Taoist Temple Situ Wuque. Rumor has it that he is known as the person most likely to break through the Supreme Emperor in a hundred years. I didn't expect that Changsheng Taoist Temple would even send such a powerful person!"

"You're not holding back at all!"

Some people said with horrified expressions.

Others held their breaths and stared intently at the empty scene.

"How can you be afraid of falling as a warrior?"

"What's more, you really can't make me fall!"

"The Zhenwu Temple and the Changsheng Taoist Temple are originally from the same source. I will give you a chance to hand over the Kanyu Heaven Map to me. I will leave immediately with the people of the Changsheng Taoist Temple!"

"If not, then I can only kill you!"

Situ Wuque's tone was strong and threatening.

The purpose of his coming is to take away the Kanyu Heaven Map.

"Situ Wuque, do you think that I, the Zhenwu Temple, come here like this without any means?"

"You really underestimate my Zhenwu Temple!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Taoist Yunmu's eyes.



Situ Wuque, who had just spoken, frowned slightly, because there was a sound of swords between heaven and earth.


A terrifying sword energy shot straight into the sky.

A burly figure walked through the void, carrying the sound of swords, and walked step by step.

The wind and clouds in the world formed ripples in the sound of the sword.

The ripples turned into pressure and fell from the void. Suddenly, many people watching the battle on the mountains outside the Full Moon Canyon turned red and trembled all over.

They seemed unable to resist the pressure.

Of course, there are also some strong ones, who emit rays of energy to resist this pressure.

"Jin Yuan Dao!"

Some opened their mouths to identify each other.

At this moment, Situ Wuque raised his eyebrows.

"This person's sword skills are extraordinary and he is very famous. My mother-in-law can understand this person!"

Su Chen asked as he looked at Jin Yuandao who appeared.

"This man was from the same era as Situ Wuque and was very famous in China. He was defeated by Situ Wuque fifty years ago. After his wife died at the hands of Situ Wuque, he disappeared!"

"I didn't expect that the Zhenwu Temple would find this person. It seems that the Zhenwu Temple has a very deep plan this time."

Grandma Long said.

"I can still understand the defeat by Situ Wuque, but I am a little bit puzzled that my wife died at the hands of Situ Wuque!"

How could a normal battle between warriors involve family members?

Situ Wuque defeated this Jin Yuandao, so he shouldn't kill his wife.

"It is rumored that Jin Yuandao's wife was Situ Wuque's fiancée! Before marrying Situ Wuque, she had an affair with Jin Yuandao, so she died at the hands of Situ Wuque. As for the specific reason, I don't know, old lady. Know."

Grandma Long shook her head.

"Then it looks like the battle between these two will be exciting!"

Su Chen said.

While Su Chen and the others were talking, Feizhou moved forward quickly, passed through the confrontation, and appeared in the Full Moon Canyon.

"Guys, it's time to take action, please enter the Full Moon Canyon!"

The voice rang in everyone's ears.

It was Old Yan's voice.

"I won't say anything about your boy's safety. My wife is not even as safe as you!"

"But this matter involves too much, so you should be careful!"

"It's time for the old lady to take action!"

After saying that, Granny Long disappeared beside Su Chen.

"Young Master Yang, come and tell me this!" After Granny Long disappeared, Fairy Yunxue's voice rang in Su Chen's ears.

"Come on, let's go meet this Fairy Yunxue!"

Su Chen opened the door and headed towards Fairy Yunxue's room.

At this moment, many people came out of the room and headed towards the deck of the flying boat. When the battle broke out, they also wanted to take the opportunity to enter the Full Moon Canyon to find something.

It can’t come in vain.

Seeing Su Chen's figure, these people couldn't help but think of the situation when Su Chen took action, and unconsciously backed down.


Su Chen snorted coldly and headed towards Fairy Yunxue's room.

"Where is he going?"

"That's Fairy Yunxue's room!"

Some people's expressions changed when they saw Su Chen stopping at Fairy Yunxue's door.

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, Su Chen pushed the door open and entered the room.

"He, how could he enter Fairy Yunxue's room!"

Some people saw Su Chen pushing the door open and entering without being kicked out, which made everyone's eyes turn red. They never expected that Su Chen would contact Fairy Yunxue.

Even Li Yifan from the Zhenwu Temple looked at Su Chen as if something dear to him had been taken away, with a cold and murderous intent in his eyes.

There was a fragrance permeating the room. It was a very special fragrance, a kind of smell coming from the human body, which made Su Chen feel very comfortable.

"When I enter Fairy's room, many people outside seem to want to kill me!"

Su Chen looked at Fairy Yunxue and said.

"Brother Yang, are you still afraid of them? What's more, since you and I live in the same room, it seems that I am the one who is at the disadvantage."

Fairy Yunxue also changed her title at this time, from Mr. Yang to Brother Yang, and her tone of voice also became a little more intimate.

Su Chen looked outside the window.

At this moment, Jin Yuandao and Situ Wuque were still confronting each other, but their aura had reached the extreme, and it looked like they were about to take action.

"Aren't we going to the deck to watch the battle? Who do you think will win?"

Su Chen did not answer her words, but spoke.

"The battle begins, let's sneak into the Full Moon Canyon!"

“As for the outcome, it’s hard to predict!”

Fairy Yunxue said.


On the flying boat, ten figures appeared from the flying boat.

It was the ten immortals headed by Mr. Yan.

"Gui Wuying, in that battle, you and I couldn't decide the winner. Today, I'm going to crush you in the Full Moon Canyon!"


The one who spoke out was Mr. Yan.

As soon as he appeared, he headed directly towards Gui Wuying, the leader of the dead and alive.

At this moment, Yan Lao's body erupted with a soaring sword intent. The sword intent soared into the sky, and the whole world was shaken by this sword intent and trembled slightly.

This Mr. Yan is a swordsman, and his impact can shake the world when he makes a move.


He slashed towards Gui Wuying with a sword, not holding anything back at all and not saying much.

"Yan Wuyan, I also want to kill you!"


When Na Gui Wuying saw Mr. Yan take action directly, his face was solemn, but he also punched out, and his unparalleled iron-blooded fist intention also erupted like a volcano.

Gui Wuying uses fists.

A boxing master.

The Iron-Blooded Fist contained a sense of death, and its attacks were quite violent.

These two people took action one step ahead of the two people who were confronting Situ Wuque and Jin Yuandao.

boom! !

The two forces bombarded each other, causing the sun and moon to lose their light.

Mr. Yan's body trembled slightly, and he removed all the force that was coming from him. His movements with his feet were neither fast nor slow, but his figure was as fast as a ghost.

The long sword in his hand was swung, and every time the sword was thrust out, it was as if it was just right, pointing directly at the opponent's vital points.

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