The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1586 Immortal energy, Li Yifan’s trump card, secret puppet

"Half step to become an immortal! That means he has the aura of an immortal in his body!"

There was a hint of fire in Can Hanxiao's eyes beside him.

If she devours the remaining immortal aura on the opponent, her strength will inevitably increase.

He looked at Li Yifan, his eyes focused.

Although they are now in a cooperative relationship, they are also enemies.

Judging from the fluctuation of the breath just now, the ruins of the Immortal Realm of Truth have been fully revealed, and her cooperation with Li Yifan should be over.

"Strike first is the strongest!"

Can Hanxiao suddenly slapped his palm towards Li Yifan.

At this moment, Li Yifan seemed to have the same movement as Can Hanxiao. The long sword in his hand appeared and slashed out, and a sword light shot towards Can Hanxiao without hesitation.

Can Hanxiao, who had taken action, could only fight back and slap the opponent's sword light with his palm.

The palms surged vigorously, and the power collided.


The two figures retreated violently at the same time.

Just now they wanted each other's life at the same time.


As soon as Can Hanxiao stepped on the ground, powerful true energy suddenly surged out of his body. Like a storm, it swept through Can Hanxiao's body, vibrating so much that even the air buzzed, making it impossible for a sneak attack. Just kill the opponent head-on.

"Can Hanxiao, I didn't expect you to attack me so quickly, but I also have the same idea, kill you!"

Seeing the true energy erupting from Can Hanxiao's body, Li Yifan sneered sinisterly.

Immediately after he stepped forward, a true energy aura that was much more powerful than Can Han Xiaoshang suddenly exploded. The power directly suppressed Can Han Xiao's aura and kept retreating.

"Who among them will win!"

Su Chen who came over sent a message to Fairy Yunxue.

"Li Yifan!"

"His identity is not simple, he has very strong trump cards!"

Fairy Yunxue sent back a message.

"That woman is not simple either. I remember she was following the leader of the dead and alive in the Full Moon Canyon. It might not be easy for Li Yifan to kill her!"

"But to prevent accidents, I took the remains first!"

The two were fighting at the moment, and it was Su Chen who was taking the corpse.

"Don't be afraid, they will join forces to deal with you!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen, a little puzzled.

"Existing like ants, I don't need to mind!"

Su Chen said in a cold voice.

What he cares about now is the corpse, he will grab it first and then talk about it.

Anyway, they came here to send these two people on their way. Everyone has the trump card, it just depends on whose trump card is stronger.

Su Chen didn't believe that Li Yifan had a stronger trump card than him.

Of course, if there were, Li Yifan would have found them long ago.

After the words fell, Su Chen's figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of Fairy Yunxue.

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen with a slightly startled expression.

After the fusion of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth and the Yuan World, she discovered that Su Chen had changed and became more domineering than before.


In the blink of an eye, Su Chen's figure appeared next to the corpse, raising his hand to grab the corpse.

The two people who were fighting had been paying attention to the corpse and sensed Su Chen's aura. They were shocked, stopped at the same time, and quickly looked at the corpse.

I saw a figure standing there where the corpse was. Only the back could be seen. The back was very broad, and the palm of the hand was grasping the corpse. It looked very casual. There was a sharp aura about it, which made people feel like it at a glance. Feel that the other party is a powerful enemy.

For a moment, neither of them dared to take action, and could only watch as the other party grabbed the corpse in his hands.

[Obtain the Half-Step Immortal Corpse and reward 5 purple lottery tickets. Note: It can extract a stream of Immortal Qi, which can nourish the physical body and repair the hidden damage to the body caused by the physical improvement. 】

"Only half a golden lottery card?"

Su Chen was slightly disappointed, but it was normal to think about it.

Normally, the corpse of the immortal only gets 1 golden lottery card. This has not yet entered the corpse of the immortal. It would be good to get 5 purple lottery cards.

"The spirit of immortality!"

After this introduction, there was also a note that the corpse of this half-step immortal possesses an immortal energy that can be extracted to nourish the physical body. Su Chen's physical body has improved too much now, but his realm has not yet entered the realm of the great emperor. The difference is too big.

In this case, Su Chen cannot infinitely improve his physical body. He needs to nourish his physical body and raise his level a little. Only in this way can he continue to increase his physical body's strength.

"This thing is good!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Yang Chen!"

That's when.

Li Yifan, who confronted Can Hanxiao, recognized Su Chen's identity.

"Why are you here?"

He didn't calm down for a while, but then his expression turned ferocious.

"I was looking for you, but you still dare to show up and hand over the half-step immortal skeleton!"

"Incompetent barking!"

Su Chen snorted coldly.

The corpse of the immortal disappeared in the palm of his hand.

"Fairy Yunxue, I will kill Li Yifan if I leave it to you!"

Su Chen looked at one place and said.


After hearing Su Chen's words, Li Yifan and Can Hanxiao's expressions changed.

Especially when Han Canxiao saw this, he galloped towards another place at the same time.

"Li Yifan, you come and kill her, and I'll kill her!"

A low voice sounded in Su Chen's ears.

Li Yifan looked at Can Hanxiao who was leaving, and towards the place where the sound came from, but he only felt a wave of space fluctuations and did not find Fairy Yunxue.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

"It seems that my junior sister Yunxue has received a good inheritance!"

"But it's a pity that after I kill you, I'm going to find them. No matter what kind of inheritance, it belongs to me!"

Li Yifan looked at Su Chen and said calmly.

"Really? I really want to see what trump card you have that gives you such confidence!"

Su Chen looked at Li Yifan and said.

"Do you really want to see it? Then I'll let you see it!"

"Dark Puppet!"

Li Yifan shouted low, formed a seal with his palm, and pressed it directly on the ground.

A black rune appeared in the palm of the hand, and the rune was in contact with the ground. Vaguely, a dark and deep figure appeared from the rune.

Wearing a black robe, fair skin and cold eyes.

He held a long sword dripping with blood in his hand.

Su Chen's eyes changed slightly.

The aura of the figure that appeared was very strange. As soon as he appeared, his eyes were drawn uncontrollably.

It was as if there was a strange whirlpool there, pulling on Su Chen's mental power.

The opponent held a bloody long sword in his hand. The long sword was strange and sinister, and looked very strange.

When Su Chen looked over, there was an illusion in his eyes like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and there seemed to be countless ghosts vaguely waving their claws in front of his eyes.

"This is my trump card!"

"You didn't guess it!"

"This is a kind of humanoid puppet refined by my ancestor of the Li family. I have trained them since they were young, erased all their consciousness, and re-infused them with the resentful souls of thousands of years, so that they can continue to kill people, devour the souls and blood of other people, and make them Reach the state of selflessness and shorten their practice!”

"This puppet of mine has the strength of a giant among emperors!"

"This is why I dare to follow you into the ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth!"

"kill him!"

As Li Yifan spoke, he shouted.

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