The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1596: The Heavenly Sword is nameless, the sword is full of blood, shaking all directions

"Some ability!"

The Origin Emperor looked at the Zhenwu Black Turtle with a smile on his face.

Finally, he looked at Yuan Suiyun. Now only Yuan Suiyun and Ling Donglai had no opponents.

But Ling Donglai's opponent is him, so Yuan Suiyun hopes that the Golden Tiger Clan Princess can solve it.


When the Origin Emperor looked at it.

At the feet of the princess, a big man with a tiger head and body stepped out.

He stared at Yuan Suiyun with fierce eyes.

"The blood in you is very strong. If I swallow you, I will become stronger!"


The big man growled.

The low roar shook the world, the body began to change, the blood evil energy began to burn, and the whole person was surrounded by blood clouds.

A huge bone hammer appeared in his hand. The bone hammer was filled with blood, and vicious souls were floating on the bone hammer.


The bone mallet was raised, and it was smashed forward with a hammer. In an instant, countless ferocious auras surged out, like hailstones, and flooded Yuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun did not fight with him, but turned into an afterimage and disappeared in that area.


The energy surged, but it did not cause any harm to Yuan Suiyun.


One hit missed.

The big man with a tiger head and body roared low, and the huge roar formed a sound wave, which enveloped the area where Yuan Suiyun was. After the sound wave was emitted, his figure rushed out.

He wanted to block Yuan Suiyun, but Yuan Suiyun's speed was not comparable to his.

The two were fighting in pursuit, but his speed couldn't keep up with Yuan Suiyun.

"This Qinglong Club is at a disadvantage!"

"There are too many supreme emperors against us. I didn't expect that there would be so many supreme emperors in the Yuan world. We didn't even know it before!"

Some people looked at the terrifying battle in the void in front of them.

thinking in mind.

They didn't expect to see so many supreme emperors fighting this time.

"It seems like there are still two of them left, and those two are not simple!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen and said.

"Those two people don't count? The main thing is him!"

Su Chen's eyes fell on the Origin Emperor.

The Origin Emperor was previously surprised by Ling Donglai, but now he behaves very calmly.

The ability to make him so calm is probably his strength.

Although Ling Donglai's strength is about to surpass that of the Supreme Emperor, the Origin Emperor is the leader of the divine dynasty in recent times. I am afraid that his strength has recovered a lot, or that the other party has paid some price to be able to explode beyond the Supreme Emperor. strength.


Fairy Yunxue also looked at the Origin Emperor and frowned. She could not sense the specific power of the other party.

"No wait, get the boundary monument first!"

Su Chen suddenly said.


Hearing Su Chen's words, Fairy Yunxue looked slightly startled.

"Is there someone else here with Su Chen!"


As she was thinking about it, she instantly felt an extremely terrifying aura appearing in the void.

She looked up quickly.

I saw two bodies appearing above the boundary monument.

A man with a majestic body, dressed in white, and an unparalleled aura, like a supreme sword rising into the sky, with thousands of pores exuding the sword's intent.

The other one was wearing a gray robe and had a gentle body, but in her perception, the other person's sword energy was as high as the sky.

The auras of these two people are much greater than anyone else's.

The two people who appeared were Mu Yingxiong and Wuming.


Seeing the two people appearing, the Origin Emperor's expression changed.

The body wants to move.

At this time, Ling Donglai's aura exploded, and endless energy enveloped the Origin Emperor.

"Brother, I'll stop them! You go get the boundary monument and the Immortal Dragon Fruit!"

The nameless figure moved and appeared in front of the golden tiger clan princess in the blink of an eye. The sword energy on his body exploded, and the endless sword energy between heaven and earth suddenly condensed, transforming into a long sword, sealing off the surrounding areas.

Nine Heavens Sword Qi!

Using sword energy as a formation

Mu Yingxiong's body landed on the boundary monument at this moment.

The palm fell, and the terrifying sword energy instantly enveloped the boundary monument.

The power on the boundary monument instantly collapsed under his sword energy. "How dare you!"

The golden tiger clan princess said sternly.

The old man in rich clothes beside her moved his body and wanted to stop Mu Yingxiong from obtaining the boundary monument.

call out!call out!call out!

Right now.

Wuming took action, raised his palm, and the sword energy enveloped them. It exploded instantly, cutting through the space, and with extremely powerful waves, it attacked directly towards the old man in rich clothes and the princess.

Every sword light seemed to contain a terrifying cold energy, freezing everything around it and not giving the opponent a chance to move.

"This chill!"

The old man in gorgeous clothes was startled and ran wildly all the way. Suddenly he found a void node. Without thinking, he directly shattered the void and rushed in quickly.


Countless sword lights all rushed into the void.

The void shattered, and the body of the old man in gorgeous clothes rushed out again.

"Purple Gold Sky Tiger!"

Right now.

A purple-gold halo appeared on the princess wearing purple palace clothes, and a purple tiger emerged from the light.


The purple tiger roared, and terrifying power exploded.

The void instantly collapsed in front of the gorgeously dressed old man, swallowing up the sword energy that Wuming slashed out.

Wuming looked at the purple-clothed woman with a calm expression.

It’s not easy to just burst out of strength!

It can shatter his sword energy.


Su Chen looked at the purple-gold tiger and his eyes moved slightly.

I couldn't help but think about it.

What would it be like to tame such a tiger?

This woman traded with the Qinglonghui people, so it was normal for him to capture and enslave the other party.

"The ferocious beast clan, the pure-blood royal family, has an unusual status. They can burst out with different powers, and they are gifted with magical powers, which is very unusual!"

Fairy Yunxue said.

She thought Su Chen was sighing at the other party's burst of power.

"The sword is alive with blood!"

Wuming let out a low drink at this time.


Between heaven and earth, energy surged into bloody sword energy.

When these sword energies emerged, the world suddenly let out a mournful cry, as if it was a premonition of something.

The expressions of the richly dressed old man and the princess changed as they were enveloped by the bloody sword energy.

There was a look of horror on his face.

Sword Blood Floating Life is a unique and unique move based on the return of ten thousand swords to the sect, which combines the nameless thoughts of good and evil and the supreme swordsmanship.

This move was so powerful that when Wuming succeeded, the world would be unable to tolerate it. Therefore, Wuming swore that he would never use this move unless it was to eliminate demons and defend the Tao.

But in this world.

Anonymous but careless.

He just needs to burst out with great power.


"Heaven and earth scream!"

Fairy Yunxue's expression also changed with surprise.

She could feel the terror of this sword.

"Who is this person? Why is his sword so terrifying!"

"Sword Pavilion, Heavenly Sword Wuming!"

Su Chen said.

"Jiange is also a force?"

"But how do you know each other!"

She looked at Su Chen and asked with some confusion, but after asking, her heart also moved.

"They are also the people I invited. I am bound to win the boundary monument. No one can stop it!"

Su Chen said coldly.

He was confronting the Emperor of Origin with Ling Donglai, and he looked at Wuming and frowned.

"Who is this person?"

He looked at Ling Donglai and asked in a deep voice.

I want to know the identity of the visitor from Ling Donglai.

"Sword Pavilion, Heavenly Sword, Wuming!"

Ling Donglai looked at Wuming with a look.

This person is an absolute master of swordsmanship and a legend in the martial arts world, but his ending is a bit sadder than his.

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