The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1600 The Golden Tiger Emperor escaped with half a step and killed him with one sword

"These three breaths?"

Su Chen looked at the three soaring auras, and his heart condensed slightly.

The auras emanating from these three people are very strong, but they still seem to be a bit weak.

"How did that happen?"

Su Chen sighed in his heart.

According to his guess, they should have shown the strength to take that step by bursting out like this.

His eyes fell on the Origin Emperor.

"This Origin Emperor once stepped into the level of God. With the help of his burst of power, he should be able to surpass the Supreme Emperor in one step and have the power to transcend the realm, but in reality he does not."

Su Chen had some doubts in his heart.

After returning this time, he must investigate carefully.



On the golden tiger clan princess, the purple light above her head gathered more and more, and finally condensed together, forming a tall figure wearing a purple robe, with long eyebrows and long purple hair.

This figure is so majestic, standing high in the sky, as if suppressing the entire void.

There was golden light in the purple light around him, causing waves to appear in the void and pour into the void.

Able to swallow everything.

Seeing this figure, the people watching the battle felt chills all over their bodies, their heads lowered involuntarily, and they did not dare to look at the figure in purple robes.

"Golden Tiger Emperor!"

Gui Wuying, who was fighting with Li Wuxie, saw this scene and said.

Gui Wuying, the leader of the dead and alive, knew a lot, and he recognized the identity of the purple figure.

"Who touched my daughter!"

The majestic purple figure made a cold and stern voice, looking around, wanting to know who made his daughter use the trump card he left behind.

"Father, he wants to kill me!"

The princess in purple clothes looked at Wuming.

Wuming had just killed the old man in gorgeous clothes and overpowered her.

She wants to die without a name.

"Well, you, why have I never seen you before? You are not anyone I know well, who are you?"

The Golden Tiger Emperor looked at Wuming, with a hint of doubt on his majestic face.

But then his eyes became cold and stern: "No matter who you are, if you dare to offend our Golden Tiger Clan, you will die today!"

"Well, the soul is extraordinary!"

"Give you a chance to hand over your soul, and I can consider sparing you!"

The Golden Tiger Emperor observed Wuming and then said.

He sensed that Wuming's soul was unusual and asked Wuming to hand over his soul.

"It's just a clone that wants me to hand over my soul. Even if your true body comes here, you may not be able to do it."

Wuming's eyes became sharp and he stepped forward.

The tiger clan princess just summoned a clone, not her true body.

Judging from this avatar, the strength of the Golden Tiger Emperor should have taken that step and reached the realm of transcendence.

But that's only because his body has that kind of strength.

How could he, Wuming, not even be able to do anything about a clone?

The realm is the same.

Not even a single clone can be killed.

How could he take that step?


The Golden Tiger Emperor's eyes instantly became cold and indifferent, like a pair of sharp swords, looking directly at people's hearts and towards Wuming.

"It seems you are determined to seek death!"

"I'm not looking for death, but you are looking for death. Do you know what it means if you show up?"

Wuming said coldly.

"What does it mean?"

The Golden Tiger Emperor asked with focused eyes.

"Originally, your daughter might have had a glimmer of hope, but now that glimmer of hope is gone!"

"Purple tiger skin might be a good gift!"

The nameless voice said calmly.

"You!" When the man in purple robe heard this, his purple hair flew and his eyes became extremely cold.

Someone wanted to skin his daughter in front of him, how could he not be angry?


Right now.

The aura on Wuming's body also began to explode completely.

In his previous attack, although he killed a supreme emperor with one sword, he did not fully unleash his power.


The sword light shot into the sky.

The aura on his body also reached its peak at this moment.

A half-step to detachment.

"Let me kill your clone!"

Wuming shouted, raised his hand, and raised his sword.

The sword energy all over his body quickly condensed, and at this moment, a huge sword light condensed out.

The sword light that appeared merged with the long sword.

Transformed into a giant sword.

The giant sword reached the sky, unattainable. At this moment, everyone's hearts seemed to be weighed down by the huge mountain.

Lift your head hard.


The giant sword slashed hard at the body of the Golden Tiger Emperor.

With a bang, an unimaginable murderous intent penetrated the world and directly enveloped the body of the Golden Tiger Emperor.

The golden tiger emperor's eyes were shining brightly, and purple light surged all over his body, as if he had turned into a blazing purple sun, and his purple hair was dancing wildly.

He stretched out a pair of big hands, which quickly grew in size and transformed into terrifying huge tiger claws, covering the sky and the sun, with thick nails, and he clawed hard at the murderous intention that penetrated.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The whole world roared, shook violently, and began to shatter.

The long sword and tiger claws shattered into pieces at this moment, and the sword light shattered between heaven and earth, turning into light spots that did not dissipate for a while.

"Half-step to transcendence!"

"But it's only a half-step to transcendence. Before I take that step, my figure can still kill you!"

The cold and terrifying voice of the Golden Tiger Emperor came out.

Two huge claws carried a rich purple light, directly penetrating the space and pressing hard towards the area where Wuming was.

There was a loud bang, like the sky was falling apart.

The endless energy turbulence flooded directly towards Wuming.

Wuming's expression remained unchanged, and he let out a roar. The previously shattered sword light suddenly grew in size, and endless sword energy came out of it. It gathered in the void and fiercely enveloped those giant claws. .

There is a feeling of returning to the clan with ten thousand swords.

boom! boom!

The two giant claws of the Golden Tiger Emperor came up and pressed hard into the sword energy, causing the sword energy to shake violently and roar.

But at this moment, the sword energy rotated, forming a sword whirlpool. For a moment, the two giant claws were trapped in a quagmire. It was difficult to pull out the claws in a short period of time.

"This sword will kill you! Tianyuan sword energy, one sword pierces the void!"

At this moment, Wuming let out a low drink, and sword energy surged out of his body, merging with his body and the sword in his hand.


At this moment, a red light rushed out.


The crimson sword light pierced the Golden Tiger Emperor's body fiercely. Purple light flashed all over the Golden Tiger Emperor, but under the sword light, it was instantly shattered.

Finally, the sword light rushed through the opponent's body.



The Golden Tiger King looked at the sword hole on his body.

The roar from his mouth was simply unimaginable.

Who am I? How could someone penetrate my body? How could it be possible?

The Golden Tiger Emperor roared.

Use your palms hard to shatter the whirlpool of sword energy in front of you.

He grabbed at Wuming's body, trying to deliver the final blow.

It's just that he hasn't gotten close to Wuming yet.

In the sword cave, the sword light shattered, and the Golden Tiger Emperor's huge body shattered instantly like a cracked egg.

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