"Well, it heals so fast!"

Seeing the changes in the opponent's wounds, Mu Yingxiong's expression condensed.

"No, although the wound is healed, using this power is consuming your own life!"

Mu Yingxiong then sensed something and said coldly.

"As long as I can kill you!"

Elder Mu from the Zhenwu Temple looked at Mu Yingxiong with cold eyes.

Now at this point, I can no longer stop.

He must get the boundary monument and the Immortal Dragon Fruit from Mu Yingxiong's hands.


The old man Mu moved and appeared above Mu Yingxiong in the blink of an eye. The sword in his hand slashed at Mu Yingxiong with a terrifying evil aura.


Mu Yingxiong raised his sword and collided with the opponent's long sword.

"You got Fooled!"

"Tianxie, sword formation!"

The moment the two swords collided, Mr. Mu snorted coldly and separated the sword from his hand.

The body collapsed.

Palm shot out.

The terrifying evil energy shot out from the palm of his hand and converged towards Mu Yingxiong, forming an extremely huge whirlpool of evil energy in front of him.


At this moment, the long sword that flew out earlier shattered into pieces, merged with the whirlpool of evil energy, and enveloped Mu Yingxiong.


Mu Yingxiong's sword energy surged out from all over his body and rushed towards the vortex of evil energy, but it did not cause the slightest fluctuation in the vortex of evil energy. It looked like he had been thrown into a bottomless pit and disappeared directly into it.

Mu Yingxiong looked at the rotating whirlpool of evil energy, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

"I can't attack you head-on, so I can only ask you to be buried under this sword formation!"

Mr. Mu stood above the whirlpool of evil energy, his eyes cold and stern.

He had already tested Mu Yingxiong's strength in previous fights. Even if he unleashed all his strength, he might not be able to kill Mu Yingxiong, so he had to use the sword formation to kill Mu Yingxiong.

The voice fell

The evil energy in him began to flow towards the sword array.

This moment.

The evil power that had previously surged out of his body began to peel away.

At this moment, the old man Mu's face became older, and the life force in his body was rapidly drained.

"With a power close to transcendence, I don't believe you can survive!"

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Mr. Mu's mouth.


When all the evil energy in him poured into the vortex.

The whirlpool of evil energy began to spin crazily, and the sword energy that had previously shattered the long sword circulated rapidly within it.

One time

The terrifying aura of murder permeated the heaven and earth,


Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the sword array arranged by Mr. Mu of the Zhenwu Temple. He could vaguely sense the terrifying murderous intent in it.


The moment Su Chen's eyes fell on him.

In the whirlpool of evil energy, the sword light circulated and attacked Mu Yingxiong intensively.

Jian Gang!

Mu Yingxiong shouted, and a golden sword appeared in front of him.

However, under the dense and fierce evil sword intent, the golden light on Mu Yingxiong's sword gradually dimmed, and then shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Young Master, if this continues, Mr. Mu may ask his subordinates to attack and break the sword formation from outside."

Yuan Suiyun, who was beside Su Chen, saw this and said.

No matter how strong the sword energy in Mu Yingxiong's body was, it could not withstand the consumption of this sword formation.

"I didn't expect that Elder Mu from the Zhenwu Temple could have such a skill!"

Su Chen frowned slightly, ready to agree to Yuan Suiyun's move. ,

"My lord, there is no need to take action. I want to see if the power of this sword can kill me!"

Mu Yingxiong sent a message to Su Chen.

"Mr. Mu wants to deal with it by himself!"

Su Chen shook his head at Yuan Suiyun.


Mu Yingxiong resisted the evil sword rain, and suddenly a shocking sword energy burst out from his body. The sword energy surged and turned into a terrifying giant sword.

The solid sword energy surrounding the giant sword shattered the dense evil energy falling down from the sword.

"What a terrifying sword intent!"

Although Mu Yingxiong was in the sword formation, everyone could still feel the terrifying sword intent emanating from Mu Yingxiong. "this!"

Sensing the power of this sword intent, the eyes of Mr. Mu from the Zhenwu Temple became ferocious and he let out a low drink.

"Unite and kill!"

Close your palms!

The sword energy within the sword array quickly gathered together to form a huge evil sword.


He was the first to kill Mu Yingxiong.

Mu Yingxiong's condensed giant sword also slashed out instantly.

The two forces collided, and the terrifying sword energy swept around. For a moment, the terrifying sword energy obscured everyone's eyes.

When this power dissipates.

Mu Yingxiong stood there.

A bloodstain appeared on his body, and blood flowed from the bloodstain.

And on the other side.

Elder Mu from the Zhenwu Temple spat out a mouthful of blood, placed his palms on the ground, and looked at Mu Yingxiong.

"I didn't expect that even with all my strength, I couldn't kill you!"

"Your strength is beyond imagination!"

After saying this, Old Mu's body fell to the ground.

With one final blow, he spent his life.

The moment his body fell to the ground, a black flame appeared on his body. The flames quickly burned his body, and then turned into a ball of light and disappeared into the void.

Extremely fast.

It makes people unresponsive.

"It's not a soul escaping, but a force!"

Seeing the disappearing light, Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

"That black flame swallowed up the last of this man's energy and energy! It seems that this is the price he paid for using this evil power!"

Mu Yingxiong sent a message to Su Chen.


Just when the battle here ends.

Zhan stood in the void, and cracks appeared on Zi Diyuan's body.

Ling Donglai, who was not far in front of him, spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Eyes open.

"The soul and body are connected as one!"

"When the soul is destroyed, the body is also destroyed?"

Ling Donglai looked at the dead body of Emperor Origin and murmured.

"You are very strong, maybe we can cooperate again!"

The emperor looked at Ling Donglai and said as cracks appeared in his body.

After saying that, his body turned into fragmented light spots and disappeared.

When the light dissipated, a rune appeared in the hand of Gui Wuying, who was confronting Li Wuxie, and he crushed it directly. His whole body turned into a black mist and disappeared in front of everyone.

This time.

Except for [Blue Dragon Club] and [Jiange], the others are losers.

[Ruins of the Immortal Dynasty of Truth, Sword Pavilion, Qinglonghui, killed many Wushang Emperors, shocked the world, and rewarded 2 golden lottery cards]

At this time, Su Chen got the hint.

2 golden lottery cards were awarded.

"Didn't you expect to be waiting for me here?"

Su Chen thought to himself.

In this case, he has 3 more golden draw cards on his side.


Some spectators quickly evacuated. The boundary monument and the Immortal Dragon Fruit had been obtained by others, and they could not snatch them away at all.

So they can only explore the Immortal Dynasty of Truth to see if they can find other treasures.

The figure disappeared quickly.

Wu Ming, Mu Yingxiong and others also bowed slightly to Su Chen and then left.

The ruins of the Truth Immortal Dynasty are very large, and they need to find a place to cultivate and consume themselves before continuing to investigate. (End of chapter)

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