The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1605: Human Race’s Ambition, Road to the Starry Sky


"You came to see my joke!"

The Golden Tiger Emperor snorted coldly when he saw the figure appearing.

"How could it be? I came to you this time because the Demon Council wants to cooperate with the Temple of Sacrifice. As one of the five giants, of course I have to inform you and discuss it together."

The figure spoke.

"The Demon Council wants to cooperate with our Sacrifice Temple. What do they want to do?"

"Nowadays, ruins continue to appear, the Yuan world is constantly changing, and we have set foot in the human realm. What else do they want?"

The Golden Tiger Emperor said in a deep voice.

"They wanted more! That's why they contacted us!"

The black shadow spoke again.

"I want more, how is it possible? The people on the human side have been planning for so many eras just to expand the Yuan world, and they have never been able to get rid of any trials!"

"To allow the human race to step into the starry sky, if the demon council gang is unscrupulous, I am afraid it will attract the actions of the old monsters from the human race hiding behind!"

The Golden Tiger Emperor said coldly.

"Are you so afraid of those old human monsters? If we swallow some of them, our strength will be able to go one step further!"

"They killed our daughter today!"

At this moment.

A woman wearing a blue glazed dress walked in from outside the cave entrance.

The woman's face was similar to that of the princess of the Golden Tiger Clan who was killed earlier.

His face was covered with frost.

There was murderous intent and hatred in his eyes.

This person is the wife of the Golden Tiger Emperor, a member of the Zhong clan of the Golden Tiger Clan, Zhong Mingyan, and her cultivation is in the realm of the Supreme Emperor.

"The person who took action is not familiar at all. He may be a new figure in this era of human race!"

"Also, the [Sword Pavilion] and [Blue Dragon Society] they mentioned did not appear in the last era. I'm afraid things are not as simple as you think!"

"Your strength is about the same as Zi Xi's. You can't block that nameless sword!"

The Golden Tiger Emperor said in a deep voice.

"Why don't we avenge this revenge? Xi'er is one of the three pure bloods among your descendants!"

Zhong Mingyan looked at the Golden Tiger Emperor and said.

"I want revenge, but I want to determine what kind of force this sword pavilion is!"

At this time, the figure in the darkness spoke.

"You are all so afraid of just killing a Jiange person. You have lost all the power of our ferocious beast clan!"

Zhong Mingyan looked at the two of them and said coldly.

"Those people from the human race are lunatics, they are pursuing something different from us!"

"Once they go crazy, they will cut off our path!"

The figure in the dark sighed.

"What should I do?"

Zhong Mingyan said.

"Leave it to me to handle Wuming's affairs in Jiange. There are many differences among the human race. Maybe we can kill Wuming without our own action!"

The man in black thought for a moment and then said.

"Help me solve it. What do you want?"

The Golden Tiger Emperor looked at the black shadow and said.

"This time in the Demon Council, I want you to agree with me!"

The black shadow said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

The Golden Tiger Emperor agreed directly.

After the Golden Tiger Emperor agreed, the black figure slowly disappeared.

"You need to be careful when cooperating with him!"

Zhong Mingyan looked at the Tiger Emperor and said in a deep voice.

"This era is probably different from the previous ones. The human race has been fighting within the three eras. Although it is a fight, during the fight, strong people continue to emerge."

"This era suppresses the human race, allowing the human race to be killed by our ferocious beasts and demons, stimulating the human race's fighting spirit, and cultivating many strong men with tough hearts."

"Judging from the current situation, the human race is preparing to expose all the previously discovered secret ruins in this era!" "It is estimated that they are ready. In this era, they will no longer become trial disciples, but prepare to step into the starry sky on their own. road!"

"In this case, I'm going to need some allies, too."

The Golden Tiger Emperor said in a deep voice.

"The human race has great ambitions to step into the starry sky, but it's a pity that it's not that easy!"

Zhong Mingyan said coldly.

After the words fell, there was silence.

Snowland, Kwai Shui City.

Shenshui Palace occupies a very large area, with pavilions, lakes and rockeries, martial arts training grounds, and so on.


There are many formations arranged in this Shenshui Palace. In addition to defense, they can also gather the water-based aura in Kuishui City. With this kind of defense, even if the average top emperor wants to break in, he will have to pay a huge price.

In this way, the Shenshui Palace has become a very powerful force in the snowy region.


Jellyfish Yin Ji is in the main hall of Shenshui Palace.

Opposite her, there is a person sitting. This person looks like he is in his fifties, he is energetic, his eyes are like lightning, the black beard above his mouth is raised, and his whole body exudes a powerful aura of a superior. .

There is a prince in the only empire in the snowy region, the Tianxue Empire, named Prince Xuerong!

"Prince Xuerong, why did you come to our Shenshui Palace this time?"

Jellyfish Yin Ji spoke.

"I came to see the Palace Master this time because I want to cooperate with the Palace Master!"

When Prince Xue Rong spoke, his eyes also looked at Jellyfish Yin Ji.

Dressed in white, her appearance is beautiful with a hint of masculinity, her eyes are big, her eyebrows are thick, and her expression is majestic.

Judging from his facial expression, the other party has a domineering aura.

"Something can't be seen clearly!"

Prince Xuerong thought to himself.


"I don't know how to cooperate. Also, does Prince Xue Rong represent the Tianxue Empire or just himself?"

Jellyfish Yinji looked at Prince Xuerong and said.

The Tianxue Empire relies on Jiuhan Palace.

Now that a prince came to cooperate with him, she needed to know whether the other party represented herself or the royal family of the Tianxue Empire.

"Palace Master, this time I do not represent myself, nor do I represent the Tianxue Empire. I represent the origin of Tianfo and Tianjing Zen Temple!"

Prince Xuerong said.

"The origin of Tianfo, Tianjing Chanyuan, can you represent Tianjing Chanyuan?"

Jellyfish Yinji looked slightly startled.

Tianjing Chanyuan is a major main lineage in the Tianfo Origin Land. If you have a Buddha in your heart, you can join this lineage. It can be said to be its own style in the Tianfo Origin Land.

"Prince Xuerong, joined Tianjing Zen Monastery?"

Jellyfish Yinji looked at Prince Xuerong and said.

"My master is Tianjing Zen Academy, and the current head of the academy is Master Tianjing!"

"I came here this time to hope that the palace master can join our Heavenly Buddha's origin, Tianjing Chanyuan, and become the master's direct disciple!"

Prince Xuerong said.

"Now this snowy region is under the command of Jiuhan Palace. Recently, Jiuhan Palace is fighting with the Huanxi Buddha Sect in the Origin of Heavenly Buddha!"

"Aren't you afraid that the people in Jiuhan Palace will find out about this matter? When the time comes, we may not be able to sit here properly!"

Jellyfish Yin Ji said in a deep voice.

"Jiuhan Palace cannot stop the Heavenly Buddha Origin. There are many Buddhist sects in the Heavenly Buddha Origin. Just one Happy Buddha Sect has already made Jiuhan Palace deal with it like this!"

"Once other Buddhist sects join the war, Jiuhan Palace will soon change hands!"

Prince Xuerong said calmly.

"I heard that the first palace master of Jiuhan Palace, Han Qingcheng, has entered the level of the supreme emperor!"

"Destroy forces like ours with just a snap of your fingers!"

Jellyfish Yin Ji said in a deep voice.

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