The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1611 Chaos Thunder Prison Tribulation, Hearing Again about Emperor Zhenwu’s siege plan

Chapter 1611 Chaos Thunder Prison Tribulation, Hearing Again about Emperor Zhenwu’s siege plan

"Young Master Su, if your master doesn't tell you this, he probably doesn't want to shake your martial arts heart!"

"I have gone too far this time. I will not tell you more about other matters."

The Origin Emperor looked at Su Chen and said in a deep voice.

"Emperor, please don't blame yourself. How can warriors like us be shaken by such things? Thank you very much, Emperor, for clarifying my doubts!"

"I don't know how the emperor will take action this time!"

Su Chen calmed down his mind.

His expression just now was not fake at all, he was overwhelmed by such a thing.

The news obtained from the Origin Emperor.

It really shocked him.

Of course, I am still a little confused about Fairy Yunxue and the five levels of immortality mentioned earlier.

"There is only one evil god in the Zhenwu Temple, but there is also another god, the first-generation palace master. It's just the first-generation palace master who has banned himself. He hasn't woken up yet and can't take action?"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice.

Want to know more.

Su Chen was a little confused.

The Origin Emperor spoke.

"The tenth generation palace master, Zhong Wuchen?"

The origin of the emperor's way.

"Yes, it's Zhong Wuchen. He is the evil one in the Zhenwu Temple who can take action temporarily."

Su Chen's face showed slight surprise, but there was also speculation in his heart.

But the Origin Emperor has decided not to say anything, and he has no entanglement, so he really wants to know how the Origin Emperor will take action.

The body of the tenth generation master of the Zhenwu Temple was previously obtained by him.

"But the other party exists, why would you just watch him take away your body?"

"It's just a virtual god. Those eliminated in the trial want to take another step forward!"

But the veil has been lifted a little, and sooner or later it will all be torn apart, revealing everything.

At that time, he also got a Suzaku Divine Coffin, and at that time, he felt that the other party's soul might still exist.

The Origin Emperor spoke.

"Young Master Su, you should know that the evil I want to kill is the tenth generation master of the Zhenwu Temple!"

There was a hint of disdain in the Origin Emperor's mouth.

"We can take action for the time being, Zhenwu Temple, are there any other evil spirits?"

"Is there another god?"

If stepping out as the Supreme Emperor is just a test for qualifications, how can one get the fifth level of immortality? It seems that there are many things going on in this world.

"Young Master Su, I came here this time hoping that Ling Donglai from [Qinglong Club], as well as Mu Yingxiong and Wuming from [Jiange] can take action with me."

"With the three of them, Zhong Wuchen will die!"

The Origin Emperor then continued.

The tone is very affirmative,

"Emperor, the strength of the three seniors is only half a step beyond the realm of transcendence. I'm afraid you want to deal with evil?"

Although Su Chen had great confidence in the strength of the three of them, it was only a half-step to transcendence. Zhong Wuchen from the Zhenwu Temple was the one who had taken that step anyway, and his strength was probably earth-shattering.

Even if the three of them besiege me, I'm afraid it will still be in danger when the time comes.

"Young Master Su, don't worry. Since I asked the three of you to take action, I must be prepared!"

"What's more, if the three of them want to continue to improve, it will be more beneficial for them to see some powerful men above the Supreme Emperor in advance!"

The Origin Emperor spoke.

"It seems that the emperor is confident, but the emperor, the Yuan world is changing now, and we are now taking action against Zhenwu Temple Zhong Wuchen, is this weakening the power of our human race?"

"Monsters and ferocious beasts have been on the move lately!"

"We have to guard against it!"

Su Chen talked about demons and beasts at this time.

"The demons and ferocious beasts can't make waves for the time being, so don't worry, Young Master Su!"

The Origin Emperor didn't pay much attention to ferocious beasts and demons.

"If you don't care about ferocious beasts and demons, what confidence do you have?"

Su Chen's heart moved slightly when he saw the indifferent expression of Emperor Origin. "Young Master Su, last time I visited the [Qinglong Club], there was a master who practiced thunder attribute techniques."

"I happen to have a book here. When I participated in the trial, I got a book called Chaos Thunder Hell Tribulation after killing a thunder attribute trialer. Although it is only half of it, it should be able to Help the One who touches the Supreme to reach a half-step of transcendence.”

When the Origin Emperor was speaking, an ancient book appeared in his hand

The flash of thunder and lightning on the book, the chaos of thunder and hell (Part 1).

Raising his hand, the secret book headed towards Su Chen.

It seemed as if Su Chen didn't care when he looked through the secret book.

Su Chen raised his hand and grabbed the secret book in his hand.

[Acquire half of the Immortal Level Skills Chaos Thunder Hell Tribulation, and be rewarded with a golden lottery card. 】

At this time, Su Chen got this information in his mind.

“Nice work!”

Su Chen didn't expect that just after meeting like this, he would get a golden lottery card. This was a good move by the Origin Emperor.

"Emperor, the medium-level secret realm is useless to me! It needs to be replaced with three items of equal quality and value, plus the source of evil in the Zhenwu Temple, so Mr. Ling and the others take action!"

Su Chen said.

"Don't you want a medium secret realm?"

The Origin Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't expect that Su Chen didn't want a medium secret realm, but wanted three items of equal value!

"it is good!"

The Origin Emperor nodded.

"Three things, I will send someone to deliver them tomorrow!"

"No matter whether this time is successful or not, the things will be given to Young Master Su!"

The Origin Emperor spoke.

"Then thank you Emperor!"

Su Chen didn't expect that the Origin Emperor would be so majestic. He was more cheerful than the previous contact with Li Xunhuan and the others. It seemed that he was interested in his current strength.

"Young Master Su, since you have agreed, then Young Master Su, just wait for my arrangements!"

The origin of the emperor's way.

"Emperor, the Zhenwu Temple has extraordinary strength. I'm afraid it's not suitable to take action?"

At this time, Su Chen spoke.

"You won't take action in the Zhenwu Temple? If you take action in the Zhenwu Temple, you may not be able to kill him!"

"I don't know, Young Master Su. Do you know, Emperor Zhenwu?"

"Emperor Zhenwu? Didn't he fall?"

When Su Chen mentioned Emperor Zhenwu, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"He did not fall, it was just a cover-up. His imperial seal runes were scattered and he used others to improve his strength!"

"There are souls he planted in the imperial seal, which are devouring each other and improving. Now that Mr. Mu of the Zhenwu Temple is killed, he should appear to harvest these souls!"

The Origin Emperor spoke.

"This, you mean, Emperor Zhenwu did not fall, then?"

Everyone on the entire continent saw the fall of Emperor Zhenwu.

"That's just a clone of Emperor Zhenwu. Emperor Zhenwu should be practicing the Suzaku Heavenly Soul Technique practiced by Zhong Wuchen, a technique that can split the soul and the physical body."

"I have found the three strongest practitioners among those in the Imperial Seal!"

The Origin Emperor spoke.

"Three people?"

Speaking of the three people, Su Chen couldn't help but think of Yu Peiyu.

After the last battle at the Zhenwu Temple, Yu Peiyu and Leng Qingqiu practiced alone. He had not heard from them for a long time.

"Yes, three people? One is named Yu Peiyu, one is Lu Chenguang, and the other is Xiao Muchao!"

"I will find a way to gather these three people together within three days. When the time comes, I will lure Emperor Zhenwu to come."

"That Zhenwu Emperor is from Zhong Wuchen's lineage. Once Zhenwu Emperor is in crisis, Zhong Wuchen will definitely show up. When the time comes, it's time to surround and kill him!"

The Origin Emperor spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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