
In the private room on the second floor.

Huanwan and Wen Zixin looked at the situation below with gloomy expressions. When Wen Zixin was angry, murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

"Sir, this Huanxi Buddha Sect is really too presumptuous. They dare to be so unscrupulous and take away all the women in the city!"

Wen Zixin said in a deep voice.

"What a good method. On the one hand, they attack the women in the city and make people panic, so we have nowhere to go. On the other hand, they arrest so many people and force us to show up!"

"The people from the Huanxi Tianfo Sect stationed here are very scheming!"

Huanwan said in a very calm tone.

"Sir, if I help them, maybe they are no match for that monk?"

Wen Zixin said.

While they were talking, the neck of the woman who took action was already grasped by the leading monk and raised in front of him at close range.

"You are such a tender-skinned little lady, you are still a baby. I will open your bud for you tonight!"

The leading monk came out with even more filthy words.


"kill you!"

That's when.

Another young man and another woman in purple next to the woman shot at the leading monk at the same time.

"court death!"

A burly monk following the monk burst out at the same time.

His body was like a diamond, and his palms were shot out like a millstone. With a bang, the young man was knocked away by a palm. He vomited blood and fell to the ground with more air coming out and less air coming in.

In addition, the woman in purple clothes was stronger than the young man. When she took action, her sword was like silver light and pierced towards the eyes of the leading monk.

But the leading monk raised his hand, made a fist, and punched out, scattering the sword light.

The woman who drew the sword was also shocked by the force of the counterattack and took a few steps back.


Just the moment she stepped back.

A wave of air appeared in front of her. When she looked up, she saw the leading monk standing in front of her.

Palms stretched out.

When she didn't respond, he grabbed her neck.

"You are really looking for death. If you dare to take action against me, then let you honor me together!"

"As for the Yin Queen of the Yingui Sect, I can't enjoy it no matter what, but I can still enjoy you!"

The leading monk smiled wildly and mentioned the Yin Queen of the Yingui Sect.

"Sir, I will kill them!"

In the elegant room, Wen Zixin moved and wanted to take action.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant suddenly appeared.

A figure stepped in.

The moment he entered, a cold aura instantly swept through the entire restaurant.

The faces of the monk who was grabbing the two women and the people who followed him changed, and they looked towards the door of the restaurant.

The person at the door was wearing black clothes and a black hat, covering his face, but his eyes under the black veil revealed ferocity. He was none other than Duan Lang who had come from China.

After receiving Su Chen's notice, he rushed to Hanhai to meet Hanhan.

"who are you?"

The leading monk held the two women in his hands and turned to look at Duanlangdao as they walked in.

At this time, the other party was emitting an aura that was obviously aimed at him.

What's more, he felt a sense of terror from the other party.

"It doesn't matter who it is, what matters is that you just dared to blaspheme the young mistress, so you die!"

The sound of breaking waves is very dull.

After the words fell, the figure disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the other party. He raised his finger and pointed out.


Before the leading monk could react, he pointed the light through the other person's eyebrows.


When the other monks saw this, their eyes changed drastically, their scalps went numb, they moved their steps, and wanted to rush out of the restaurant.

None of the senior brothers are rivals, and they are even less rivals.

It's just that the footsteps have just moved.

His head exploded instantly and fell to the ground.

"This!" Seeing this situation.

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked.

Someone killed the people of the Huanxi Buddha Sect in Xuancheng.

They can't stay here, otherwise, they will be affected. People who like the Buddha Sect are running rampant in Xuancheng and kill many people.

Moreover, as soon as these monks died, people who were happy with the Buddhist sect came quickly.

Private room on the second floor.

Just when Wen Zixin was about to take action, her face changed drastically and she said, "Master Yin Hou, let's leave quickly!"

"These disciples of the Huanxi Buddha Sect have soul-burning lamps on their bodies. Once they die, the people of the Huanxi Buddha Sect will know about it!"

After entering Xuancheng.

They found out that the strongest person in Xuancheng now was Monk Guankong of Huanxi Buddha Sect, who had the strength of a giant among the emperors.

His two junior brothers have the strength of top emperors.

In particular, the monk Guanyu cultivates the Vajra Body of the Joyful Buddha Sect. He has inherited and cultivated it to the extreme, and the top emperor cannot break through his defense at all.

Now in Xuancheng, frantically looking for the Yin Queen.

Once here.

I'm afraid neither she nor Queen Yin can get out of here.

"No, the person I'm waiting for has arrived!"

Huanwen said in a calm voice.

She entered Xuancheng and chose to confront the Huanxi Buddha Sect head-on because Duanlang had teleported to the vast sea and the two were determined to meet in Xuancheng.

As for breaking the wave just now.

That's because she is Su Chen's woman.

What these people just said has blasphemed her, so they must die.

"He is the one we are waiting for!"

Wen Zixin's expression changed, but then she said with some worry: "But if Guanyu and Guankong come, what about us?"

"Even if all the powerful men from Huanxi Buddha Sect in Xuancheng come, it will be useless. The people who come are enough to deal with them!"

Huanwan said coldly.

Now Duanlang's strength has reached the level of the supreme emperor.

No one in Xuancheng is his opponent.


Hearing Huanwan's words, Wen Zixin was startled.

At this moment.

Duanlang walked toward the second floor.

At this moment, the people who had escaped from the restaurant saw Duan Lang heading towards the second floor through the door.

"This man killed someone from the Huanxi Buddha Sect. If he didn't leave, why did he go upstairs!"

"Does this need to be said? There is someone upstairs, and he seemed to have said something about the young mistress just now."

"The words of the Huanxi Buddha Sect blasphemed his young mistress. Just now, the Huanxi Buddha Sect members seemed to have mentioned the Yin Queen. Could it be that this person is from the Yingui Sect!"

Some people escaped from the restaurant, but not far.

Everyone speculated on the identity of the person who took action.

Second floor!

Duanlang walked into the private room and saw Hanwan standing in the room. He bowed and saluted: "I have met the young mistress!"

Although Huanwan is a summoned character like them, she is the young master's wife and they must respect her.

"Mr. Duan, are you going to trouble me this time?"

Huanhua walked toward Duanlang.

Duanlang is now the supreme emperor, and she needs to respect him.

"This is what subordinates should do!"

"Young Mistress, what should we do next?"

Now that Huanwan is here, he obeys Huanhua's arrangements.

"According to the information received, this investigation is led by Guanwu. We will first take down Guanwu's head, and then lead out Guankong and Guanning!"

"Zi Xin, you leave first and meet up with Sect Leader Wen. As we fight here, you go to the Huanxi Buddha Sect branch temple and rescue those enslaved members of the Su Xin Sword Sect."

Huanwan said. (End of chapter)

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