The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1620: Meeting in Taishang Demon Palace, who will be in charge from now on?

Chapter 1620: Meeting in Taishang Demon Palace, who will be in charge from now on (Unity)


Since the previous battle between the three major forces, the Taishang Demon Palace is now dominated by one family.

Of course, the other two major forces have not completely disappeared.

All this seems to be compensation for the Supreme Demon Palace.

Of course, demons and ferocious beasts also occupy some areas, and are temporarily in a relatively balanced stage.

The Supreme Demonic Palace,

Inside the main hall.

All the elders who could not leave the Taishang Demon Palace gathered here.

In addition to these elders, there is also a woman wearing a purple skirt, who is Zi Yue, the original demon sect inspector who appeared earlier.

While she was deep in thought.

The moment he appeared at the door, his heart palpitated.

They were afraid that if Pang Ban knew about it, asked Pang Ban to take precautions, and invite some helpers to come, then something bigger would happen.

Ziyue's beautiful eyes on the side moved slightly, looking towards the palace door.

They found that even if they didn't kill someone like Pang Ban, they still had to teach him some lessons. But Pang Ban was different, and Lord Zangtian took a fancy to him.

After sitting down, Pang Ban looked at everyone and said coldly.

"Have you notified Pang Ban? Junior Brother Zhao!"

The door of the main hall.

Once people in the original demon sect know about it, they will probably kill Pang Ban directly.

"We don't want to force Pang Ban, but he won't give us any explanation about the young master of the [Blue Dragon Society], so we must give him a warning!"

"This momentum!"

The other elders were sitting on both sides.

But Pang Ban wants to escape from the original demon gate, which is an extremely dangerous signal.

If Pang Ban understands the situation, then she will give the other party a chance, hoping that this Pang Ban will not be ignorant of good and evil.

The great elder said in a deep voice.

Of course it's not just that.

Pang Ban looked at everyone in the hall, his eyes slightly wrinkled.

They gathered for this meeting without notifying Pang Ban.

Pang Ban's figure appeared.

Ziyue and everyone else's eyes changed when they saw Pang Ban appearing at the door.

"You have stepped down from the position of palace lord. You are not suitable to sit in the position of palace lord for the time being!"

No one seemed to have seen him.

She and the elder of Taishang Demon Palace are now sitting on the seats on the left and right sides.

These supervisors exist to better control the forces under the Demon Sect.

"Wentian Xing has gone to notify Pang Ban and should be arriving soon!"

That's why she accepted the invitation from the elder of the Supreme Demon Palace.

This is an absolutely dangerous idea.

Ziyue said from the side.

The great elder spoke to Zhao Yuan not far away.

Pang Ban was originally valued by them.

At this moment, Pang Ban was wearing a purple-red embroidered gold dress, spotless, his eyes were shining with golden light, and his whole person exuded a strange charm.

Step into the main hall.

Pang Ban is not a simple person.

As for Wentian Xing, who was following Pang Ban, although he was tall and powerful, he was far inferior to Pang Ban.

Within the main hall.

He moved slowly and slowly to the main hall, where the Lord of the First Palace sat on the chair.


She also had some understanding of the gathering at the Taishang Demon Palace. Pang Ban seemed to want to make the Taishang Demon Palace independent.

And with Pang Ban's strength, even if she takes action, she probably won't be able to deal with him.

"Great Elder, Pang Ban is the person that Lord Zangtian likes. If it is not necessary, don't press him!"

"I don't seem to be convening an elders' meeting. Why are you inviting me here when all the elders are gathered here?"

At this time, a person beside the great elder spoke.

"I'm not suitable to sit in the position of palace lord. I am the lord of the Supreme Demonic Palace. Why can't I sit in the position of palace lord!"

"You left the back mountain and came to the main hall without my summons. Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Pang Ban looked at the person who made the sound with cold eyes and asked coldly.

"Pang Ban, your relationship with Su Chen, the young dragon leader of the [Blue Dragon Society], has not been explained clearly. It needs to be explained clearly that you are the master of my Taishang Demon Palace!"

The elder who spoke earlier said coldly.

"Yes, today Ziyue Messenger and our ancestors in the original Demon Sect need you to give an explanation. If you don't have a reasonable explanation, then after today, you will no longer be my Supreme Demon Palace. Palace Master!"

At this time, the great elder spoke.

"I am not the master of the Taishang Demon Palace!"

"Then who else can be the master of the Taishang Demon Palace? It just so happens that you elders are here today, and I also want to announce something. After today, our Taishang Demon Palace will become independent from the original demon sect. The Supreme Demonic Palace!"

"If you don't want to be in my Supreme Demonic Palace, you can leave the Supreme Demonic Palace!"

At this time, Pang Ban, who was sitting upright, looked at the crowd and said.

"Pang Ban, you are so presumptuous!"

The Ziyue Inspector said sternly with a gloomy face.

The Taishang Demon Palace falls under her jurisdiction, Pang Ban said so, and she must make her attitude clear.

"Pang Ban, how can you be the one to decide what happens in the Supreme Demonic Palace?"

"Do you know what the consequences of leaving the Original Demon Sect will be to my Taishang Demon Palace? The disciples of the Taishang Demon Palace will not let you behave like this!"

The great elder also had cold eyes.

"Make the decision, I am the Lord of the Supreme Demonic Palace, why can't I make the decision!"

"What's more, do the ordinary disciples of Taishang Demon Palace know you? They don't know you at all, so you can't represent the disciples of Taishang Demon Palace!"

Pang Ban said calmly.

"I agree with Palace Master Pang's decision that the Supreme Demonic Palace will leave the original Demonic Sect today!"

At this moment.

A sitting elder spoke.

This elder was a top emperor who was subdued by Pang Ban during this period.

"I also agree with Palace Master Pang's decision. The Supreme Demonic Palace is the Supreme Demonic Palace!"

After the elder finished speaking, Demon Lord Qingtian spoke.

"Qingtian Demon Lord!"

Seeing Demon Lord Qingtian agreeing with Pang Ban's words, the expressions of others changed. Demon Lord Qingtian has stepped into the level of giant among emperors.

He is also one of the five emperor giants among the elders.

Qingtian Demon Lord supports Pang Ban, so the great elder will lose the support of a giant and strong person in the emperor.

"I also agree with Palace Master Pang's decision. The Supreme Demon Palace becomes independent, and I am willing to be loyal to Palace Master Pang Ban!"

When everyone was surprised that Demon Lord Qingtian supported Pang Ban, Zhao Yuan, one of the five giants among the emperors, spoke.

"Zhao Yuan, you!"

The great elder looked at Zhao Yuan, his eyes condensed.

Demon Lord Qingtian is not on the same side as them. He has rarely had contact with them after joining the giants in the emperor. They are not surprised to support Pang Ban, but Zhao Yuan supports Pang Ban at this time, which is beyond their expectations.

"Great Elder, Master Pangban Palace is fully capable of revitalizing our Taishang Demon Palace!"

"I am doing everything for the benefit of the Supreme Demonic Palace!"

Zhao Yuan did not look at the great elder, but stood up and saluted Pang Ban.

"My subordinate, Zhao Yuan, is the only one who obeys the orders of the palace master!"

"It's the same thing when my subordinates ask about heaven's punishment!"

After Zhao Yuan spoke up, Wentian Xing also spoke.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the scene became strange. Four of the nine core elders supported Pang Ban.

There were two giants and powerful men among them, and the atmosphere became strange.

This is not like they are here to punish Pang Ban, but Pang Ban is here to question them.

Inspector Ziyue, who spoke earlier, couldn't help but look at Pang Ban, who was sitting on the big chair, and his brows moved slightly.

Now things are completely beyond her previous expectations.

Originally, they were here to suppress Pang Ban today, but looking at the situation, it was completely Pang Ban who came to suppress them.

"It seems that Pang Ban has known about today's events for a long time. The great elder of Taishang Demon Palace has been completely fooled!" Ziyue Inspector thought to himself.

But at this moment, she didn't say anything, but wanted to see how the situation would develop.

Let the elders of Taishang Demon Palace and Pang Ban take over first, while he will finally pick up the pieces.

"Pang Ban, I didn't expect that you would win over so many elders during this period of time."

“It’s so unexpected!”

"But even if they support you, do you think you can compete with us and become the enemy of the original demon sect?"

The great elder said in a low voice.

"Great Elder, Palace Master Pang is the Palace Master of the Supreme Demonic Palace, and his words completely represent the Supreme Demonic Palace. When you talk to the Palace Master like this, are you trying to betray the Supreme Demonic Palace?"

"Anyone who rebels against the Supreme Demonic Palace will die!"

At this time, the Qingtian Demon Lord who had spoken earlier stood up. The moment he stood up, a terrifying demonic energy erupted from his body.

Qingtian, two words represent his character.

Why not get together with the Great Elder and the others? Because in his heart, the Supreme Demonic Palace is the Supreme Demonic Palace.

The principle of Taishang Demon Palace is to avenge every enemy.

Not subject to any restrictions.

But there should not have been such a loss in Taishang Demon Palace last time. Not only the disciples lost, but the strong ones also suffered.

In a fight, you have to fight with all your strength.

rather than being restricted.


The terrifying demonic energy suddenly spread in his body, heading towards the Great Elder of the Supreme Demonic Palace in a mighty manner, with the intention of taking action if he disagreed with him.

"Demon Lord Qingtian, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

At this moment, another elder wearing a brocade robe spoke.

This man is also a giant among the emperors, the second elder of the back mountain, named Shi Rong.

After his words fell, his body stood up, and a surge of true energy burst out from his body.

This true energy quickly condensed into a huge light and shadow. The light and shadow were hazy, but the aura it exuded was suppressing and obliterating.

Shi Rong would not allow Demon Lord Qingtian to be so provocative.

Once Demon Lord Qingtian continues to provoke like this, their majesty will be affected.

They cannot take the initiative.

So today's matter is not decided by them, but by Pang Ban.

"Presumptuous, I do everything for the sake of the Supreme Demonic Palace!"

"The Supreme Demonic Palace is the Supreme Demonic Palace!"

Demon Lord Qingtian said coldly.

"You are seeking death, I will kill you today!"

Shi Rong shouted, and his figure suddenly moved, taking a step forward, heading towards Demon Lord Qingtian.

The huge light and shadow behind him also followed him like a shadow, emitting a terrifying aura and pressing towards Demon Lord Qingtian in an instant.

"The void changes!"

at this moment.

Pang Ban groaned in his mouth.

Instantly, the surrounding space changes.

He arranged this matter.

So in this hall, he had already set up a large formation.

When a battle occurs, everyone in the hall will be moved to another space.

After all, the war can't really happen in the main hall of Taishang Demon Palace.

Of course, this is not only to reduce losses, but also to prevent people from knowing that a civil war broke out in their Taishang Demon Palace.

"Palace Master Pang, it seems you have already made preparations!"

Void changes.

Ziyue's expression changed and she looked at Pang Ban.

"It's just a precaution. I don't know if the Purple Moon Messenger agrees with my independence from the Taishang Demon Palace!"

Pang Ban looked at the battle in front of him, but looked at the Purple Moon Messenger not far away and said.

"Palace Master Pang, the strength of the emperor's giants is really common in the original demon sect. Even if you step into the Supreme Emperor and the original demon sect wants to kill you, it can still kill you!"

"Master Zangtian is optimistic about you, you should take this opportunity to go further instead of destroying your own future!"

"You have also seen Lord Zangtian. Lord Zangtian wants to kill you, but you can't hide even if you want to!"

"I advise Palace Master Pang not to take detours!"

Ziyue looked at Pang Ban and said.


Right now.

The aura of the Qingtian Demon Lord exuded a terrifying demonic aura. The demonic aura soared into the sky, forming the pure land of the demon kingdom, and collided with the enveloping giant shadow of true energy.

Offset the pressure caused by the light and shadow.

"Let me see what kind of strength you have, Second Elder!"

at this moment.

Demon Lord Qingtian took the lead, rushing out and attacking the two elders.


In the void, two figures instantly started fighting fiercely.

The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the light surged.

Waves of unspeakable destructive aura spread throughout the void.

It was earth-shaking, the space was distorted, and the people watching the battle were far away from this area, staring at the battle here.

"Pang Ban, you are trying to divide my Taishang Demon Palace, what do you think?"

The great elder stood up and said sternly.

"I am the master of the Supreme Demonic Palace. Of course I am thinking about my Supreme Demonic Palace!"

"Didn't I just say that? Those who don't want to stay in Taishang Demon Palace can leave. I won't force it!"

"And now that things have happened, how much more do you need from me?"

Pang Ban looked at the great elder with cold eyes.

At this moment, Pang Ban's aura began to change, surpassing the aura of ordinary giants in the emperor, and filled the entire void of the formation.

Majestic and domineering!

"Pang Ban, you are forcing me to do it!"

Although Pang Ban's aura was very strong, it did not intimidate the great elder.

"Third Elder, come with me and let's take down Pang Ban!"

The third elder among the nine elders spoke.

"The third elder's opponent is me, the great elder!"

At this time, Zhao Yuan appeared in front of the third elder, with his aura locked on the third elder.

"Zhao Yuan, you!"

The anger burst out from the Great Elder's eyes.

Zhao Yuan rebelled and was so determined to help Pang Ban, damn him.

"You just wait for the punishment from the ancestors. When the time comes, all your souls will be destroyed!"

The great elder said angrily.

"That needs to be done!"

Zhao Yuan said coldly, looking at the third elder. The third elder was thin and had sunken eyes, but he did not look down upon him at all.

All the breath in his body tightened.

"Third Elder, I advise you to be loyal to the Palace Master just like me. In this case, it is the most correct choice!"

Zhao Yuan said.

"Really? It seems that the palace master's strength is beyond our imagination!"

The third elder's tone was very calm, but his eyes were looking at Pang Ban, and he was sensing Pang Ban's strength in his heart. However, in his perception, he did not realize what Pang Ban's strength was, but his power of investigation was as if Caught in a whirlpool.

"I am willing to obey the palace master's order!"

The third elder nodded after a moment.

Being able to stay in the Taishang Demon Palace, many people do it to protect the Taishang Demon Palace.

They have their own standards in their own minds.

"Third Elder, you!"

When the great elder saw this, his expression was extremely gloomy.

This time, his advantage was completely gone.

"Messenger Ziyue, Pang Ban wants to escape from the original demon sect. It is your business to deal with him. Pang Ban will leave it to you. I will suppress these two traitors!"

The great elder said to Inspector Ziyue on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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