The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1623: Incomplete low-grade artifact, incomplete inferior artifact

Chapter 1623: Incomplete low-grade artifact, incomplete inferior artifact


"Young Master! The three treasures promised by the Origin Emperor have been delivered!"

Yuan Suiyun handed a space ring in his hand to Su Chen.

"He wants to join Mr. Ling and the others!"

When the space ring was delivered to Su Chen, Yuan Suiyun said.

"Has the stuff arrived? I'm still waiting?"

Su Chen's face showed joy. What he was concerned about was whether the things sent by the Origin Emperor could allow him to get 3 golden lottery cards.

As for whether to arrange for Donglai and the others to join the Origin Emperor, Su Chen still had to think about it.

Open the space ring.

"It seems that many of them are good things, and they are probably scarce in the Yuan world!"

A spiritual stone that can be absorbed after surpassing the Supreme Emperor.

Judging from the rewards obtained, this low-grade artifact is on the same level as the low-grade fairy artifact.

"But everything else is incomplete, especially the remnant soul of the immortal weapon. What the hell is it?"

A fairy crystal, this Purple Moon Heavenly Wheel can only burst out a half-step of transcendent power.

Another Purple Moon Heavenly Wheel, an incomplete low-grade artifact.

[Obtain the broken low-grade artifact Purple Moon Heavenly Wheel, reward 1 golden lottery card, obtain a low-grade fairy crystal stone, reward 5 purple lottery cards, obtain the broken low-grade artifact remnant soul, and reward 1 golden lottery card. 】

The remnant soul of a low-grade immortal weapon can be refined into a puppet, and the remnant soul can be repaired through the puppet, which is expected to elevate the puppet's strength to that of the supreme emperor.

"The Origin Emperor is really good at giving!"

"You are underestimating me. I don't have many other things, I just have a lot of Yuan Stone!"

Su Chen couldn't help but look at the remnant soul of the immortal weapon.

It's just that this incomplete Purple Moon Heavenly Wheel can absorb fairy crystals. If it absorbs enough fairy crystals, it can explode with power that surpasses the Supreme Emperor.

"Well, you still have low-grade immortal crystal stones?"

Su Chen said with a sigh.

As for the explosion of other powers, it depends on how many yuan stones are consumed.

"This Origin Emperor wants to see my background. Do I have many Yuan Stones?"

Su Chen was slightly startled and looked at the low-grade immortal crystal.

In this case, he will have a powerful and supreme emperor in his hands.

Su Chen thought in his heart.

However, the Origin Emperor only gave Su Chen one fairy crystal.

Looking at this, Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, thinking that he had obtained a pure-blood purple-gold giant tiger before, and maybe he could put the remnant soul of this immortal weapon into it.

Su Chen said coldly.

Now that the characters he summoned all occupied one side and began to control some resources, the consumption of Yuanshi in the Qinglong Tower was not very large.

Therefore, his Yuan Stone is abundant and he can unleash some of the power of the Purple Moon Heavenly Wheel.

Of course, this Purple Moon Heavenly Wheel is an incomplete low-grade artifact. Even if the Yuan Stone is abundant and the strongest power is unleashed, it is only close to the Supreme Emperor.

"This Origin Emperor, even if he gives you treasures, he always keeps something!"

"But he has broken artifacts and immortal weapons, and he should also have complete ones. It seems that we should be careful with him!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Let Mr. Ling and the others go and meet the Origin Emperor!"

"Let's go to the snowy land!"

Su Chen said.

If you have already taken something, you must take action.

not to mention!

Ling Donglai, Wuming, and Mu Yingxiong also wanted to see the power of evil.

Xie's strength surpasses that of the Supreme Emperor and reaches the realm of transcendence.

This will be helpful for Ling Donglai and the others to step into the realm of the Supreme Emperor.

What's more, Huangfu Ji will also go secretly.

With the four half-step transcendent masters, even if the Origin Emperor had any ideas, it wouldn't be a problem to leave safely.

After all, although the four of them are half-step detached, they cannot really be regarded as half-step detached.

If they really fight desperately, even the transcendent ones will die. "Yes! I will notify you immediately!"

"But Lord, when we go to the location of the snow teleportation talisman, we can only teleport to the area where Shenshui Palace is!"

The original Suiyun said.

Now the only ones on his side in the snowy area are Jellyfish Yin Ji and Yao Yue.

Yaoyue was in Jiuhan Palace, and it was inappropriate for him to appear there, so he had to go to the area where Shenshui Palace was first.

"The jellyfish Yinji you arranged is positioned well, and we will teleport there!"

Su Chen nodded.

Yuan Suiyun bowed out and went to make arrangements.

"Now I have three golden lottery cards. You may not be able to draw anything by yourself. You have to find someone with stronger luck and draw them in front of him!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

He had no intention of smoking it alone.

"Let's go to the snowy area first!"

Su Chen thought that after Yuan Suiyun communicated well with Jellyfish Yinji, they would teleport to the snowy area.

Another place.

Origin of the divine dynasty.

"You were so generous to Su Chen. You even took out four treasures at once. These were all obtained with great difficulty on your way to the trial!"

Gui Wuying looked at the Origin Emperor and said.

"It's not that easy to use those things!"

"If he can use it, it means his background is extraordinary!"

The origin of the emperor's way.

"They are so powerful, yet you still want to test them!"

"A fairy crystal, according to theory, should be able to resurrect the national master of your origin divine dynasty, but you sent it to Su Chen. I don't understand it!"

Gui Wuying said.

"The Imperial Master is awakening with the help of the energy of the changes in the world, and there is no need for fairy crystals!"

"And if his body awakens with the help of the power of the Immortal Crystal, it will be a little difficult to improve later. What's more, I need Su Chen to give all his help to kill the evil figure in the Zhenwu Temple!"

"If I lose the body of a dead person, I can only replace it with an evil body. Otherwise, my three-dimensional divine method will ultimately be unable to be completed due to the disparity in strength between the three bodies!"

When the Emperor of Origin was speaking, he looked at the empty coffin and said in a deep voice.

"By the way, you asked me to pay attention to monsters and beasts!"

"I got news that after the start of the demon council, some of the demons began to contact the sacrificial temple among the beasts!"

"It seems they want to join forces!"

Return to the shadowless path.

"Join forces. If they join forces, those old monsters will take action!"

"Do they think that those old monsters are really letting them go unscrupulous by letting them attack the human race in this era?"

"But if they move, it will also be a change in the outer areas. The three major areas of China, Tianzhou, and Zhongzhou will not change much. You should always pay attention here!"

The Origin Emperor spoke.

"Not only are the demons and ferocious beasts changing, but there is also movement in the origin of the Heavenly Buddha in the vast sea!"

"The Heavenly Buddha Origin has already controlled the entire vast sea, and the Heavenly Buddha Origin has expanded rapidly in this era. Almost every major state has their power!"

"Those old bald donkeys in Tianfo Origin Land should not be underestimated!"

"News just came. The Duan Lang of [Human World] appeared in the vast sea, and he has made contact with the Huanxi Buddha Sect in the Origin of Heavenly Buddha."

"I'm glad there is a ferocious beast strongman in the Buddha Sect!"

Return to the shadowless path.

"The Origin of Heaven and Buddha!"

"In the last trial of the last era, when all its forces gave up, two of them came out of the trial. We really need to pay attention!"

"But the [Human World] appears there. Could it be that the Human World [Human World] is a force created by some old monster and wants to suppress this source of heaven and Buddha? Please pay more attention here!"

The Origin Emperor thought for a moment and then said.

(End of this chapter)

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