The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1627: Combat Power, Borrowing Strength, Heavenly Buddha and Sanskrit Sound

Chapter 1627: Combat Power, Borrowing Strength, Heavenly Buddha and Sanskrit Sound

"I really didn't expect that the seventh palace owner of Jiuhan Palace would be a Buddhist female Bodhisattva!"

"I see that your Jiuhan Palace has been eroded by Buddhism! You are no longer worthy of being called the largest force in the Snow Region!"

Jellyfish Yinji looked at her and said coldly.

At this time, it is necessary to attack the opponent.

Also use this to attack Jiuhan Palace.

As long as the momentum of Jiuhan Palace falls, Shenshui Palace will naturally rise.

As for whether it would have an impact on Yaoyue's future control of Jiuhan Palace, Jellyfish Yinji didn't care much.

Because she and Yaoyue are actually in a competitive relationship.

Now that the Shenshui Palace appears in the Snow Territory, it must become one of the overlords of the Snow Territory, so it will also be in a state of competition with the Jiuhan Palace in the future.

"Hmph, this lotus suit of mine is blessed by the power of the supreme emperor!"

"With the help of this lotus suit, the power I can unleash surpasses that of ordinary giants in the empire!"

She took action instantly with her spear in hand, and a spiral like a galaxy appeared.

The spear changed at an extremely fast speed, and one shot went towards the neck of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

"It's really unimaginable!"

So she wants Jellyfish Yin Ji to become even worse than her.

With this blow, the spear seemed to be alive, with a terrifying edge, piercing through the jellyfish Yinji.

When Ren Xuening saw this, she didn't talk nonsense. Her lotus battle clothes flickered, ripples of Buddha's light surged out, and the spear in her hand became more and more dazzling.

The attack was ruthless, very decisive and straightforward.

Everything she has now is caused by the jellyfish Yinji.


If she wasn't the Jellyfish Yin Ji, she wouldn't have revealed herself to be a Buddhist female Bodhisattva.


The body moves.

"If you want to take action, do it quickly. I really want to see what kind of power you can unleash with the help of this suit!"

Ren Xuening's tone was cold and stern, and she moved forward step by step, pointing the spear in her hand at Jellyfish Yin Ji's chest, filled with murderous intent.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed towards the Jellyfish Yinji, and the moment he reached the Jellyfish Yinji.

"It seems that you have committed yourself to the Supreme Emperor of Huanxi Buddha Sect!"

"Jellyfish Yin Ji, I will destroy your meridians and abolish all your cultivation. When the time comes, I will take you to the source of the Heavenly Buddha and become the most despicable slave of the Happy Buddha Sect!"


Jellyfish Yinji is also unforgiving when she talks.

Jellyfish Yin Ji's face looked very calm.

At the same time, Jellyfish Yinji snorted coldly.

The ten levels of Tianshui Gong in her body circulated rapidly, and terrifying ripples erupted on her body.

Forming a terrifying pressure.

Jellyfish Yin Ji sneered and slapped her palm, and a terrifying vortex appeared in her palm.

The whirlpool collided with the spear.


Ren Xuening's body was shaken violently and he flew far away.

But it's not a big deal.

But at this moment, Ren Xuening's pupils burst out with two golden rays, a strong aura overflowed, and he let out a light scolding.

A mysterious wave of divine power surged out,

Her eyes turned into golden pupils.

The whole person has an inexplicable charm.

The Zen feeling in my body became stronger and stronger.

Under this Zen feeling, a golden luster appeared on her body, like a Bodhisattva emitting golden Buddha light before her.

But behind her, a terrifying picture appeared.

There is a huge Buddha, whose face cannot be seen clearly. He is like a venerable Buddha, standing high above. There are many golden arhats lying on his body, and there are even Bodhisattvas who worship and worship him.

At this moment, Ren Xuening became demonic, and there was more desire and piety in her originally noble and holy eyes.

However, the power in her body also changed. The true energy turned into surging Buddha power, and the lotus battle suit on her body shone like gold.

The same goes for the spear in his hand.

"Desire and piety are indeed saved by the Supreme Emperor of the Happy Buddha Sect!"

Jellyfish Yin Ji's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, Ren Xuening was as if made of gold, her skin was crystal clear, but it was shrouded in Buddha's light as she walked step by step. Although desire and piety appeared in his eyes and face, he himself became devoid of any earthly aura and exuded indescribable pressure.

"Is this the power of help?"

Jellyfish Yin Ji's heart moved.

"Then let me see what your power is like?"

Jellyfish Yinji was the first to strike, moving towards the opponent with her palms raised to the sky and heading towards the opponent with huge power.

The real energy in his body surged and became extremely powerful.



Ren Xuening took action, and the spear glowing with golden light in his hand rang softly.

The two palms collided with the jellyfish Yin Ji. The two forces collided and formed ripples.

The two figures retreated violently at the same time.

"Jellyfish Yinji, kill you!"

After retreating violently, Ren Xuening moved his steps, shot forward, and his whole body strength increased again.

The Buddha's light on his body was as bright as a burning flame.

"You are so arrogant even with the help of others!"

Jellyfish Yinji snorted coldly, and her ten-level Tianshui Gong began to operate rapidly, and her own combat power also began to soar.

Cultivate the ten levels of Tianshui to the tenth level and step into the giants of the emperor.

She must be powerful in this battle.

It's scary.

Otherwise, how could her Shenshui Palace gain a foothold and dominate this snowy land!


The figure rushed out and blasted towards the opponent.


The two collided in the void, the battle seemed very fierce, and the void trembled.

"Damn it, even this failed to defeat Jellyfish Yin Ji, why is her true energy so strong!"

Ren Xuening, who kept fighting, screamed in her heart.

She exerted the power of her suit to the extreme, but still failed to take down the jellyfish Yinji.

Because her spear collided with the jellyfish Yinji.

The power that breaks out will be swallowed up by a terrifying vortex.

Preventing her from seriously injuring the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Jellyfish Yinji's palm power was like waves, and the power began to overlap from palm to palm, making her feel a heavy pressure.

"If this continues, I will be defeated!"

"And I can't fight here for too long. I believe the news here will reach Jiuhan Palace soon!"

"In that case, Han Qingcheng will definitely know and will definitely come!"

"Even if I defeat this jellyfish Yin Ji, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave in front of Han Qingcheng!"

"We must fight quickly and leave as soon as possible!"

Ren Xuening thought in her heart.

A light flashed in his eyes.

"Jellyfish Yinji, your strength is beyond my expectation, but that's the end of it!"


The void trembled, and Ren Xuening's figure appeared in another place.

The Buddha image that appeared behind her before appeared again.

"Sanskrit sound, heavenly Buddha mantra!"

Ren Xuening gave a low drink.

This is a secret technique she gained from joining the Huanxi Buddha Sect, which can be used together with the Buddha shadow behind her.


Right now.

The Bodhisattva and Arhat who were kneeling before.

At the same time, he opened his eyes, as if he was awake, his body exuded a terrifying Buddha light, and Sanskrit sounds began to appear in his mouth.

Suddenly a huge Sanskrit sound sounded, heading towards Jellyfish Yin Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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