The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1630 The holders of the mark of the Zhenwu Emperor gather together

Chapter 1630 The holders of the mark of the Zhenwu Emperor gather together

"Senior brother, now that you have arranged everything!"

"That's because my junior brother is worrying too much!"

The white-browed old monk spoke.

"Let's go, follow me to the Mifo Pagoda, and then go deal with Duanlang!"

"I think [the human world] is probably more terrifying than Jiuhan Palace, so we must deal with Duanlang and the others as soon as possible and not give them a chance to expand in the vast sea!"

"Abbot Yejia's Heavenly Desire Nine Wheels Dharma should be completed soon. At that time, he may step down as the abbot of Huanxi Buddha Sect and go to the source of Heavenly Buddha."

"At that time, I'm afraid we will have to bear what happens next."

"To be honest, I don't know why I feel a little fluttering in my heart. I have a premonition that something bad will happen!"

Ling Yu said in a deep voice.

However, Abbot Yejia told him that this was an order from the origin of Tianfo and it must be carried out.

"Even if Ye Jia wants to refine such a Buddha fetus, it will probably take time!"

The white-browed old monk heard this and said with a startled expression.

"Is this so? Senior brother, should we contact the master at the origin of Tianfo!"


"No need for now, you go to the Mifo Pagoda first and ask the two elders to take action and kill Duan Lang!"

"Also, Duan Lang appeared and beheaded Junior Brother Guankong. I went to ask him for instructions. Actually, I wanted to ask the abbot to take action and kill Duan Lang!"

"Senior brother, once the abbot enters the Heavenly Buddha Source, you can step into the Supreme Emperor, and there should be no problems!"

The white-browed old monk bowed and walked out of the hall.

Venerable Baimei said.

"In that case, he won't have time to take action against Jiuhan Palace!"

He admires this senior brother very much,



In one place, Yu Peiyu looked at the surrounding situation with a gloomy expression.

Liaoyu spoke.

Recently, the Huanxi Buddha Sect took action against Jiuhan Palace, and his senior brother Liu Yu was strongly opposed to it. This was too dangerous for their Huanxi Buddha Sect.

"But Abbot Yejia, not!"

"Supreme Emperor, the world has changed. It is easier to step in than before. But I am not worried about this. I am mainly worried about Abbot Yejia leaving before dealing with Jiuhan Palace."

Although the abbot of Huanxi Buddha Sect is Venerable Yejia, it is his senior brother Luoyu who handles matters first.

Liaoyu sighed.

"This time he actually wants to personally deal with the jellyfish Yin Ji and turn her into a Buddha fetus."

"From the information we received, the strength of this Jellyfish Yinji should be close to that of the Supreme Emperor!"

"We were forcibly moved here!"

At this time, a voice sounded in Yu Peiyu's ears.

A man in white clothes was very young, with a handsome face, and a gentle smile appeared on his face. He was looking at Yu Peiyu with some surprise on his face.

"Your face really makes me a little amazed!"

"There are still people with your looks in the world, and beauties fall in love with them!"

The man in white looked at Yu Peiyu and said.

He was talking about his own situation before, but in the blink of an eye he was amazed at the other person's appearance.

"Forcibly moved here?"

Yu Peiyu's eyes narrowed and she looked at the other party.

Of course he knows why he is here.

The Origin Emperor wants to deal with the Zhenwu Emperor.

He had absorbed a lot of Emperor Zhenwu's imperial seals. In order to attract Emperor Zhenwu, the Origin Emperor moved these people here.


"You should also absorb Emperor Zhenwu's imperial seal! We were forcibly moved here. Someone must be interested in the imperial seal on us!"

"The person who came here is not good. I'm afraid we are in danger. I'm Bai Ruochan. I hope we can cooperate today!"

The young man in white looked at Yu Peiyu and said.

"Cooperation, Bai Ruochen, you are still the same as before, you like to cooperate with the weak!"

"But you shouldn't be like this this time. Now that someone is attacking us, we should unite the imperial seals of Emperor Zhenwu!"

At this time, a man in black robe came from not far away.

This person exudes a strong blood-evil aura. Step by step, a terrifying aura enveloped Yu Peiyu, Bai Ruochan, and

"Pei Yuan, the situation is unclear now. If you do this, aren't you afraid that you will become someone else's food in the end?"

Bai Ruochen looked at the black-robed man who appeared.

"Moving us here is not something that can be done casually?"

"I think we people should cooperate now instead of competing with each other for other people's imperial seals!"

At this time, a middle-aged man in black shirt came from another place and spoke.


Suddenly Bai Ruochan's expression changed and he shouted to Yu Peiyu.


The moment Bai Ruochan's voice just fell,

A powerful bloody essence suddenly burst out from one place.

This figure was like a bloody spiritual snake. After it appeared, it appeared behind Yu Peiyu in the blink of an eye.

"People with low strength will never be qualified to cooperate with us!"

The voice of the figure that appeared was cold, and his face was even more ferocious. As he spoke, he slapped his palms instantly. The blood-colored palms, carrying the extremely rich smell of blood and corrosion, slapped Yu Peiyu hard and fiercely.

"Your imperial seal belongs to me!"

"Let you increase my strength!"

A cold voice echoed around.

"Xueyunzi, this is not the time for us to kill each other!"

Bai Ruochan growled.

It's just that Xueyunzi, who suddenly appeared and attacked Yu Peiyu, didn't pay attention to Bai Ruochen's words at all.


The bloody palm shattered the space.

In an instant, he reached Yu Peiyu’s back,

However, the moment must be captured on the spot.

A slender hand appeared out of thin air, like an eagle's claw, and grabbed his hand in it.

This bloody palm seemed to have a devastating blow, but it was unable to move under the slender palm.

"How can it be?!"

Xue Yunzi's face was shocked when he made the move.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.


But he wasn't too shocked yet.

Yu Peiyu's body in front of him moved.

It was a whip kick that was extremely crisp and sharp.

The sound of sonic boom resounded.

Afterimages emerged, and the terrifying true energy contained in them directly shattered the space.

Countless space fragments accompanied the roar of the leg shadow.

Hit him hard on the chest.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the blood cloud's chest collapsed.

And his body erupted into bursts of blood mist, and his body shot out like a cannonball.

After flying upside down for tens of thousands of meters, it stopped in an extremely embarrassed manner.

Several more mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and his face turned pale.

He was obviously seriously injured by that thunderous leg.

He looked at Yu Peiyu with horrified eyes.

"Your strength, you hide your strength?"

"If it weren't for the unknown danger now, I would have just killed you with one blow."

Yu Peiyu looked at Xue Yunzi who took action with cold eyes, and a surging killing intent broke out from her body.

The reason why he didn't kill this Xue Yunzi

It's just that he doesn't want to expose his strength too much.

After all, this time we are not only dealing with the Zhenwu Emperor, but also the evil one in the Zhenwu Temple.

That's the strongest one.

Of course, he also had a purpose, which was to find a way to swallow the emperor's seal on Emperor Zhenwu when his true form appeared.

In this case, his strength will be further improved.

(End of this chapter)

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