The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1641 Three days later, Hanhai will be born in the human world

"With my moonlight body, I can step into the Wushang Emperor in one step. In this case, I can also let go of my hands and feet on the Hanhai side!"

Huanwan's mentality changed slightly at this moment.

Although Duanlang is as powerful as the Supreme Emperor and can teleport some masters at any time, it is not her own power after all.

Always a little restricted.

Now she can step into the Supreme Emperor in one breath.

You can do a lot of things.

What's more, the power in the Moon Stone means that she is not just entering the ranks of the Supreme Emperor.

Calm your mind.

He looked at the six people in the hall.

"I wonder what you guys think of the proposal I just made!"

"Queen Yin, the western sea area of ​​​​the vast sea has always been under the control of the Huanxi Buddha Sect. If we occupy this western sea area, we will be the enemy of the Huanxi Buddha Sect!"

"Behind the Happy Buddha Sect is the Source of Heavenly Buddha, I'm afraid!"

At this time, among the five sea masters, Zhu Yanshou, the master of Tianjiao Island, spoke.

Tianjiao Island is the second largest island in the Western Sea. It has a very special geographical location and is located in an area shrouded in sea fog all year round.

The soul will be affected when entering that area. Even the giants in the emperor have difficulty in distinguishing its location, but the people in Tianjiao Island can travel freely.

Huanwan has read some information about Tianjiao Island.

According to the data, Zhu Yanshou, the owner of Tianjiao Island, was a member of the Zhu family, an ancient family in the vast sea. However, the Zhu family had been completely transformed by the Heavenly Buddha's Origin, and the Zhu family's ancestral land had also become the Heavenly Buddha's Origin and an altar.

Tianjiao Island is mainly composed of scattered Zhu family members.

The Huanxi Buddha Sect launched several campaigns against the people of Tianjiao Island, but the Zhu family hid in Tianjiao Island and took action against the Huanxi Buddha Sect who entered the waters around Tianjiao Island.

Huanxi Buddha Sect suffered heavy losses when they could not find the other party.

"It should be the Zhu family who knows how to enter Tianjiao Island."

Huanwan thought in her heart.

His mouth was about to open.

At this moment.

The man in the sea shark suit said: "Zhu Yanshou, do you just want to stay on Jiao Island that day? Now that the world has changed, your Jiao Island will not be able to protect you sooner or later!"

"The appearance of Queen Yin and Lord Duanlang now is our opportunity. If we miss this opportunity, we will never see it again!"

The man wearing the sea shark suit is the largest island in the Western Sea. The owner of Tiansha Island is Sha Fei, whose strength is at the level of a giant among emperors.

I have been fighting against people from the Huanxi Buddha Sect.

He once led people to massacre the largest Daifen Temple in the Western Sea Region of the Huanxi Buddhist Sect.

The heads of the disciples of the Huanxi Buddha Sect were piled outside and built into a temple, which was a ruthless method. The reason was that Sha Fei's wife was transformed into a female Bodhisattva by someone from the Huanxi Buddha Sect.

Having such a grudge against the Huanxi Buddha Sect, yet still living, and becoming one of the five overseas sea masters, shows how powerful Shark Fei is.

Tiansha Island has 108 islands, the farthest is close to the snowy area.

There are teleportation arrays between all the major islands.

If you encounter danger, you can teleport to each other. If you can't avoid it, you can enter the snowy area.

However, now that the Huanxi Buddha Sect is taking action against the Snow Territory, once the Snow Territory near the sea is ruled by the Huanxi Buddha Sect, it will be a disaster for Tiansha Island and Sha Fei, so he spoke out to support Hanhan.

Once the West Sea area controlled by the Huanxi Buddha Sect was occupied by the human world or the Yingui Sect.

The crisis on their Tiansha Island was immediately resolved.

"Master Shark Fei Island is right, we can't back down at this time!"

After Shark Fei spoke, a Sea Lord also spoke up.

"We agree too!"

The other two sea masters also spoke out, which was beneficial to them and they must support it.

Huanwan's eyes couldn't help but look at Win Jianzhou, the number one overseas swordsman with a long sword on his back.

"I wonder what Mr. Ying is like?"

This Ying Jianzhou is an ascetic swordsman.

After his sect was destroyed by the Huanxi Buddha Sect, he tried the sword with members of the Huanxi Buddha Sect and the Buddhist sect for many years.

Among the overseas forces, one person becomes a force. "If Lord Yinhou agrees to help me kill the first leader of Huanxi Buddha Sect, Yue! I am willing to be loyal to Lord Yinhou and obey Lord Yinhou's orders!"

Ying Jianzhou stood up and saluted.

His master was killed by Luo Yu with one palm.

He always wanted to take revenge on his master.

But with Luo Yu's strength, he knew that it was possible to be in the realm of the Supreme Emperor.

It is difficult to take revenge on oneself.

So he wanted to ask Huanwan to help him avenge this.

This hatred was a knot in his heart that he could not break, which made it impossible for him to improve his swordsmanship.

If you can't break it yourself, you can only do it through the hands of others.

Appear in the human world.

He wants to seize this opportunity.

Wanwanluo looked at Ying Jianzhou with a hint of amusement. Ying Jianzhou was very smart. He did not choose to be loyal to the Yingui sect or Duanlang, but to her.

She is the young master's wife in the human world and the Yin Queen of the Yingui Sect.

Be loyal to her.

In order to obtain the maximum benefit.

And he knows how to look at the situation.

In the human world, if the Yingui Sect makes such a commotion, they will definitely not take it lightly and compete with the Huanxi Buddha Sect or the Heavenly Buddha Origin and Earth behind the Huanxi Buddha Sect.

Fight for this vast sea area.

It would be in his best interest to join at this time and choose to join conditionally.

Of course, I also left a backup plan.

If the Yingui Sect and Human World cannot kill the leader of Huanxi Buddha Sect, he can leave, and Huanwan cannot force him.

"I'm also willing to take action together!"

At this time, Zhu Yanshou, who had been hesitant before, spoke.

Everyone else was taking action, so he had no choice but to take action.

"Okay, if that's the case, after you guys go back, prepare to gather here in three days. In three days, we will destroy all the branch temples of the Xihai Huanxi Buddhist Sect!"

Huanwan stood up and said.

In three days, she should be able to fuse the Moon Stone and step into the Supreme Emperor.

When the time comes, I believe it will shock those who like the Buddhist sect.

"I'll take my leave!"

The six people saluted Huanhan at the same time and exited the hall.

After everyone left.

Huanwan said to the people around him: "Tell me, are there any of these people who are happy with the Buddhist sect?"

"There should be no people who are happy with the Buddha Sect. They all have a deep hatred for the Happy Buddha Sect. They cannot be people who are happy with the Buddha Sect." Wen Qingfan couldn't help but said.

"Sometimes what I see on the surface is what others let me see!"

Huanwan said.

"Master Yin Hou, among these people, only the number one swordsman overseas, Ying Jianzhou, and the master of Tianjiao Island, Zhu Yanshou, have no fixed address. Ying Jianzhou has no fixed address. It is difficult to check his information. Outsiders from Tianjiao Island cannot Even if I search, I can’t find out!”

Wen Zixin said from the side.

"Don't worry about winning Jianzhou. He practices swordsmanship. I've seen some strong swordsmen like him. His swordsmanship is unique, otherwise he wouldn't be able to reach this level!"

Huanhua shook her head.

"Master Yinhou suspects that Zhu Yan is thin!"

Wen Qingfan said.

"I suspect everyone, but in three days, we will know their details."

"Mr. Duan, I will be in seclusion for three days. I will leave the seclusion after three days. We will sweep away the forces of the Happy Buddha Sect in the Western Sea! The human world will be born in the vast sea!"

Huanwan said. (End of chapter)

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