
The face of Liao Xie, whose body was cut off, changed drastically.

He raised his palms, trying to grab his lower body back.

But Ying Jianzhou's figure appeared in front of him, and his body transformed into a sword, instantly splitting his head in two.


When the head is split into two.

Shark Fei appeared, raised his palm, and a whirlpool appeared, swallowing Evil's body instantly.


At this moment, a huge roar of Buddha appeared.


Cracks appeared in the surrounding space,

Ying Jianzhou and Sha Fei immediately retreated.

Four figures appeared at the door of the ruined temple.

His eyes were looking in one place.

"The four Wushang Emperors are happy with the Buddha Sect, and they really think highly of me in this world!"

Duan Lang's figure appeared behind Ying Jianzhou and Sha Fei.

"What, four supreme emperors!"

Hear Duan Lang's words.

The expressions of Ying Jianzhou and Sha Fei, who had taken action earlier, changed.

They didn't expect that they had just killed the evil monk in front of four supreme emperors.

"Damn it!"


Among the four people, the Tibetan seal monk stepped forward.

Terrifying power swept over his body and headed towards Ying Jianzhou and the others.

Just now, the four of them followed Evil out of the ruined temple.

But the moment Evil stepped out of the ruined temple, a force appeared in front of them, cutting them off from Evil.

After they punched to break the power, they found that Evil had been killed.

"The world is broken. I wonder what the four of you want to do when you come to my place in the world?"

Duan Lang stepped out and stood in front of Ying Jianzhou and Sha Fei. He resisted the pressure and spoke first.

"In the human world, this Western Sea Territory is the territory of my Happy Buddha Sect. You dare to occupy this place in the human world! Today I will transform you into the Vajra of the Happy Buddha Sect!"

The Zangyin monk looked at Duan Lang and said sternly.


After the words fell,

The aura on his body surged rapidly, and it was like countless volcanoes appeared in his body, constantly emitting throbbing and destructive fluctuations.

Then the space behind him collapsed, emitting waves of unprecedented fluctuations, and a huge Buddha shadow emerged behind him,

"Heavenly Buddha's Nirvana Palm!"

The Tibetan monk shouted loudly.

The huge Buddha figure behind him immediately stretched out two terrifying palms of light and swatted at Duan Lang's body, like swatting mosquitoes.

Duanlang's eyes narrowed.

He clapped his palm out and headed towards the light palm.

However, the power of Duan Lang's palm was slightly inferior to that of the light palm.


The palm he shot out instantly collapsed under this light palm.

The extremely huge light palm was still slapping his body fiercely.

Duan Lang's face became serious, and the palm he stretched out began to change.

A terrifying power filled his palm, and then his palm turned into dark dragon claws.


Catch it with one palm.


The terrifying dragon claws clawed hard at the light palm.

Under the extremely sharp dragon claws, the light palm was directly scratched to pieces.

"Dragon Claw!"

The Zangyin who took action looked at Duan Lang, his eyes condensed, and he did not take action again, but looked at Duan Lang with cold eyes.

"Duan Lang, I don't know how you have the courage to take action against us, but you will be punished for your own misfortune. After today, I am happy that the Buddha Sect will have one more Azure Dragon King Kong!"

Zangyin's expression was cold and stern, but his eyes were looking elsewhere.

"Since you're here, please show up. I really want to know who in the human world it is?"

beneath his voice.

Yaoyue walked out from there.

"Jiu Han Palace invites the moon!"

The moment Yao Yue walked out, one of the two monks who came from behind spoke.


When his voice fell.

He moved.

When he moved, the other two monks also moved and instantly appeared in three other directions, with a terrifying aura surrounding them.

This is to surround Duanlang and Yaoyue, fearing that they will escape.

Under these four breaths. Ying Jianzhou and Sha Fei suddenly felt a terrifying force sweeping through their minds.

Their bodies couldn't move at all.

The pressure of four supreme emperors.

They are like ants before these four pressures.

He looked hard at Duanlang and Yaoyue.

At this moment, Duan Lang looked at Ying Jianzhou and

This time they came to deal with the evil ones of the Huanxi Buddha Sect, and it was the news that Ying Jianzhou got.

Liao evil brought two powerful supreme emperors to Sucheng!

Then Duanlang also conducted an investigation and determined that there were only two supreme emperors around Evil, so he and Yao Yue, who came from the snowy region, came here.

According to the plan.

Ying Jianzhou attacked and killed Evil.

Duanlang and Yaoyue deal with the other two.

In the end, Ying Jianzhou and Sha Fei worked together to deal with the other two.

But now there are four supreme emperors.

This is totally wrong.

"Lord Duanlang, Master Yaoyue Palace, the news I got is that the Huanxi Buddha Sect only dispatched two supreme emperors."

"I really don't know the rest."

Ying Jianzhou said with all his strength.

There is bitterness in my heart.

In fact, it is completely meaningless to defend or not to defend now.

Four supreme emperors.

Even if Yao Yue showed up,

They also couldn't face the four supreme emperors.

"It seems that the person who provided us with the information was arranged by your Happy Buddha Sect!"

Duanlang looked at Zangyin and said.

"Arrangement, I'm happy for the Buddha Sect to take action. Do I need to play tricks on you? You think too highly of you?"

"However, this time, we have gained a lot. With the body of the green dragon and the body of the ice phoenix, you can help me rejoice in the prosperity of the Buddha Sect!"

Zangyin's face showed a strong look of joy.

They came here to destroy the world forcefully, and they didn't intend to play any tricks.

Although they have lost evil now, if they win Duan Lang and Yao Yue, their gains will be huge this time.


After hearing their words, Duan Lang and Yao Yue looked at each other.

There was a trace of solemnity in the eyes of the two people.

Information provided by Ying Jianzhou.

Duan Lang also checked it out personally and determined that there were only three people in Lian Na evil.

This is also the reason why he brought people to take action.

"not good!"

"Four supreme emperors, if there was a problem with the news before, then!"

Duanlang's mind was filled with thoughts.

Suddenly he looked startled.

"Someone should be trying to deal with Huan Huan!"

Yao Yue said at the side.

"It seems that you have fallen into a trap!"

"But you should still care about yourselves!"

"Three senior brothers, let me deal with Yao Yue. The three senior brothers can save Duan Lang first!"

Zangyin looked at Yao Yue, his eyes flashing lustfully.

The Buddha's shadow behind him became even more dazzling.

As for Ying Jianzhou and Sha Fei, he didn't care about them at all.



In the mansion.

Zhu Yanshou and the three sea masters stood in front of Hanhan.

The three sea masters behind him now have black Buddha lights appearing on their bodies, and Buddha shadows also appear in their minds.

These three people have been thinned by Zhu Yan.

"I didn't expect you to be a member of the Happy Buddha Sect!"

Huanwan looked at Zhu Yanshou in front of her and said.

"I am not a person who likes Buddhism!"

Zhu Yanshou stared at Hanhan closely and shook his head.

When he knew that Hanwan possessed the Moonlight Body and the Sky-Moon Divine Stone, he secretly controlled the people of Ying Jianzhou and exposed the whereabouts of Huanxi Buddha Sect and the Evil Ones.

Duan Lang and Yao Yue left.

Then he can easily take down Huanwan. (End of chapter)

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