The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1665 In the human world, there are 1 emperor, 3 emperors, and 5 kings

The scene was silent.

From Tianjing Zen Temple, Qing Yansu looked at Empress Tianxue and stepped out.

"Lianxing, you don't have the advantage at all now!"

"The people you brought from Jiuhan Palace can't even break through the Tianxue Army led by Prince Xue Ming!"

"Your Jiuhan Palace is bound to be defeated!"

"You are still so arrogant, aren't you afraid that I, Tianjing Chanyuan, will officially intervene in your battle?"

Qing Yan Su said.

"Tianjing Chanyuan, Qingyansu, Tianjing Chanyuan is involved, so what? I, Jiuhan Palace, are dispatched. The Tianxue Empire can only surrender, otherwise it will only be destroyed!"

Lianxing said coldly.

Although Jiuhan Palace does not have an advantage, she will not be weak in terms of momentum.

"Are you thinking that the world will do its best to help you?"

After hearing Lian Xing's words, Qing Yansu looked at Su Chen.

"Young Master Su Qingchen, if you withdraw from this battle in the human world, you will be a good friend of Tianjing Chanyuan and Tianxue Empire. I think you can get what you want in the Snowy Land!"

Qing Yansu looked at Su Chen and said.

She didn't care about the power displayed by Jiuhan Palace now.

Tianxue Empire's current strength is enough to deal with Jiuhan Palace.

But the human world is not ordinary.

They don't know how many strong people there are, how many people came.

So she thought of persuading Su Chen to withdraw from this battle.

Su Chen didn't answer her words.

The strength and identity of the people here are not simple.

There is the empress of the Tianxue Empire, the royal family, the direct descendants of Tianjing Chanyuan, and the Great Emperor Wushang of Tianjing Chanyuan.

Luck is definitely not simple,

He is going to use these people to draw away some of the golden lottery cards he has obtained.

After all, he now has seven golden lottery cards.

Four first!

Su Chen drew four golden lottery cards at once.

[Acquire the half-body cultivation of the emperor's legendary figure Demon Lord, and the exclusive character Magician Pang Ban. Note: The Demon Lord's own cultivation level is beyond the level of detachment. 】

[Get the character Mo Mi Tuo, get Xiang Wuhen’s cultivation, the exclusive character Li Chenzhou, get a Supreme Emperor Pill, and get the exclusive character host. 】

Look at these prompt messages.

Su Chen was extremely excited.

Although only one character appears this time.

But the cultivation of the other two helped the two on his side achieve a half-step of transcendence.

Especially Pang Ban. Pang Ban now occupies the Taishang Demon Palace and is also the lord of Yuzhou.

He has to face the threat of the original demon sect, the power behind the Taishang Demon Palace.

At this time, his strength will be improved so that he can better deal with the original demon gate.

Or use the Taishang Demon Palace to gain a greater status among the original demon sect.

Pang Ban is different from others.

Because Pang Ban received the inheritance from Xun Mozi of Taishang Demon Palace, and his roots are deep and mature.

No one in Taishang Demon Palace would doubt his origin.

It's a pity that Pang Ban only obtained half of the cultivation level of the Demon Lord in the Legend of Emperor. If he obtained all the cultivation levels, he might step into the transcendent level in one step.

As for Ma Miduo, a character in the Legend of the Son of Heaven, he is the same character as Huangfu Ji, and he is also Huangfu Ji's opponent. He practices the Tathagata Palm. As for Xiang Wuhen, he is also a character in the Legend of the Son of Heaven. He is also a figure between Ma Miduo and Huangfu Ji. opponent.

But instead of a character appearing, his own skills were given to Li Chenzhou.

Improved Li Chenzhou's strength.

However, this Xiang Wuhen is not only the descendant of Overlord, but also has mastered the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sword to the extreme.

After Li Chenzhou obtains Xiang Wuhen's strength, his strength will skyrocket.

Even in the half-step of detachment, it is probably an extremely powerful existence.

As for the Supreme Emperor Pill, it can help Su Chen officially enter the level of the Supreme Emperor.

Su Chen thought in his heart.

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Chen is deep in thought now.

It's just that the time of contemplation is a bit long, which makes people feel ignored.

The eyes of Qing Yansu began to change, and she was a little angry. She had a peerless face, but she had never been ignored like this.

As for Empress Tianxue, her face was a little angry, but there was a sparkle in her eyes.

This young master in this world, Su Qingchen, is so calm.

She had to pay attention.

"Young Master Su, do you need to think about it for a long time?"

"Cooperating with my Tianjing Zen Temple is the right choice for you!"

This time Qing Yansu's tone was a bit harsh.

"What, young lady, are you threatening me?"

"I work, but I won't tolerate any threats!"

There was a hint of coldness in Su Chen's eyes.

"Donor Su! Now that you are enemies of Huanxi Buddha Sect in this world, if you are going to fight against me, Tianjing Chanyuan again!"

"Our Tianjing Zen Monastery is the place where the Four Buddhas come from, the Source of Heavenly Buddha! To be an enemy of it is to be an enemy of the entire vast sea of ​​Buddha, the Source of Heavenly Buddha!"

Monk Faxu spoke at this time. "Since I dare to take action against the Huanxi Buddha Sect in this human world, am I really afraid of your Heavenly Buddha Origin?"

"To tell you the truth, in my human world, three of the five kings are already in the Snowy Land and the Vast Sea!"

Su Chen's words were filled with coldness.

The structure of the human world has never been determined.

Su Chen plans to create a structure of one emperor, three emperors, and five kings in the world.

The five kings are at least half a step beyond the five masters.

"Three kings out of five!"

After hearing Su Chen's words, whether it was Monk Faxu, Qing Yansu, Empress Tianxue and others, their faces showed surprise.

They understood that the five kings mentioned by Su Chen were not the supreme emperors.

Because Duan Lang and the Yin Queen who appeared in Hanhai now are at the level of the Supreme Emperor, but they should not be the Five Kings.

"Then ask them to show up!"

"I want to meet the five kings in the world!"

Faxu said.

"Are you worthy?"

Su Chen snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes.

"Su Qingchen, you are so presumptuous!"

Monk Faxu's face turned cold. As an elder of Tianjing Zen Monastery and a supreme emperor, he had never been so rude before.

"Hmph! It was you who invited me here. I came to see you. This is to give you face and treat you with courtesy!"

"But you are so aggressive, and you even set up a large sealing formation around here. What do you want to do? Do you want to take action against us?"

Su Chen looked around and said coldly.


"Young Master Su, a soldier never tires of deceit. When fighting, you must destroy your opponent at all costs!"

"Since you guessed it, why don't you cooperate with us?"

At this time, Prince Xue Rong said behind Empress Tianxue.

It is different from martial arts forces.

The Tianxue Empire is an imperial system, and in the internal battles within the empire, all means are used.

The means that can lead to victory are good means.

The original intention of inviting Lian Xing and Su Chen was that if Lian Xing agreed to meet, they would be able to suppress Lian Xing, capture Lian Xing, and suppress Su Chen.

But I didn't expect Lian Xing to have the strength of the Supreme Emperor.

Although it exceeded expectations, there was more than one supreme emperor on their side. With the current strength of their side, it would not be a problem to take down Su Chen and the others.

"I'm looking for you to die!"

After Prince Xuerong spoke up, Jellyfish Yinji snorted coldly.

The aura on his body exploded, and he moved towards Prince Xue Rong.

Prince Xuerong dared to be rude to Su Chen.

How could Jellyfish Yin Ji spare him?


Prince Xue Rong did not expect that the jellyfish Yin Ji would take action against him.

The aura on his body exploded, and his body rushed out. The moment he rushed out, golden Buddha lights appeared on his body.

This Prince Xue Rong only became a giant among the emperors after practicing the Diamond Jade Pillar Body of Tianjing Zen Monastery.

On the body of the vajra pillar, there is a vajra that turns into jade, which controls the sky, and a vajra that turns into jade, which pushes the body horizontally and is unparalleled.

He is the representative figure of Tianjing Zen Temple in Tianxue Empire.


The two figures intertwined and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, as if they were swallowed by the void.

"Stacking void! What a great trick!"

Su Chen looked at the disappearing jellyfish Yin Ji and the figure of Prince Xuerong, and couldn't help but say.

"Young Master Su, it is said that the power in the world is unpredictable. I want to personally learn about Young Master Su's strength. I don't know if it is possible!"

Right now.

That day, the Snow Empress stepped forward and looked at Su Chendao.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. She didn't expect that the Snow Empress would fight him that day.

"Young Master Su, if you and I fight alone, we may gain something unexpected!"

A voice sounded in Su Chen's mind.

It was the message from Empress Tianxue.

"Well, I want to see what tricks you are playing!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

The figure is stepping out.

"Then let me show you your strength, Empress Tianxue!"


At this moment, a spear appeared in the hand of the Snow Empress that day, tearing the void apart and stepping into it.

Su Chen didn't hesitate and followed suit. (End of chapter)

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