The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1669 The first generation of the Huanxi Buddha Sect, Great Huanxi Buddha


The sound spreads.

Huangfuji's body turned into a bright light and headed towards the Huanxi Buddha Sect.

The aura on his body surged, and the terrifying evil energy exploded on him, filling the sky above the entire Joyful Buddha Sect.

The void is deep and carries a terrifying murderous intent.



At this moment, the disciples in the Huanxi Buddha Sect burst out, roared, and charged towards Huangfu Ji with all their strength.

The Buddha's light fills the field and shakes the heaven and earth.

At this moment, Huangfu tried his best to activate the Hun Tian Baojian in his body.

The terrifying sword energy circulated extremely quickly in his body, and then burst out.

Suddenly there was a gap between heaven and earth.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, like the light of the Milky Way.

Heading towards the Happy Buddha Sect.


The Buddha's light that struck over quickly collapsed under the sword energy, and was dispersed in the blink of an eye.

Then it was scattered in the Xianghuan Buddhist Sect.


At this moment, the pagoda and building within the Huanxi Buddha Sect were shattered to pieces by the sword energy attack.


Screams broke out.

A Buddhist cultivator from the Huanxi Buddhism sect lost his body and head under this sword energy.

Blood filled the air.

Extremely miserable.

"Huangfu Ji, how dare you!"

The Monk Tianyu Xuan who followed him in had a ferocious look on his face.

He did not expect that Huangfu Ji would act so cruelly against their disciples in the Huanxi Buddha Sect.

This is simply shameless.

And judging from the opponent's series of actions, it seems that this was the opponent's original plan.

Kill ordinary disciples of their happy Buddhist sect.

"Damn, damn!"

Tianyu Xuan Monk roared, dark red thunder lines appeared on his body, his aura became more violent, and his eyes became scarlet.

"Heaven's Desire Thunder Fire! Bloody Thunder Sword!"


A dark and ferocious long knife appeared in the palm of his hand.


With a movement of his body, he turned into a ray of light and shot towards Huangfuji.

In the blink of an eye, he jumped a hundred feet away and arrived in front of Huangfu Ji.


Monk Tianyu Xuan let out a low cry, slashed down with a ferocious long force, and the majestic blood-thunder sword energy was vented out, enveloping the blood evil and thunder energy, and developed a sword beam that was a hundred feet long.

As the sword passed by, the void shook violently, and faint cracks appeared, as if the rules had collapsed.

In the process.

The Buddha's shadow appears again on Monk Tianyu Xuan's body. This time, the three Buddha's shadows merge into one, giving the impression of three heads and six arms.

With the hand seals formed, three strange auras converged with the Buddha's power in the void, forming energy screens like sky nets.

"Three Buddhas are in the same sky, let's see where you run away."

Monk Tianyu Xuan roared,

He blocked the surrounding space to prevent Huangfu Ji from escaping.

The three Buddha's hand seals supported the power of the Buddha, and in conjunction with his bloody thunder sword, they simultaneously attacked and killed Huangfu Ji.

At this moment.

Ye Jia, the head of the Huanxi Buddha Sect, followed, and his face was extremely gloomy at this moment.

He is the host of the Huanxi Buddha Sect. There are many casualties among the disciples of the Huanxi Buddha Sect now. He was the host sent by the Tianfo Origin to enter the Huanxi Buddha Sect. If the Huanxi Buddha Sect was destroyed, then he may have to return to the Tianfo Origin. Be reprimanded.

"Looking for death, looking for death!"

A cold anger spurted out from his eyes.

Stretching out his right hand, an ancient aura filled the air on his arm.

There is a dark and gloomy aura in this breath, but there is also a Buddhist aura in the aura.

Two auras of light and darkness meet.

Form a thick energy chain.

Terrifying and violent energy erupted in it, heading towards Huangfu Ji's body.

Wherever the chain passes, the surrounding void is a distorted void, and you can get a glimpse of it.

He would not let Huangfuji leave.

must stay.

The void around Huangfu Ji changes and the pressure increases. The sword energy that exploded was shattered by the power in the void, but he couldn't think too much about it at this time.

The knife was already in front of him.

"I won't play with you anymore, I'll give you the final blow!"

Huangfu snorted coldly.


Four figures appeared behind him. As soon as these four figures emerged, they emitted a terrifying Buddha light.

"You dare, you dare!"

Seeing these four figures, Monk Tianyu Xuan looked ferocious.

These four figures were the four Wushang Emperors of the Huanxi Buddha Sect who went to deal with Yinhou Hanhan.

Huangfuji used secret techniques to extract their souls and turn them into energy.

Become a means of attack for him.


Four figures erupted at the same time, attacking the two men.


The moment those four figures collided with Monk Tianyu Xuan and Master Ye Jia, they exploded directly.

Suddenly terrifying power.

Sweeping across the sky.

For a moment, the power that suppressed Huangfu Ji was shattered into pieces at this moment.

The terrifying energy swept around, forming a huge storm, sweeping towards the Happy Buddha Sect. At this moment, pagodas and tall buildings were also swept away, and screams broke out.

The power this time was too terrifying.

Most of the Huanxi Buddha Sect was destroyed by this force. Only some special places erupted with energy Buddha lights to block these attacks, but these Buddha lights were also in danger.

After Huangfu Ji struck, his body quickly rushed out.

There is no need to fight anymore, his goal has been achieved, and the Buddha Sect is happy after this time.

The momentum will inevitably fall.

They are in the vast sea and have a great reputation in this world, so they believe they can develop quickly.

this moment.

When Master Yejia and Monk Tianyu Xuan saw the precarious pagoda and Buddhist temple, they rushed out. Monk Tianyu appeared outside a glazed pagoda, resisting the energy of Monk Tianyu, his face turned red.

A jade statue appeared in his hand, and with a swipe of his hand, blood spurted out.

"That is the statue of Great Huanxi Buddha, the first generation presiding officer of the Huanxi Buddha Sect, left in the Huanxi Buddha Sect!"

Ye Jia, who was not far away, saw the jade sculpture in the palm of Monk Tianyu Xuan, his face moved slightly, and his eyes were surprised.

He didn't expect that Monk Tianyu Xuan would have this thing in his hands.

"Ancestor, please take action!"

Monk Tianyu Xuan's face was respectful, and energy exploded from his body and poured into the jade sculpture.


A white Buddha light erupted on the jade sculpture.


A terrifying energy appeared on the glazed pagoda behind him.

In an instant, the ancient and powerful Buddha energy burst out.

For a moment, the originally terrifying storm seemed to stand still for an instant when the statue burst into light.

The entire Joyful Buddha Sect once again regained its profound tranquility.

An unspeakable shock hit everyone's hearts.


Huangfu Ji, who fled, was shocked.

Sensing something, his eyes couldn't help but look behind him.

Jade carvings appear, emitting the ancient aura of Buddha's light.

The powerful Buddha's light gathered on the jade sculpture. This power seemed to gather all the Buddha's energy of the Happy Buddha Sect.

The Buddha's light was dazzling, flickering, and gradually evolved into a hazy shadow.

The virtual figure is dressed in pure white Buddha clothes, with a blurred face, and is filled with vast Buddha energy. The surrounding void is also distorted and overlapped under this Buddha light.

Standing there gives people the illusion of being suppressed and confused.


When the Happy Buddha Sect saw the phantom, they immediately showed enthusiasm and reverence.

The first generation host of the Huanxi Buddha Sect, the Great Huanxi Buddha Sect, went out of the Heavenly Buddha's Origin, founded the Huanxi Buddha Sect, and practiced the Huanxi Tianyu Zen. It can be said that he is a legend in the Heavenly Buddha's Origin in the vast sea. He led the Huanxi Buddha Sect to become The Buddhist power under the Four Buddhas.

If it is not the origin of Heavenly Buddha, recall it.

So under his leadership, the Happy Buddha Sect will definitely become the fifth Buddha. (End of chapter)

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