Feel the aura erupting from Su Chen's body.

Tianxue Empress Xue Qingmeng's eyes narrowed slightly. The opponent's body had a strong aura, and the terrifying blood energy was like a brilliant pure sun, burning the surroundings like a sea of ​​​​qi, forming terrifying ripples.

In this ripple, the void is chaotic, as if Su Chen does not exist in this void.

The powerful physical body, the hazy breath, and every breath, as if there is a surging heat wave sweeping over it.

Two breaths exploded.

At this moment, Su Chen perfectly demonstrated part of his power.

The eyes of Empress Tianxue, who was wearing battle armor, became even sharper.

"Young Master Su's physical body, blood, soul, and breath perception are very surprising. A fight with you, no matter whether I win or lose, will be beneficial to me!"

Empress Tianxue looked at Su Chen and said.

Although the tone was calm and he didn't care about the outcome, at this moment, the aura on the opponent's armor became more crystal clear, and began to flow like gold, and white snow drifted between the sky and the earth.

As the aura on her body rose and fell, a vortex was formed to resist the power of the hot energy and blood emitted by Su Chen.

Let Su Chen burst out with the power of Qi and blood, temporarily unable to corrode and coerce the opponent.


Empress Tianxue held the Xueyue God of War's spear in her hands tightly, and her fighting spirit increased again, revealing a heart-stopping power.

His eyes were domineering, showing supreme authority.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. The aura on the opponent's body and the power that burst out made him dazzled, as if he saw a peerless Valkyrie, standing in the void, facing everything with a spear in his hand, and killing everything. Kill all those who oppose it.

"Why is the Snow Empress so powerful today!"

Su Chen's heart trembled. He didn't understand why the other party was so imposing.

"Is the other party also a reincarnated person? Otherwise, he wouldn't have such momentum!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

The Tianxue Empress knows Han Qingcheng's ins and outs, and yet she is so dismissive of Han Qingcheng. This Tianxue Empress is probably a reincarnated person, and may also come from the Ancient Star Territory.


Empress Tianxue stepped forward, one step a hundred feet, and in the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of Su Chen,

The spear in his hand instantly slashed towards Su Chen's throat.

Extremely fast.

Not holding back at all.

Say it and start it.

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, his steps also moved, and his whole person disappeared under the spear like a ghost.

Empress Tianxue missed her blow.

The spear in his hand struck at one place

And at this moment.

Su Chen's figure appeared in front of the spear again. The real energy in his hand was filled with his fist. The terrifying energy and blood condensed into the fist, and he waved his fist to bombard the opponent's spear.

The fist landed on the spear.

It made a clear sound that penetrated the clouds, like a yellow bell roaring.

The terrifying power surged towards the palm of Empress Tianxue through the spear.

"This level of power is still far behind!"

The figure was cold and stern.

The terrifying power made Empress Tianxue's palms tremble.

The whole body was shaken and flew far away.

However, it was nothing serious. Two golden lights burst out from her pupils, a strong aura overflowed, and she let out a light scolding.

at this moment!

A mysterious divine power surged out of his body.

Her eyes turned silver, and her whole person gained an inexplicable charm, like the birth of a holy spirit.

A layer of frost also appeared on the surrounding void air current.

A cold crescent moon also appeared above the frost.

The fighting spirit on his body flows with a silvery brilliance under the snowy moon, like a god coming to the dust, and a terrifying picture appears behind it.

A figure emerged.

The graceful figure carries huge power, revealing endless killing power.

The figure is somewhat similar to Empress Tianxue, but her eyes are silver and shoot out two terrifying beams of light, giving people a sense of sanctity.

Her cloud-like hair almost turned silver, just like her battle suit.

"The shadow behind him is very powerful, but it is incomplete. If it were complete, it would probably surpass the Supreme Emperor..."

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat.

He sensed that the shadow behind Empress Tianxue was not simple.

"Kill!" This moment.

Su Chen did not ask who the other party was, but shouted loudly, and took action first. He stepped into the void with his footsteps, and his whole body exuded a fiery aura, like pure Yang, and blasted towards the opponent.


Empress Tianxue took action, and the Snow Moon God of War Spear in her hand rang softly and turned into a silver light. She rushed over and collided violently with Su Chen's fist. This time, they were evenly matched.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

The power of Empress Tianxue was beyond his expectation.


Su Chen let out a long roar, and the true energy and blood outside his body continued to surge. It was brilliant and dazzling. His body shot out, and his whole body's energy and blood burned like an eternal furnace.

Now that he has taken action, he will definitely capture the Snow Empress.

Seeing this, Empress Tianxue did not retreat at all.

Fight head-on, use strategies, and use scheming. No matter what the calculation is, the outcome must be determined by strength in the end.


Empress Tianxue laughed loudly, and struck at Su Chen again with the spear in her hand.

"Heaven and earth kill!"

At this moment, a strong killing aura erupted from the spear.

The breath pierced the space into pieces, like a vast sea of ​​stars passing through the sky, heading towards Su Chen with a terrifying murderous aura.


The void shatters

The terrifying power penetrated everything, almost splitting the space around Su Chen into two.

At this moment, Su Chen was surrounded by endless killing energy.

It's hard to imagine how powerful this spear is.

"Let me see how powerful your attack is!"

"King Kong, splitting demons, violent apes all over the world!"

Su Chen growled.

The golden aura and blood energy on his body quickly condensed, and the entire body swelled up. In the blink of an eye, it was hundreds of feet high. The space that had been crushed by the killing energy was directly shattered again by his body.

At this moment, the aura on Su Chen's body became extremely domineering.


The fist in his hand is completely dark golden.

Put your hands together and blast towards the opponent.

The terrifying power shook the sky, and under this power, the world seemed to turn into chaos.

Empress Tianxue was shocked when she took action.

The spear in his hand turned towards the falling fist.

The two forces collided again.

The Snow Moon God of War Spear in Empress Tianxue's hand flew backwards under this force, and her body was even shaken back.

After one blow, Su Chen's body and mind exploded, and he continued to attack the opponent without giving Empress Tianxue a chance to react.

The strength of the fist is unparalleled.

Empress Tianxue, whose figure was shaken back, changed her eyes and let out a bright sword light.

Make a seal with your hands.

this moment.

A shocking sword light appeared on Empress Tianxue.

As the sword light appeared, a figure walked out.

"In this world, the sword body is like a sword, and the snow falls from the sky!"


In the midst of a low groan, the figure appeared and slashed out with a sword. There was a sword snow between the sky and the earth. Heavy snow covered the sky and the earth, pouring down towards Su Chen.

"Snow Devouring Divine Bow!"

The figure continued to retreat.

A divine bow appeared in the hands of Empress Tianxue. The divine bow circulated, and the cold air between heaven and earth became more violent.

The God of War Spear in his hand was placed directly on the God-Eating Bow of Tianxue.

At this moment, a strange power appeared on his body, his spear, and his long bow.

"This power!"

Su Chen, who transformed into a hundred feet, felt a kind of terror in his heart.


At this moment, the spear in Empress Tianxue's hand turned into an arrow and shot towards Su Chen. (End of chapter)

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