In the palace.

Zhuo Yanzhong left in embarrassment.

I have lingering fears.

"Among the three emperors, this Demon Emperor should be the strongest!"

"With combat power at the level of a virtual god, we need to report this back as soon as possible!"

Zhuo Yanzhong thought in his heart.

As he dragged his injured body away.

Seeing the leader of Tianjing Zen Temple coming to Tianjing Zen Temple with Empress Tianxue, his eyes were startled, but he didn't say anything and walked away quickly.

Su Chen felt a little more relaxed now and looked towards the head of Tianchanyuan who followed Empress Tianxue into the courtyard.

"I've seen Young Master Su, Tianjing Temple, and Fanhui Dance!"

The head of Tianchanyuan introduced himself.

"The aura on his body is not obvious. The strength of the leader of Tianchanyuan is somewhat unusual!"

Su Chen didn't see the strength of the head of Tianchanyuan for a while.

"One of the four great Buddha places, Tianjing Zen Temple, one of the first of the two temples, the luck should be extraordinary!"

"We must use some help!"

Su Chen looked at the head of Tianchanyuan and thought to himself.

Now, in the past few days, Su Chen has also sorted out some gains from the Tianxue Empire and the Snow Region.

Now he has 20 golden lottery cards.

Just now, I was thinking of using the luck of the people in Yuan Sheng Palace that day.

But the opponent was aggressive, and Yin Zhong showed up and severely injured the opponent. Such a person would definitely have bad luck, so Su Chen was useless.

Now in Tianjing Chanyuan, the leader of Tianjing Chanyuan has extraordinary strength.

And she is still a woman, and she also carries a Sanskrit word. Such a woman is not simple.

"Let's do 10 consecutive draws first!"

This time, Su Chen didn't draw four cards at once, but drew 10 cards in a row.

See if you can find some good wool,

[Get the character Dugu Xingye (Xuantian Evil Emperor), get a drop of True God Dragon Blood, get 1000 teleportation talismans, get 100 Wushang Emperor Pills, get 1 low-grade god-level promotion card from Qinglong Tower, get the Snow Lotus Heart of Heaven and Earth, exclusive The character Yao Yue obtains the character Niu Lang (Shen Wen Xuan Qi), the exclusive character Fu Hongxue, obtains the character Destroy the Sky, the exclusive character Guan Yutian, obtains the character Destroy Ghosts and Gods, and the exclusive character Ren Qianxing! Obtain a bottle of Tianling Water]


Su Chen saw this scene

His eyes were horrified.

inside the palace

He was looking at the head of Su Chentian Zen Temple and saw Su Chen staring at him.

Suddenly his eyes became intense.

She looked surprised.

Empress Tianxue, who came in with Tianchanyuan, was slightly startled when she saw Su Chen's appearance.

"Does the young master like such a mature woman?"

I couldn't help but think of this.

"It's not bad for a character to have power transmission!"

"Are you going to fight the Huanxi Buddha Sect or the Heavenly Buddha Origin and Earth this time?"

Su Chen thought so in his heart.

Investigate immediately.

This is the information about Dugu Xingye and others.

Dugu Xingye, a character who appears in the Mysterious Weapon Xuanqi Dynasty, Xuantian Evil Emperor, a character who was infected by a breath of evil energy from the Yuanzu Demon. He practices swords and has special powers: he can trigger fear deep in the subconscious of others, which makes people Mental breakdown, madness; no martial arts; three swords, three swords, magical sword skills, late stage virtual god strength, bloodline, Yuanzu Demon.

True God Dragon Blood, True God Realm Dragon Blood, can enhance the power of the physical body. Gradually refining, Su Chen's physical body can reach a transcendent level.

The Snow Lotus Heart of Heaven and Earth, a snow lotus formed by absorbing the power of ice and snow, can help Yaoyue step into the half-step transcendence level.

Niulang, the disciple of the master of the Mysterious Weapon Mystery, is the reincarnation of the Evil Emperor. He practices swordsmanship and has seven limits. His strength is comparable to that of Nangong Wentian and close to the virtual god. After Fu Hongxue got it, he gradually absorbed the opponent's skills and was able to get close to the virtual god in one step. God level.

If you get baptized, you should be able to step into the virtual god.

Destroying the Sky: A character in the comic "The Mysterious Weapon", he founded the Heaven and Earth Alliance, the Supreme of Evil, and practiced Kung Fu: the Supreme Kung Fu of Heaven and Earth, and the Four Yang Kung of Chi Gai. His strength was close to that of the Void God. After Guan Yutian obtained it, he also Just like Fu Hongxue.

As for Mie Guishen, he is the son of Mie Cangqiong. His strength is much inferior to that of Mie Cangqiong. His realm is half a step beyond the realm of transcendence, and his combat power can reach the level of transcendence.

Tian Ling Shui can assist the growth of the Immortal Spirit Tree.

"The biggest gain this time is Dugu Xingye, the Xuantian Evil Emperor. Is it possible that the position of the First Emperor should be given to him!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Little Lord!"

At this time, I saw that Su Chen was silent after seeing the head of the Zen Academy that day. Making the atmosphere a little tense, Empress Tianxue immediately spoke.


"Please sit down!"

Su Chen calmed down and asked the other party to sit down.

After all, you have received so many benefits from the other party, so you should also respect the other party.

Empress Tianxue called for someone to bring a chair.

"Thank you, Master Su!"

Although she didn't understand Su Chen's previous behavior, Fan Huiwu still sat aside.

"I don't know if I, the leader of the Brahma Academy, have brought the things I want. As long as I bring the things, you can take them away!"

After Su Chen sat down, he spoke.

If he hadn't met such a strong man at the city gate earlier and respectfully addressed Su Chen as his young master, Fan Huiwu would definitely be angry now.

A young master in this world would actually face her like this.

She is the head of Tianjing Chanyuan.

The third person in Tianjing Chanyuan.

"The things have been brought, Young Master Su can take a look first!"

Fan Huiwu raised her palm, and two golden rays of light instantly flew from her palm towards Su Chen, but the light suddenly stopped in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen raised his hand.

He grabbed the two golden lights in his hands.


Su Chen looked at the two people in his hands and couldn't help but said.

[Obtain two transcendent levels of Vajra relics and reward 1 golden lottery card. 】

"These are the relics left behind by two powerful Buddhist figures who entered the transcendental level and passed away. I believe they can be exchanged for Yan Su!"

Fan Huiwu looked at Su Chen and said.

"Just get a golden draw card!"

"But this Vajra relic can be combined with that drop of blue dragon blood to maximize my physical strength!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Unlike others, he has the power to instill.

Even if Su Chen gets these things, he still needs to refine them on his own to improve his cultivation.

"Bring the young girl here!"

Su Chen said to Empress Tianxue,


Empress Tianxue bowed and exited the palace.

After Empress Tianxue was about to leave, Fan Huiwu suddenly said: "Young Master Su, I don't know if I can ask!"

"The head of the hospital can say it!"

"In this world, I just want to occupy this snowy land, but I still have ideas about the vast sea!"

Fan Huiwu looked at Su Chen and said.

"The snowy land must belong to my world. As for the vast sea, as the world changes, who knows who will belong to it in the end?"

"In this era, it is said that you Buddhists are in charge, but sometimes, it is not just about thinking, but also about fighting!"

Su Chen said.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Fan Huiwu's eyes narrowed.

From Su Chen's words, she knew something about why Tianjing Chanyuan came to the Snowy Region, and it was also because of the order from Tianfo Origin.

It’s just that the Great Joyful Buddha is leading this matter, so the Joyful Buddha Sect is the main one.

They just develop in secret.

"Young Master Su, I don't know if I should listen to this advice. It's better to resolve enemies than to end them. I can help Young Master Su to have a peaceful relationship with Huanxi Buddha Sect!"

"Happy to the Buddha Sect, they will no longer exist soon!"

"I don't need to be at peace with them, so the head of the Vatican Academy should stop trying to persuade them!"

Su Chen said in a cold voice.

Now he has a strong army and a strong horse.

Of course, we have to fight the Happy Buddha Sect, or the Great Happy Buddha. (End of chapter)

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