The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1695: One person suppresses one sect, Yin Zhongwei comes to rejoice the Buddha sect

"The human world, the human world again!"

At this moment, someone in the Huanxi Buddha Sect exclaimed.

Last time, Huangfu greatly made them happy with the Buddha Sect.

Let them rejoice that the Buddha Sect suffered heavy casualties.

Now another person comes.

This man is still one of the Three Emperors in the human world.

Nowadays, in the land of Huanxi Buddha Sect, or in the vast sea, the human world itself is the hottest topic.

The Evil King, one of the five kings in the human world, made a big fuss over the Buddhist sect.

Happy Buddha Sect Tianyu Xuan Monk and Jingxuan Tian Monk went to surround Huangfu Ji, Yin Hou and others who were killing people in the world.

Huangfuji killed Tianyuxuan monk and then blew himself up.

The Happy Buddha Sect eliminates the forces in the Western Sea that seek refuge with the Yin Queen in the human world.

It caused quite a stir.

Now one of the three emperors in the human world, the Demon Emperor, is here in person, rejoicing in the Buddha Sect.

As soon as it appears, the Huanxi Buddha Sect will be destroyed.

The tone is arrogant.

The momentum is overwhelming.

This is to conquer each other and cause a war.

"You guys go too far in this world to bully others. I want to see what you are capable of?"

"Happy Heavenly Desire Formation!"

At this moment, hundreds of disciples of the Joyful Buddha Sect soared into the sky.

Among these disciples, the leading disciples are at the top emperor level, while the others are at the half-step emperor level.

Their palms quickly formed seals, and the figure of a famous female Bodhisattva flew out of the Buddhist temple and surrounded them.


One of them stepped out.

The moment he walked out

Countless power poured into his body.

Under this power, his aura began to rise continuously, and the giant among emperors, the Wushang Emperor, moved towards half-step detachment.

Just when the breath is rising.

The essence and blood of the female Bodhisattvas who rushed out began to disappear and turned into dust.


Many people's expressions changed drastically when they saw this scene.

"This is a human sacrifice to enhance the strength of the leader!"

Some people said in horror.

It was impossible for these disciples of the Huanxi Buddha Sect to die on their own, so the only ones who died were the female Bodhisattvas they kept in captivity.

It is usually used for them to practice together, and during battle, it can be used as a sacrifice.

"Heavenly Buddha, happy Buddha!"

The leader drank lowly, his body flashing with golden light.

The whole person is as if the true Buddha has descended.

A huge Buddha image emerged from behind him.

This Buddha image is the same as the Great Joy Buddha statue in the Joy Buddha Sect.


A palm shot towards Yin Zhong.

"Hmph, even with your strength, you dare to come out and face me!"

"You really underestimate me!"


Yin Zhong stood there without any movement of his body.

In his sleeves.

A bloody ray of light rushed out, and in an instant, the terrifying blood evil energy emerged between the heaven and the earth, quickly covering the sky.

In this bloody light, a huge blood python appeared.

The blood python is huge, with a body of a hundred feet.


Open your huge mouth.

In one mouthful, he swallowed the person who made the move, as well as the shadow behind him and the disciples of the Happy Buddha Sect who rushed out.

The golden light disappeared.

For a moment, only a huge blood python could be seen between heaven and earth.

"Even my pet can swallow you up in one gulp, Happy Buddha Sect. If you only have this strength, then it's really disappointing!"

"Today the entire Huanxi Buddha Sect will become the blood food of my pet!"

Yin Zhong's voice was calm, but at this moment everyone could hear it clearly in their hearts.

The blood python's head changes. He turned around instantly and held Yin Zhong on top of his head.

Suspended in the void.

"It's so strong, it's just the opponent's pet, and it swallowed up so many masters of Huanxi Buddha Sect in one bite!"

Some people were horrified.

They could feel the terror emanating from the blood python, making them tremble all over.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

"Why don't the experts from the Huanxi Buddha Sect take action?"

At this moment, some people said.

"Auntie, this Demon Emperor is so strong! Those hundreds of Buddhist monks were about to reach the transcendent level together, but they were swallowed up by the Demon Emperor's pet!"

Wen Zixin looked at this horrific scene and said in horror.

"If you weren't strong, how could you be sent here? After all, Lord Huangfu, even if he takes even half a step of detachment, he will be ruined!"

Wen Qingfan took it for granted.

If Yin Zhong wasn't strong, Su Chen probably wouldn't have sent this person here.

"Why don't you show up?"

"Are you trying to be a coward?"

Yin Zhong looked at the Huanxi Buddha Sect who was motionless and said.

The huge tail of the blood python under his feet immediately swept towards the Happy Buddha Sect,

The huge tail, like a giant mountain, swatted towards the Happy Buddha Sect.


this moment

A light barrier appeared again above the Happy Buddha Sect.

The giant python's tail collided with the large array of light, making a roaring sound.

The giant python missed a hit and became crazy. Its huge tail kept bombarding the large formation of light outside the Happy Buddha Sect.


In the Happy Buddha Sect, six-character mantras appeared one after another.

After the six-character mantra appeared, Sanskrit sounds appeared one after another, and golden Buddha shadows rose into the sky in various palaces, merging with the screen energy of the Happy Buddha Sect.

Happy to the hundreds of thousands of Buddhist disciples,

In addition, there are countless female Bodhisattvas, and the power of Buddha is like the ocean.


The giant python's tail was knocked upside down and hit the mountain.


Suddenly the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked. ,

After Huangfu Ji took action, Huanxi Buddha Sect still made preparations, so that they would not be caught off guard like Huangfu Ji's appearance before.

"This Happy Buddha Sect has so many disciples!"

"Aren't they preparing for a Buddhist war?"

Seeing this scene, some people were shocked.

"The people in the Buddha War are all affiliated forces of the Happy Buddha Sect, as well as some disciples of the branch temples!"

"Happy Buddha Sect sends very few disciples!"

"Now, even the big formation can't be broken. I'm happy that the Buddha Sect will notify the masters to come, so I'm afraid this will be the Demon King in the world."

Some people couldn't help but think of something.

Happy within the Buddhist sect

Monk Yejia appeared again in the glazed pagoda where Monk Jingxuan Tian lived.

Seeing Monk Jingxuan coming out of the secret room, his face showed joy.

Jingxuan Heavenly Monk's aura was flowing thickly, and his injuries were already intact.

"Heavenly Monk, the Demon King in this world, has some extraordinary strength. The blood python next to him is half a step beyond the level of transcendence."

"I can deal with it, but I can't deal with the Demon Emperor!"

"Before coming, I have already informed my friends who were at the Buddha War gathering place to come and cheer for the Buddha Sect!"

Monk Yejia spoke with a solemn look on his face.

The Demon King in this world did not take action, but the blood python under his feet took action. The strength displayed was half a step above the level of transcendence.

The blood python bombarded the screen, and one could sense that the power of the blood python was quite troublesome.

Of course, if it's just a blood python.

He took action and was sure to kill.

But now there is still the Demon King in the human world who is eyeing him. He is afraid that if he shows up, the other party will take action against him.

if that's the case.

He is in danger.

That's why he came to find this Jingxuan Heavenly Monk.

The trouble was caused by the Jingxuan Heavenly Monk, not to mention that this was the Huanxi Buddha Sect. He was just a temporary host, so it was better to let the Jingxuan Heavenly Monk handle it.

"Hmph, this is the Huanxi Buddha Sect. How can people in this world still make waves!"

"Let's go and meet the Demon King of this world!"

A cruel smile appeared on Monk Jingxuan's face. (End of chapter)

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