
Terrifying purple thunder and lightning appeared on his arm, and finally condensed into a long knife exuding purple thunder and lightning.

There is still a hint of black aura in the darkness of the blade.


With a flash of his body, Wen Xian was in front of Pang Ban in an instant.

One strike!

The purple light is brilliant!

"Black Hole Sky Eye!"

The moment he took action.

A black eye appeared between Pangban's eyebrows.

As soon as the eyes appeared, the surrounding void seemed to be frozen, and a whirlpool appeared.

The sword light swept towards him, and he was instantly swallowed by the whirlpool.

"This is your strength. Such strength is a bit weak!"

"I heard that your combat power is close to the transcendent level. It seems that this is a bit exaggerated. Your combat power is far from the transcendent level!"

Pang Ban looked at Wen Xian and said coldly.

There was disdain in his eyes.

The words fell.

Demonic energy exploded from his body.

A breath of half-step detachment burst out.

"Half-step detachment, how is it possible? How can your strength reach the level of half-step detachment."

Wen Xian looked at Pang Ban with a shocked expression.

According to Pang Ban's information, their original demon sect has, but their current combat power is at the Wushang Emperor level at best. How could they have reached half a step of transcendence.

And the eyes between his eyebrows.

It actually swallowed his knife and imprisoned the surrounding space.

"Damn, damn!"

There was hatred in his eyes.

Not only was he resentful of Pang Ban for underestimating him, but he was also jealous of Pang Ban's talent.

"There must be a secret about you, there must be a secret!"

No matter how talented a person is, it is impossible for him to reach the level of transcendence in such a short period of time.

There is a big difference between half-step detachment and supreme emperor.

From being the supreme emperor, he spent decades in seclusion. With the help of the resources given by the deputy sect leader of Zangtian, he was able to reach a half-step of transcendence, and then he continued to practice hard to reach his current strength.

The other party has risen to the present.

Just how long.

"Opportunity, if I kill you, your opportunity will be mine!"

Wen Xian's face turned ferocious,

A domineering aura suddenly burst out from his body, and seals were formed on his palms. Several scarlet runes appeared, all of which were driven into his body.

"No matter how talented you are, you will be vulnerable to absolute strength!"

"Today, I will let you know what it means that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world!"

Those red runes entered Wen Xian's body.

The meridians on Wen Xian's body began to stir, and Qi and blood began to riot in the meridians.

"Ancient Demon Barbaric Technique!"

The trapped Qing Guowu's face changed drastically when he saw Wen Xian's change.

He looked at Wen Xian.

Immediately, I felt like I was seeing an ancient beast.

"Palace Master, be careful, the Ancient Demon Barbaric Art is a technique that stimulates one's own Qi and blood. Under the stimulation of this Qi and blood, the physical and true energy power will be doubled!"

"Back then, the deputy sect leader of the Zangtian Sect said that Wen Xian could reach the transcendent level by unleashing the power of the Ancient Demon Barbaric Art!"

Qing Guowu said.

"The strength in my body is increasing, but unfortunately, such strength is still a bit weak!"

Faced with this extremely domineering momentum, Pang Ban just sneered, the disdain still in his eyes.

"Are you pretending?"

"I want you to die, Ancient Demon Zhenwu Fist!"

"Magic Fist World!"

See the contempt on Pang Ban's face.

Wen Xian's expression became even more ferocious, and he punched Pang Ban twice in a row.

The breath surged, and the powerful true energy in the body and the extremely terrifying physical power merged into the fist.

The power of this punch was twice as strong as before.

Even the five trapped elders felt a pressure.


But when his fist force was close to Pang Ban, it was all swallowed up by the whirlpool.


Wen Xian's expression changed drastically.

These two punches were able to swallow the opponent, and the aura on his body did not linger.

The palm becomes a knife.

The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sword condensed again.

The terrifying sword force enveloped Pang Ban, and his body was shot towards Pang Ban.

Boom: slash out with one knife.

The sword's light was dazzling.


Cut through the whirlpool and split Pang Ban's body into two.


Wen Xian, who slashed open Pang Ban's body with one knife, frowned. He didn't expect that it would be so easy for him to cut Pang Ban in half.

"Palace Master!"

The expressions of the five elders who were trapped by the bloody flowers changed when they saw this.

Because their eyes were split into two.

"Haha, Pang Ban, I thought you were so capable? With this little ability, you still dare to look down on me!"

Wen Xian laughed wildly.

"Really? I despise you. With your little strength, I don't even have the desire to do anything!"

"Didn't your soul realize that your killing was nothingness?"

A deep voice appeared in Wen Xian's ear.

Pang Ban, who was previously split into two halves by a knife, slowly merged his body and recovered to this state.


Wen Xian's soul moved toward Pang Ban.


"How can this be?"

Wen Xian couldn't believe it at all.

His body exploded, his palms formed into fists, and an extremely domineering fist light also rose into the sky and continued to crash towards Pang Ban.


That terrifying punch force once again shattered Pang Ban's body.

But after being blasted to pieces.

Pang Ban's body recovered again, but this time after recovery, Pang Ban's body moved and appeared in front of him.

"Black Hole Sky Eye!"

"Tao Heart Seed Demon!"

A terrifying vortex enveloped Wen Xian, and Wen Xian's body was frozen under this vortex.

Then he felt a terrifying soul power pouring into his soul.

A black spot appeared in his soul.

This black spot!

is spreading rapidly

"You, what are you doing!"

Wen Xian had a bad feeling.

But when his body moved and his soul was frozen, he could only watch the black spot begin to spread, unable to stop it at all.

He felt that his control over his soul was disappearing.

"If this continues, my soul will no longer be my own!"

Wen Xian shouted in his heart.

"Let me go, Palace Master Pang, let me go!"


Wen Xian knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

But Pang Ban didn't seem to pay attention to his plea for mercy.

The black spots quickly spread to Wen Xian's entire soul.

And at this moment.

Wen Xian's eyes became cloudy.

It was as if he had lost his mind for a moment.

The surrounding space changes.

Calm returned to the hall.

Pang Ban was still sitting on the bench.

The five trapped elders looked horrified at this moment. They were shocked by Pang Ban's methods.

"Our souls are affected!"

"We were all affected by the palace master's soul just now, and what we saw is not real!"

"The palace master is so powerful!"

The four elders looked at Qing Guowu.

Qing Guowu was also shocked at this moment. Last time he was only suppressed by Pang Ban's momentum and true energy, and he had no idea of ​​the palace master's terrifying methods.

"Let them out!"

Pang Ban looked at Wen Xian who was kneeling on the ground.

Wen Xian's eyes recovered, he formed a seal on his palm, and the runes flew back to his hand.

"Palace Master!"

At this moment, the five elders who had escaped from trouble knelt down and worshiped Pang Ban.

His face was filled with joy.

"Don't be too happy too early. He just said that Zangtian's disciple, Young Master Qin, went to Zhongzhou!"

"Then who is Young Master Qin and what is his strength?"

Pang Ban said.

"Young Master Qin's name is Qin Muyang, and he is the third disciple of the deputy sect leader of Zangtian. His strength is at the transcendent level. This time he went to Zhongzhou because he wanted to use the baptism of the divine source in the Twelve Heavens Palace to step into the virtual god level!"

Wen Xian replied. (End of chapter)

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