Zhongzhou, Hucheng

Among the inns

Su Chen has been paying attention to the battle at Tianya Pavilion.

Although he sent Long Er to Huangzhou, and there were Guan Yutian and other powerful people in Tianya Pavilion, Su Chen was not familiar with the Demon Council, so he was afraid of accidents.

[The host's subordinate Long'er kills the Demon Council's False God and is rewarded with 1 golden lottery card. Stepping into the False God is rewarded with 2 golden lottery cards. Tianya Pavilion destroys the Demon Council and enters the Huangzhou members, and is rewarded with 2 golden lottery cards. 】

"Five more golden lottery cards!"

"But according to the battle report, I also killed two warriors from the Demon Council's transcendent level. Why didn't I get a reward?"

Su Chen looked at the information prompt.

thinking in mind.

Ren Qianxing, Yan Kuangtu, Guan Yutian and others killed two transcendent levels, but there was no reward.

"It seems that the rewards will become less and less in the future!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"However, this time we have severely damaged the Demon Council. Tianya Pavilion may face off against this Demon Council in the later stage. It is still a little behind in terms of strength!"

"Looks like I need to find a way to use some luck to get a chance!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

I was thinking in my heart, and suddenly a light flashed in my eyes.

"Tian Fo Le Pagoda, the three holy monks, each have contributed a lot to me, so with the help of their luck, I should be able to have good luck!"

"Let's go! Let's go to the place where the three holy monks gather!"

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun on the side.


Yuan Suiyun nodded and took Su Chen out of the inn.

outside the city.

In the Black Rock Mountains, the figures of Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun appeared.

"Lord, they are in that canyon!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"Is it there?"

Two runes appeared in Su Chen's hand, and they were instantly attached to his and Yuan Suiyun's bodies.

The two people's bodies and aura disappeared, and their figures gradually disappeared.

Then he headed towards the valley.


Among the Black Rock Mountains

Six Paths are in the valley.

"Well! They're all here. It seems like there's something here!"

Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun's eyes narrowed as they entered the valley invisibly.

Previously, it was discovered that Monk Kuwu and others were in contact with demons and beasts, but he did not expect that they would continue to gather here and not leave.

The figure didn't get much closer.

Although there are runes that hide the aura, if the opponent has treasures on them, they may be able to detect them.

His eyes did not pay attention to Monk Kuwu.

Instead, he looked towards the young man who was the leader among them.

It was a pale young man, with his hands behind his back and his eyes looking deep into the valley.

This young man has extremely arrogant eyes. He is wearing a light red robe with a black dragon flame embroidered on it. He has a powerful aura and looks like the emperor of the land.

Behind him was a man in black, with an obscure aura and extraordinary strength.

"Who is this person?"

Su Chen couldn't help but think about it.

Yuan Suiyun's previous investigation was only from the periphery. He could sense the auras of several people, but he did not know the specific information about these people.

Except for that young man.

There is also a tall man with an untransformed ape-like face. The strength of his body is restrained, but when he looks at it, he can still feel the strong power from the opponent's body.

"A member of the ferocious beast ape clan?"

Su Chen thought to himself.

"Monk Kuwu, this young master has to go to the Twelve Heavens Palace. When will the seal here be lifted and the strong men of my Balrog clan be released?"

Yan Hanxiao, the son of the third speaker of the Demon Parliament said.

"Young Master Yan, we are still a little short of breaking the seal with blood and soul. We can collect it within two days!" Monk Kuwu said.

"Two days is too long. This is a matter for their Balrog clan. I will not stay here for such a long time!"

The burly ape said coldly from the side.

"Huntian Ape King, this trip to the Twelve Heavens Palace will not be as smooth as you think. You still need help!"

Yan Hanxiao looked at the Huntian Ape King next to him and said.

"Do you think one more Balrog can help us?"

Huntian Ape King said coldly.

"Of course, this Balrog sealed underground is the ancestor of my Balrog clan, the ancestor who entered the middle stage of False God's existence in the last era!"

"Although my strength will decrease after being sealed, I will still be in the False God Realm!"

"As long as we devour some strong human beings, our strength will recover very quickly!"

"But Ape King Huntian said it very quickly. Two days is too long. Now our whereabouts are known to the people of the Five Alliances. When the time comes, there will be no more trouble. So within one day, we must perform a blood sacrifice to open the seal!"

Yan Hanxiao said with a very calm expression.

"Is there a Balrog sealed underground?"

"We still need blood sacrifices and open the seal. Freita really deserves to die today!"

Su Chen cursed in his heart.

"But it seems that I came to the right place this time. The identities of these people are not simple, and with this underground sealed flame demon, I think the rewards I draw this time will be very good!"

"No matter what, let's do a five-round draw first to see their luck!"

In an instant, the five golden lottery cards disappeared from Su Chen's mind.

[Get the character Liancheng Zhi, get 1 character promotion card in the early stage of Virtual God, the exclusive character Wu Wudi, get the character Smile Three Smiles, get 1 baptism of the divine source, get an ancient transcendent level blood bat corpse, and the exclusive character Yuan Suiyun. 】


"This is a big explosion!"

Su Chen was horrified.

Liancheng Zhi, Xiao Sanxiao, these are the most elite people in the world.

Unexpectedly, this time with the help of these people, we could actually get them out.

Feeling excited!

Check character information immediately,

The final boss of the third part of Lianchengzhi [Wind and Cloud], the disciple of Bu Jingyun, the Emperor of Japan, the man chosen by nature for the great catastrophe of the ages, the strongest in the red fire magic, has a gentle appearance but is cunning on the inside, and is gentle in appearance but cold in reality. They are people who have obtained the cultivation of the Great Demon God and are powerful.

Cultivation skills, red fire magic, divine capture of the seven empties, refining essence, flames without form, Wuqi Yi Jue, etc. His strength is in the middle stage of Xu Shen and can compete with the late stage of Xu Shen.

Bloodline, red fire divine body.

Smile Three Smiles, the most unfathomable person in the storm, cultivates Ten Thousand Paths of Senluo, and the four masters of the Huntian. Strength: Void God Dzogchen, bloodline, Xuanwu Divine Body, bonding mission, and laughter that shocks the sky.

As for the others, all three can be seen.

"But this time, Wu Wudi's strength has been directly upgraded to the early stage of Virtual God."

"Did this weaken Wu Wudi's strength previously?"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Lianchengzhi can become the master of Tianya Pavilion and face off against the demon council!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

As for Smile Three Smiles, Su Chen doesn't have much plans yet.

"I asked you to cooperate with the Demon Council. This time I am relying on your light, Tenfreta!"

"Draw three more and see!"

While Su Chen was speaking, he drew three golden lottery cards again.

[Obtain the forbidden talisman*10, obtain the concealment talisman*100, and obtain the transcendental defense talisman*100. 】


"No luck!"

Seeing this reward, Su Chen felt a chill in his heart.

He felt that these people's luck was gone!

"Then let Wu Wudi take action tomorrow and kill them all!"

Su Chen looked at these six people and left with Yuan Suiyun.

There is no use plotting against him now, he will definitely die!

Wu Wudi's identity when he appeared earlier was that of the commander around Su Chen. (End of chapter)

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