His eyes fell on the Nine Phoenix Essence and Blood, which was a little different from the previous Essence and Blood. In the past, the Essence and Blood was just a drop of blood.

But this Jiufeng essence and blood appears as a piece of transparent amber.

In the center of the amber is a drop of golden blood.

This drop of blood gathered into a strange creature,

This creature has the body of a bird. nine heads,

Each head has three eyes and golden feathers.

And in the center of these nine bird heads. It's a human head.

This person's head. It was a mess, with ears and mouth, but no nose or eyes.


When Su Chen was investigating, he could hear the nine strange heads. It made a piercing scream.

"This Nine Phoenix Essence and Blood is not simple!"

"No one in particular? Maybe this can be given to Cui Wuhu."

Su Chen looked at the blood essence and thought in his heart.

Among the characters who follow him, Cui Wuhu is the most loyal except for summoning characters.

Now that the Jiufeng essence and blood is obtained, it can be absorbed by Cui Wuhu.

After all, after Cui Wuhu's strength increases, his luck may also increase, which can be regarded as a reward for his loyalty.

As for the one-armed Pluto's three-kowtow, Su Chen knows this unique skill.

That is the secret skill in the book of the Zhou royal family.

The Mingzong secret skill displayed by the Prince of Hades is a secret skill of terrifying artistic conception and a secret skill that represents death.

This unique skill is divided into three moves, namely "One-armed Pluto kowtows once", "One-armed Pluto kowtows twice" and "One-armed Pluto kowtows three times".

Pluto is the ruler of all living things in heaven and earth.

Everything must eventually die and return to the arms of Hades.

Pluto can be said to be one of the most powerful gods in the world. Such a lord of death has always only accepted others to kneel down and salute, so how can he kneel down to others?

Therefore, there are very few people in heaven and earth who can accept Pluto’s kneeling.

Some people cannot enjoy the blessing at all, and may lose their souls as soon as they bow.

"Will there be an evil god who kowtows three times and King Ming three times?"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"If it were instilled directly, and if I completed the training directly, maybe if I used such a unique skill, even the early stage of False God would be unable to withstand it, and it would be completely wiped out!"

"You still have to practice hard!"

"This is a powerful trump card!"

Su Chen made up his mind to complete this unique skill.

As for the Flame Demon Array, it is a strange object that can summon Balrogs, but the number and strength of the Balrogs summoned are related to Su Chen's own true energy.

With Su Chen's current true energy, if summoned, he could summon three half-step detached flame demons.

Of course, these three half-step detached flame demons will swallow up all the true energy in Su Chen's body.


Just when Su Chen was deep in thought.

The sound of terrifying explosions erupted from the place where Wu Wudi fought with the strong man from the Balrog clan.

"Your strength exceeds my expectations!"

"The blood is surging, I will swallow you, I will swallow you!"

The flame demon began to roar, and the black flames around his body began to surge wildly, exploding towards the surroundings, forming a terrifying fire storm.

The thick chains on his arms also flew like two terrifying black dragons of flames.

"Fire Demon Red Dragon Formation! Sleepy!"

The two black dragons immediately surrounded Wu Wudi.

No attack.

Just be around.

But at this moment.

The space where Wu Wudi was located seemed to be isolated instantly.

Wu Wudi could sense the changes in the surrounding space, and his eyes were focused. He had just entered the early stage of False God, and he wanted to use this strong man from the Fire Demon clan to temper his own strength.

But he was strengthening his strength, and the other party was also using this time to restore his own strength.

A wave of his hand.

The Heavenly Battle Box appeared in his hand.

Change accordingly.

Five weapons appeared in front of him instantly.

Swords, spears, halberds and sticks!

The five powerful weapons were suspended in front of him.

The movements on his body began to change, and the five techniques of fists, palms, feet, claws and legs continued to appear in his figure.

Extremely powerful!

Martial arts from all directions gathered.

He wants to kill the opponent with all his strength.


Five powerful weapons burst out at the same time.

The true energy was like a tide, and the weapon was like a wild dragon, bombarding the two black dragons.

"Twin Dragons Gather!"

When the flame demon saw this, his expression changed and he let out a low drink.

The two black dragons gathered together in an instant, turning into a huge black dragon and heading towards the five powerful weapons that were attacking.

And this moment.

The body of the Balrog quickly grew in size, and black runes appeared all over his body. These runes merged with the blood vessels of his body, exuding terrifying power. "Die!"

One punch.

The flame demon punched out.

The fist was like Optimus Prime, attacking Wu Wudi directly.

This is his final move.

Wu Wudi's expression did not change.

The five powerful weapons suddenly emitted a bright light and gathered together.

He shook the black dragon away and flew back to Wu Wudi.

As his footsteps moved, the five techniques matched his pace, plus the five powerful weapons gathered together.

Extremely strong.

Wutian Sword and Tiger Technique

The most powerful blow of the Tiandao War Box.

The sky bites the sun


With one blow, the color of heaven and earth changed.

The face of the Balrog who took action changed, and he immediately roared. The black flames all over his body exploded with all their strength, converging on his fist and colliding with Wu Wudi's blow.


His attack was shattered.

The bright light, like a laser, penetrated directly through his body.


Watching myself being penetrated.

There was a trace of disbelief in the eyes of the flame demon.

"The fire of the earth, rebirth from the fire!"


The flame demon roared.

The flames above the ground instantly rose into the sky and headed towards the body of the flame demon.

He is a Balrog from the last era.

At that time, he was only in the middle stage of False God, but the fire demon who had stepped into the level of False God had extremely strong vitality.

Otherwise, he would not have been sealed, but killed!

The terrifying flames headed towards the Balrog.

The pierced chest began to slowly recover.


Wu Wudi's body shot suddenly, and he couldn't give the opponent a chance. Once he recovered, his advantage would no longer be there.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

The Balrog, who had regained his strength, was also furious. The chains in his hands were flying, and he was heading towards Wu Wudi.


The two started fighting, and the place where they fought was filled with destructive aura.

The fragmentation of space is simply more like the end of the world than the end of the world.

At this time, Wu Wudi directly exerted his combat power to the extreme, using various methods frequently, rumbling, shaking the world to collapse, and the destructive aura swept across all directions.

However, even though the Balrog was severely injured, he was still able to continuously recover from his injuries with the help of earthly fire.


Su Chen's eyes narrowed when he saw this scene.

The false divine eye reappeared.

But the moment he used the False Divine Eye, a tingling feeling appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

Because of his eyes.

There is no core on the body of this flame demon, only endless flowing flames.


Su Chen was shocked.

The power of the divine soul continues to pour into the eyes of False God.

A trace of blood instantly flowed out from between his eyebrows.

Although the opponent's combat power is in the early stage of False God, his realm is in the middle stage of False God, and he has been sealed for so many years, the opponent's soul has been tempered underground and is extremely powerful.

It was not something that Su Chen, a person who had not yet stepped into transcendence, wanted to investigate.

"My own strength is still weak!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

But the soul continued to pour into the eyes of False God.

At this moment, he found a black flame on the right side of the Balrog's chest!

"That should be the place!"

Su Chen felt happy.

Informed Wu Wudi of the location.


Then he spat out a mouthful of blood.


At the moment when he spurted blood, the Wu Wuwei Tiandao battle box that fought against the demon appeared, and once again ten powerful bursts broke out, directly piercing the place where the black flames pointed by Su Chen were.


At this moment, the Balrog let out a scream.

"The true meaning hides the spirit!"

The moment Wu Wudi let out a scream,

A terrifying phantom appeared behind him, and the phantom instantly enveloped the opponent's body.

A divine soul appeared on the screaming flame demon, but was directly wrapped and swallowed by the shadow behind Wu Wudi.

Having lost its soul and black flames, the huge body of the Balrog began to collapse and disappeared into the void. (End of chapter)

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