The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1738: The Origin of Heavenly Buddha, the Second Deputy Pagoda Master of Heavenly Buddha Pago

"Is there no reward for killing a transcendent person?"

Su Chen looked at this scene with a serious expression.

Su Chen raised his hand and grabbed the iron rod of Huntian Ape King from before.

[Obtain the Hunyuan Tiansha Stick and reward 1 golden lottery card. 】

"Okay, let's go!"

Su Chen looked satisfied and left with the others.

Silence in the valley

After a while, three figures appeared in the valley. They were the three Yin Lao people who came to Lake City with Wan Zhong and the others.

The three of them looked at the huge cracks in the ground and the huge magma in the cracks with horrified expressions.

"The battle here just now was very scary. Brother Wan Zhong and the others may be in danger!"

Xue Kongming said with lingering fear.

Although it is said to be a disaster, it is certain that he has died.

"I didn't expect that Brother Xue's previous actions allowed us to escape disaster!"

"I think we should go back to the Palace of All Souls first and report this matter to the superiors!"

"I didn't expect that Wan Zhong would fall just after he became the master of Wanling Palace!"

Na Yin Lao shook his head and said.

"What a pity, that kid with a poisonous body!"

Yin Lao sighed.

"Lao Yin, don't sigh, that little guy is not dead. When I came, the little guy had already fled back to the city!"

"If I hadn't just come here to see what's going on here, I would have caught that kid!"

"Let's go back and ask that kid what he saw?"

Bloody sky and dark way.

The three of them also left instantly.


City Lord's Mansion.

The Five Poison Boy stood in front of the three of them.

"Tell me what happened over there in the valley?"

Yin Lao looked at Wu Du Boy and said.

"I, I, I took the Palace Master and the others to the valley, but in addition to Monk Kuwu, there were two great holy monks in the valley. They activated the formation and prepared to sacrifice the person who was planted with the thunder seal. !”

"Master Wan Zhong Palace and Lord Nie tried to stop it, but then, people from the demon clan appeared."

"Master Wanzhong Palace calls the leader of the other party to be Yan Hanxiao!"

"Palace Master Wan Zhong and the others have lost their momentum. I, I took this opportunity to escape!"

"I'm afraid of being affected!"

The Five Poison Boy stammered.

"Yan Hanxiao! The son of the third speaker of the Demon Council. I didn't expect him to be there!"

"He even colluded with the people from Tianfrei Pagoda!"

"But with Wan Zhong's strength, it is simply impossible to create a battle scene like that just now!"

Xue Kongming looked at the Wudu boy.

"What did you see behind?"

"Back there, I, I, look, I saw the figures of two huge monsters. They fought, and the void cracked open!"

The Wudu boy had a look of fear on his face, and he stammered.

"Two monsters fighting!"

"Yes, a giant bat, and another one with wings and black flames all over its body!"

Five Poison Boy said.

The two men were huge and covered the void. Even if the Five Poison Boy didn't say anything, he believed that these people must have seen it.

When the three heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

It was the two huge shadows that stopped them from looking at them immediately.

But I waited for a while before going!

"Is it an internal fight between demons?"

"Lao Yin, this matter is beyond our scope, please report it to the police first and wait for notification!"

Bloody sky and dark way.

"That's all we can do. I didn't expect that the five major alliances would suffer heavy losses until now!"

Yin Lao said in a deep voice.

"Don't we just leave?"

"If we don't leave, there will be a storm here, and we may not be able to stop it!"

Hua Ziyi said.

The power of the battle just now was too terrifying and completely exceeded their ability to deal with it, so Hua Ziyi did not want to stay here. "Go back, haven't we done anything arranged by the Tianyuan Holy Palace behind the Wanling Palace?"

"Tell me, was it possible that someone from the Qinglong Society was responsible for that battle just now?"

"Let me contact you first!"

Yin Lao said in a deep voice.

"Prepare a secret room for me!"

Then Yinlao said to Cui Wuhu.

After Yin Lao and Cui Wuhu left.

"What does this old guy want to do? He wants to become the leader of the Five Alliances!"

"It's so dangerous here, why don't you leave? What do you want to do?"

Hua Ziyi said in a deep voice.

"I want to meet the young master of the Qinglong Club!"

Bloody sky and dark way.

"Young Master of the Azure Dragon Society? Can you find him?"

Hua Ziyi said.

"I can't find it, but I think, little guys, you should be able to find it!"

"Su Chen appeared in Hucheng before, but he didn't hide it!"

"Now that Monk Kuwu and the others have fallen, I think that one will appear!"

"Quickly mobilize your manpower. If you find the young master of the Qinglong Society, come and report to me immediately!"

Xue Kongming said to the Five Poison Boy.


The Five Poison Boy accepted the order and left.


Su Chen returned to the manor.

"Lord, after I devoured the Balrog, I got some news about the bloodline!"

"There is also the Flame Demon, who will deal with Tianlu Bashan!"

Yuan Suiyun said beside Su Chen.

"Bloodline? And information on how to deal with Tianlu Bashan!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

Previously in the valley, he was a little confused about what the guard beside Yan Hanxiao said when he saw the ancient bat behind Yuan Suiyun.

"At the end of the ancient era, the demons and ferocious beasts took advantage of the human race's powerful immortals to fight their way out of the trial place, and took action against the human race. They massacred the human race's bloodline warriors and devoured the blood in their bodies!"

"The bloodline warriors were directly killed during that period. Later, some hidden human warriors from the medieval period appeared and fought against demons and beasts, which led to the end of the ancient era!"

"In the early days of this era, the hidden strong men of the human race took advantage of the strong men of the demon and beast clan to leave the Yuan world, and took action to drive the demons and beasts out of the twelve states of the human race!"

"If the demon clan can devour the powerful bloodline developers, they will be able to step into the virtual god level without the baptism of the divine source."

The original Suiyun said.

"Is that so?"

"No wonder he wants to devour you so much?"

"And you just said that the demons and the strong men of the ferocious beast clan have left?"

Su Chen couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, the demon clan and the ferocious beast clan are not affected by the trial place and can leave the Yuan world directly through the trial place!"

"Monsters and ferocious beasts are inherently vicious, so demons and ferocious beasts that go out rarely return to the Yuan World!"

Yuan Suiyun replied.

This time, his ancient giant bat devoured a detached and powerful member of the Demon Council, and he knew a lot of things.

"Then tell me how they deal with Tianlu Bashan!"

Now Li Chenzhou has an extraordinary position in Tianlu Bashan.

He is the disciple of the third master and the master of the mountain.

Now the strength is even greater than before.

Originally, I thought of letting Li Chenzhou take charge of Tianluba Mountain and then Zhongzhou, but now it seems that Tianluba Mountain is very extraordinary.

Li Chenzhou might not be able to master Tianlu Bashan if he wants to.

After all, there are no powerful people in Taishang Dao Palace.

But the master of Luba Mountain that day might be the last human immortal in modern times. He was on the same level as Shen Lang, and his combat power might be comparable to that of the False God Dzogchen.

"The second deputy tower master of the Tianfrei Pagoda in the origin of Hanhai Tianfo is already in the Tianfrei Pagoda in Zhongzhou!"

"The second deputy tower master brought one of the treasures from the origin of Tianfo, the True Divine Furnace of Tianfo! He is going to use this furnace to refine the master of Luba Mountain that day!"

"As for the Flame Demon clan, let this seal ancestor appear and cover Tianlu Ba Mountain, creating the illusion that the Flame Demon clan is taking action against Tian Lun Ba Mountain!"

The original Suiyun said. (End of chapter)

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