The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1749 The domineering Qin Muyang, the Emperor Demon 1 clan is worried about the night, and th

Qin Muyang repeled the appearing figure with one move.

He made a quick decision and appeared in front of the figure.

"Ye Tianyou, you were also the genius of the Emperor Demon Clan back then, but you are still at the transcendent level after so many years!"

“What a disappointment!”

"Ten Thousand Demons Emperor Fist!"

Just hearing a "buzz" sound, the sky and the earth were exhausted, leaving only a figure wearing a crown standing in the void.


"Qin Muyang, you!"

The figure appeared, and his expression changed when he saw it.

He didn't expect that Qin Muyang would be so unyielding.


Qin Muyang's fist fell quickly.

There was only a loud sound that shattered the sky and the earth.

There was a heartbreaking scream of "ah" in the middle.

Some people around the small courtyard were directly exploded by this fist force and turned into blood mist.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, some of the people who escaped had bloodshot eyes, their eye sockets burst, and blood flowed out. They did not expect that they would suffer such an unreasonable disaster just by staying in an inn.

Su Chen's courtyard was not very close, so Yuan Suiyun burst out with some power to block the aftermath.

"Qin Muyang, is this Qin Muyang of the original Demon Sect?"

"It's really domineering!"

"Lord, do you want to take action?"

Yuan Suiyun's eyes flashed with cold light.

After entering the transcendental level, he has not completely made a move and wants to test the opponent's strength.

"Qin Muyang!"

The figure appeared in the void again.

This was a young man with hair as white as frost, a man with a simple silver sword hanging on his waist, standing there silently.

Wearing a black imperial robe, his face was stern and his eyes were extremely sharp.

At this moment, his aura also changed.

Standing in the void, like a mainstay, standing still.

It gives people an unshakable feeling.

This is the hinterland of the human race.

He didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't expect Qin Muyang to go too far.

"The emperor's son of the Emperor Demon Clan! Ye Tianyou!"

"I didn't expect it was him!"

"Then what happened to Qin Muyang, the original demon sect?"

Some people saw the two people in the void and began to discuss both sides.

"The emperor's son failed and left the Twelve Heavens Palace back then. He has lost his identity as an emperor and demon!"

"This Qin Muyang is a disciple of the original Demon Sect, the deputy sect leader Zang Tian, ​​and he is very powerful!"

"It is rumored that the deputy sect leader of the Zangtian Sect is expected to become the first deputy sect leader of the original demon sect!"

"The original demon sect is a transcendent force!"

"Is this going to be born?"

"Isn't this normal? I heard that there was a big change in Huangzhou. The master of Tianya Pavilion, Lian Chengzhi, led the people of Tianya Pavilion into the hinterland of the Flame Demon Clan and killed the late elder of the False God of the Flame Demon Clan, destroying the Flame Demon. The hinterland of the clan!”

"All the strong men in the False God Realm have appeared! It's normal for the original Demon Sect to appear!"

"But he can't kill innocent people indiscriminately! Just now he didn't kill Ye Tianyou with one strike, but he killed a lot of people!"

One person looked at Ye Tianyou and said angrily.

His companion didn't run out just now, he died.


At this moment, Qin Muyang snorted coldly and clapped his hands.

A terrifying demonic energy erupted, heading directly towards the person who had previously said that he was killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Extremely fast.


The person who spoke instantly turned into a ball of blood mist.

Then he grabbed it and swallowed it into his body.


Some people were shocked when they saw this.

I didn't expect Qin Muyang to be so ruthless.


Yuan Suiyun wanted to take action.

"Wait!" Su Chen waved his hand. He wanted to see Qin Muyangru's next plan.

And this time.

The draw begins again.

That night Tianyou was one of the people who entered the Twelve Heavens Palace in the previous generation, or was one of the three who walked out. He should have some luck.

And this Qin Muyang is a person from the original generation of the Demon Sect. They are both extraordinary people. I believe that these two people have good luck and may be able to help him draw something.

In an instant, five golden lottery cards disappeared from Su Chen's mind again.

[The host obtains a fragment of the ancient map of the Twelve Heavens Palace, a hidden token of the Twelve Heavens Palace, an incomplete magic jar, the heart of the undead demon dragon in the transcendent realm, the exclusive character Leng Huishan, and the true god realm original Demon-eroded ancient bronze spear, exclusive character host. 】


Looking at what he got, Su Chen was slightly startled.

The quality of what I picked up this time was pretty good.

Two of them are related to the Twelve Heavens Shrine.

Check immediately

The remaining scroll is still only a quarter.

As for the hidden token of the Twelve Heavens Palace, it can help Su Chen secretly teleport to the forbidden area of ​​the Twelve Heavens Palace after it is opened.

Su Chen had previously obtained the lid of the magic jar.

Now I got a broken magic jar.

However, when the lid of the magic jar was fused with the broken magic jar, its power actually surpassed the emperor level and reached the lower level of god level.

Finally, the ancient bronze spear that was corroded by the original demon of the True God Realm is a very terrifying treasure.

The ancient spear that can be corroded by the original demon in the true god realm is obviously extraordinary.

The power of erosion can have an impact on the strong ones in the False God Realm.

If anyone is hit, the power of the True God Realm Original Demon will enter the body of the False God strongman.

If it were any weaker, it would probably be completely destroyed.

"This is a total blast!"

"These two are really good!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed.

"Qin Muyang, this is the hinterland of the human race. Do you really want to fight me?"

Ye Tianyou looked at Qin Muyang and said coldly.

"Since we know that this is the hinterland of the human race, how come you, a member of the Emperor Demon Clan, dare to come here!"

"Why can't I kill the devil!"

"Of course, if you surrender, I might be able to spare your life!"

Qin Muyang looked at Ye Tianyou coldly.

He came here mainly for Ye Tianyou to swallow his soul.

"In that case, let's fight, you and I, and this All Saints Tower will probably be razed to the ground!"

Ye Tianyou said.

"If they can die for the human race, they deserve to die!"

Qin Muyang said coldly.


See this situation.

Many people began to flee out of the building, away from this place.

"If you want to fight, you can fight outside the city. You can kill in any way you want. This is a restaurant!"

At this time, Su Chen soared into the air and looked at the two of them. 】

"My business is not your business!"

Qin Muyang's face turned cold when he saw Su Chen appeared, still half-detached.

He raised his palm.

With a "pop" sound, a huge devil's hand suddenly descended into the air and headed towards Su Chen.

This big hand is incredibly fast.

In the blink of an eye, Su Chen appeared in front of him.

With five fingers, he could turn his hand into clouds and turn his hand into rain. He would catch Su Chen in the palm of his hand.


At this time, Yuan Suiyun, who was below, gave a sharp shout, appeared in front of Su Chen with a movement of his body, raised his palm, and punched out.


The void shook and an explosion sounded.

The big hand that grabbed it was blown to pieces.


"A guard who has just stepped into the transcendent level dares to take action!"

Qin Muyang's eyes were cold and stern, and his body was filled with murderous intent.

He himself came to kill Ye Tianyou, devour his soul, and show off the strength of their original demon sect, but now someone dared to stop him. (End of chapter)

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