The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1753 Demons, ferocious beasts and geniuses, Hui Zhongzhou

Then Ye Tianyou's body turned into an afterimage and quickly disappeared into the ruins.

After he left, it was in ruins.

A tiny bat was hanging upside down in a dark tile, staring at Ye Tianyou who had just disappeared.

Yuan Suiyun, who was talking to Su Chen, looked slightly startled.

He stepped forward and said: "My lord, I stayed in the ruins of Wan Sheng Tower as a bat clone and detected the appearance of Ye Tianyou. He obtained Qin Muyang's Order of the Twelve Holy Sons from the ruins!"


"It seems that Ye Tianyou knows the Twelve Holy Sons Order very well!"

"There must be a purpose for showing up again this time!"

Su Chen had a smile on his face.

I just thought about taking action against Ye Tianyou.

This guy showed up.

I originally thought that this guy was injured and would rest for a while, but from the looks of it now, the opponent's injuries should have recovered.

He was seriously injured when he escaped from the previous battle.

After recovering in such a short period of time, the opponent has a valuable tool for recovering from injuries.

"Keep an eye on him!"

"Deal with him then!"

Su Chen said.


"The demon clan and the Sky Bone clan are here!"

That's it.

Su Chen heard a voice coming from the void, and figures moving towards one place.

The direction is still Tiansheng Academy.

At this moment, in the sky above Tiansheng Academy.

An ancient and dilapidated huge bone boat is lying across the place. It is magnificent and about several thousand meters long, exuding an atmosphere of timeless vicissitudes.

Outside this huge bone ship, human figures flickered and shadowed.

In the void, many strong men appeared one after another, with suppressed auras. Their eyes were looking at the huge bone ship standing on top of Tiansheng Academy, and their minds were focused on the huge bone ship. Go everywhere.

On the bone boat, figures stood one after another.

The figure of the leader was even more blurry, and his face could not be seen clearly, but the aura exuding from his body was unusual.

Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun appeared in the void.

Looking at the huge bone ship.

"This Tiangu clan is quite powerful, and they feel like they are overpowering others!"

Su Chen's eyes flickered, wanting to see clearly what was going on inside the bone ship.

But his eyes seemed to have entered a blurry whirlpool, and he couldn't see clearly at all.

"There's something unusual about this bone ship!"

"My lord, this bone boat should belong to the Sky Bone Clan. The Sky Bone Boat is owned by the ancestor of the Sky Bone Clan. The ancestor of the Sky Bone Clan seemed to have suppressed a powerful Void God Perfection with this bone boat back then!"

“I didn’t expect to appear here this time!”

"It seems that the person on the boat is different from the Bone Ancestor that day!"

Yuan Suiyun looked at the bone boat in front of him and said.

As the metaworld changes.

Some secrets are gradually becoming known.

Many forces appeared one after another and were known to the warriors.

Whether it is a powerful person from the human race or a powerful person from the demon clan.


Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and the False Divine Eye appeared in the center of his eyebrows, but the depth of the bone ship was still blurry and extremely mysterious, and even his [False Divine Eye] could not see through it.

"This treasure is somewhat extraordinary!"

"It looks like I'm looking for an opportunity to climb up there, or get in touch, and see how many golden lottery cards I can get!"

Su Chen looked at the bone boat that day and said.

He simply used the False Divine Eye and didn't use it too much. Just to see a sky bone ship was not worth his effort and full use of the False Divine Eye.

My own strength is a bit weak now, so there is no need to use all my strength to use the False Divine Eye.

Su Chen quickly withdrew his gaze and looked towards the Holy Academy of that day.

There are still many strong people in Tiansheng Academy!

Still won’t tolerate the Sky Bone Clan being so arrogant!


at this moment.

A sharp roar came from the depths of the void.

A huge black hawk is coming towards this side with a pair of huge wings flashing.

The void is dark.

Compared with the appearance of the bone ship, the momentum was not weak at all, and the entire Halloween City turned into darkness in an instant.

And an extremely domineering ferocity spread out from the black eagle.

"A clan of ferocious beasts, the Blood Mountain Eagle!"

Seeing this scene, one person exclaimed in surprise.

"This is the hinterland of the human race, please control your momentum!"

A loud voice came from Tiansheng Academy.

Then a monk wearing silver-white cassocks came out of Tiansheng Academy.

The Buddha's light on his body was so strong that it illuminated the entire space.

For a moment, the sky that had turned pitch black suddenly returned to daylight, and the previous depressing feeling completely disappeared under the Buddha's light.

"Buddhist people!"

See this.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, slightly surprised.

He did not expect that there were people from the Buddhist sect in Tianshengyuan Academy.

The aura on this person's body was very strong, and he was vaguely about to step into the False God level, which gave him a higher feeling than Qin Muyang's previous one.

"Eighteen Buddhas!"

"Destroy everything!"

The monk who appeared gave a low shout.

Behind him appeared a huge Buddha nearly a hundred feet tall.

This Buddha has eighteen arms, an angry face, and a halo of light behind him.

Eighteen arms formed in seals.

The Buddha's light on his body condenses into golden flames.

give people a feeling

When this Buddha is angry, the world will be destroyed, which is extremely terrifying.

"Using the Buddha's fire to condense the Buddha's body, and still have the power of purification in the midst of destruction, this monk is not simple!!"

Although Su Chen could not recognize the identity of this Buddha.

But he could feel the power of this huge Buddha's shadow.

The Buddha's light all over the body and the energy in the void converge to form powerful energy.

This Buddha has great power.

"Yes, Vast Sea Sky Buddha Pagoda, Bai Mingzun!"

"I didn't expect that he would come to Zhongzhou, and one person could block two powerful demons!"

"Fo's power is really powerful!"

Some people recognized the white monk's identity and were horrified by his power.

"It is rumored that Bai Mingzun is the Heavenly Buddha Pagoda. The people of this generation who have obtained Buddhist lineage are expected to become the masters of the Heavenly Buddha Pagoda in the future. I didn't expect him to be here!"

"Thanks to Bai Mingzun being here this time, otherwise, our human race's momentum would have been suppressed!"

Some people saw this and spoke.

"Ying Wujie, Tian Guzi, this is the hinterland of the human race, and this is not a place where you can run wild!"

"If you don't restrain your breath, I will make you restrain your breath!"

The monk in white said in a cold voice.

"Bai Mingzun, I didn't expect that your Eighteen Buddhas have cultivated to such a level!"

"I really want to fight you!"

"Unfortunately, now is not the time for a battle!"

The giant eagle made a sound from its mouth.

Then his body shape changed and turned into a young man wearing purple and black robes. The young man's eyes were cold and stern, looking at the monk who appeared.


At this moment the giant eagle turned into a human form.

Several figures appeared on the bone ship, headed by a young man. The young man raised his hand, and the bone ship suspended in the void instantly turned into a black light and flowed into the young man's hand before disappearing.

"Ying Wujie, maybe you and I can join forces and take this opportunity to kill Bai Mingzun!"

The young man looked at Bai Mingzun, his eyes were cold and stern, and his body was filled with murderous intent!

"You are really arrogant. You dare to be so arrogant here."

"But if you can kill this Bai Mingzun, I will still be very happy!"

"It's so disappointing that you just talk but don't do anything!"

Suddenly, a hoarse and rough laughter sounded. An invisible oppressive aura rushed over quickly.

Everyone quickly looked back.

He suddenly showed a look of surprise.

I saw a tall man, like a mountain of flesh, appearing in the void, looking at the two people from the demon and beast clan with disdain.

"Gu Yueshan, are you looking for death?"

That day when Gu Zi saw the person coming, his eyes were cold and stern, and there was a fierce killing intent in his eyes.

This murderous intention was even stronger than when he looked at Bai Mingzun.

"Guyue Mountain!"

"That's not me, Zhongzhou, the young master of the ancient family, the Gu family, hidden in Tianju Mountain!"

"It is rumored that this young master of the Gu family is physically invincible!"

"The ancient family of Tianju Mountain in Zhongzhou?"

Su Chen moved slightly.

He has been here in Zhongzhou for a while.

After the changes in the Yuan world, some ancient aristocratic families also appeared, showing great strength.

And there is only one person in the Gu family, Guyue Shan.

As soon as he appeared, he relied on his own body to directly crush the supreme emperor who appeared.

There are rumors of transcending levels in half a step.

But now it seems that the opponent's strength has reached a transcendent level.

"But that day, Gu Zhi's murderous intention towards Guyue Mountain seemed to be stronger than that towards Bai Mingzun!"

Su Chen said.

"Tianfoyuandi has colluded with the demon clan. They acted deliberately just now. Did they want to build momentum for Bai Mingzun?"

"Lord, should we show up?"

The original Suiyun said.

"Of course, how could we not show up for such a lively event?"

Su Chen had a smile on his face.

These people are all geniuses and have good luck.

Maybe you can use these people to draw a wave of prizes!


"Can the demon clan and the ferocious beast clan only talk the talk but not act?"

Su Chen's figure moved and appeared in the void.

"That's it, that's the young master of the Qinglong Society, Su Chen!"

"That's one move that killed three powerful men who transcended levels."

"Qin Muyang of the original demon sect was wearing original magic armor, and he was also detained to death!"

Saw Su Chen appear.

Some people who had experienced the battle three days ago were shocked.

"The young master of the Qinglong Society, Su Chen!"

Bai Mingzun looked at Su Chen.

The deaths of the three great saintly monks at Tianfrei Pagoda in Zhongzhou have something to do with the young master of the Qinglong Society.

Three days ago, Su Chen, the young master of the Qinglong Society, was able to fight astonishingly.


"Are you the young master of the Qinglong Society, Su Chen?"

That day Gu Zi looked at Su Chen, his brows furrowed and his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I am Su Chen. You are not saying that you want to kill Bai Mingzun, but I agree with you!"

Su Chen answered.

In his heart, he secretly started to pump five times in a row.

The five golden lottery cards disappeared from his mind.

[Get 1 Transcendence Realm Promotion Card, the exclusive character Song Que, get 1 Half-Step Transcendence Realm Promotion Card, the exclusive character Bai Bai Yu, get the best black jade*100 pieces, 1 Tianyao Pearl, get the best Yuan Stone*1000]


"It's not very good! There is only one Transcendence Enhancement Card!"

Su Chen sighed in his heart.

The luck of these four people is not very good.

This is how the geniuses of all races have their fortunes.

Isn't this a tool man, a cannon fodder in the early stage?

Su Chen thought in his heart.

My mind fell on that top quality black jade

The best black jade can assist the growth and absorption of black jade mandala and enhance the evolution of black jade mandala.

"Black Jade Mandala, the divine seed I obtained earlier, I didn't expect that this top-quality black jade can actually promote his growth!"

The power of this divine black jade mandala has temporarily increased a little slowly, and Su Chen even forgot about it!

"I wonder to what level these 100 pieces of top-quality black jade can elevate the black jade mandala to!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

My mind fell on that day Yaozhu.

Tianyao Pearl, a bead that exudes the power of the sun, can assist those who practice the flame technique.

"A little disappointed!"

"There's no use keeping these wastes, why don't we kill them all!"

Su Chen asked himself, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Seeing the disappointed look on Su Chen's face, Tian Guzi, who was talking to him, turned ugly.

"Su Chen, what's your look like?"

Tian Guzi looked at Su Chen and said.

"With a look of contempt, didn't you say you wanted to kill that Bai Mingzun? Kill him and I will look at you differently!"

Su Chen looked at Tian Guzi and said.

"Do you think you can treat us with such contempt just because you killed Qin Muyang?"

Tian Guzi's aura changed, a strong aura of death filled the air, and a white skeleton silhouette vaguely appeared behind him.

"Didn't Brother Su just say that? As long as you kill Bai Mingzun, I will treat you differently!"

"Isn't Bai Mingzun there? Let's do it!"

At this time, Na Guyue Shan spoke.

"Gu Yueshan, Su Chen, you are from the human race!"

"I am safeguarding the dignity of the human race. Are you trying to betray the human race?"

Bai Mingzun said calmly.

But there was an imperceptible coldness flashing through his eyes.

"Isn't everything in your Heavenly Buddha Origin Land a Buddha? Monsters and beasts are common in your Heavenly Buddha Origin Land!"

"When you say this, do you mean that you must first eliminate the demons and beasts in your Heavenly Buddha Origin Land?"

Su Chen looked at Bai Mingzundao.

"Whether it's demons or ferocious beasts, since you become a disciple of Buddhism in the origin of our Heavenly Buddha, you will become the fighting force of our human race!"

Bai Mingzun's face was a little less calm and he said gloomily.

"This is Tianyuan Holy Palace, Feng Yunlu. This is the city of my Tianyuan Holy Palace, Wanling Palace, and it is also where we welcome everyone who joins the Twelve Heavens Palace. There has been a big war before! There were countless casualties!"

"If you want to fight, I can open up the void and let you fight to your heart's content!"

"But you are all here for the Twelve Heavens Palace. The forbidden area of ​​the Twelve Heavens Palace has not yet begun. If we fight now, I am afraid it will affect your ability to enter the Twelve Heavens Palace and obtain the inheritance of the Twelve Heavens Palace!"

"You guys might as well give me a favor and end the dispute!"

At this moment.

A shadow appeared in the void.

This phantom was the person who was with the old man Yin before.

Although it is a phantom, the aura emanating from it is very powerful.

"Now that Elder Feng has come forward! I will quit now!"

At this time, the figure of Bai Mingzun disappeared first and returned to Tiansheng Academy.


"Qinglonghui Su Chen, Guyueshan, we will fight!"

"Ying Wujie, let's go down together!"

Tian Guzi looked at Ying Wujie and said.

"Tian Guzi, I'm not familiar with you!"

Ying Wujie glanced at Tian Guzi and headed towards Tiansheng Academy.

Looking at Ying Wujie leaving, Gu Zhi's face became extremely ugly that day.

"Brother Su, can you tell me something?"

At this time, Guyue Shan looked at Su Chen and said.

"I have something important to discuss with Brother Su!"

A sound of transmission sounded in Su Chen's ears. (End of chapter)

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