The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1760: The Most Sword Palace, the Origin of Divine Dynasty State Master Li Xuanyi

"What? In the sealed state, my strength has reached the Great Perfection of Virtual God!"

When Su Chen saw this scene, his eyes widened.

This was something he didn't expect at all.

The swordsman of False God's Dzogchen, this is a big explosion.

Previously, he had been relying on other people's luck.

This time, it's entirely your own destiny.

"Not bad!"

Su Chen stabilized his mind.

"Tianwai Immortal Tower, with this one, we can add another one, the Swordsman, and we can name it the Supreme Sword Palace!"

"The place where the strongest swordsmen gather!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"In this case, in the later period, swordsmen like Fu Hongxue, Ding Peng, and Song Que can definitely say that they were born in the [Most Sword Palace]!"

"This does not affect at all that they are from the Qinglong Society!"

"In this case, we can also improve the foundation of the Blue Dragon Society!"

"Jiange is a little weak now!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Let's bring some more luck and help Jiange!"

Nowadays in the human world, there are strong men in Tianya Pavilion and Qinglong Society, but there are only three or two kittens in Jiange Pavilion, which are too weak.

"How about letting Ling Donglai, Yan Shisan and others increase the reputation of Jiange Pavilion and say that they have practiced in Jiange Pavilion in the future?"

Su Chen thought about it in his mind.

The sword pavilion, the most sword palace, can be used as a place of cultivation!

The world is contained, the land of swordsmen and swordsmen.

However, for the time being, we can only recruit characters that we summoned by ourselves, and we cannot accept them from the outside.

"It takes two special secrets to find!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Yan Nantian stepped into the realm of transcendence, and Ding Peng's Full Moon Scimitar was upgraded. This will increase the power of the Green Dragon Society!"

"Not bad!"

Su Chen murmured in his mouth.

"Suiyun, I will retreat for a day!"

"Don't let anyone bother me!"

Su Chen then ordered.

He wanted to instill all the two secret techniques he had obtained to elevate his realm to a transcendent level.


Yuan Suiyun took the order.



Originated from the Divine Dynasty, within the palace hall.

The Origin Emperor was standing in the palace, looking out of the hall.

Behind him, there was an old man.

This old man was wearing blue Confucian clothes, with a bright head and white beard, and a thin figure, but there was an invisible aura about him.

This breath smelled like endless life.

"Emperor, Guyue Mountain of the Gu family has been in contact with Su Chen, and Su Chen agrees to join forces with him to deal with Emperor Shenwu."

The old man in blue Confucian uniform said.

"National Master, I don't understand something?"

"What is your intention in doing this?"

"Now that we have cooperated with [Qinglong Club], why should we cooperate with another young master?"

The Origin Emperor spoke.

There was some confusion in his tone.

From the words of the Origin Emperor, we can know that the identity of the old man in green clothes is Li Xuanyi, the national master of the Origin Dynasty, a figure who has just recovered.

A person who has cultivated to the immortal level.

"Emperor, I have recently collected a lot of information about Su Chen!"

"This Su Chen should be a character who came out of the Thunder Emperor's Secret Realm founded by the Thunder Emperor back then."

National Preceptor Li Xuan also spoke.

"Thunder Emperor? The secret realm he created!"

Hearing this, Emperor Origin showed a hint of interest on his face. "Yes, the place where they appeared was the Great Zhou Dynasty in Yuzhou. This is correct. I asked people to check the situation of the teleportation array there, and it was confirmed that it was the secret realm created by the Thunder Emperor!"

"The Emperor also knows that the Thunder Emperor is just a giant among the emperors to the outside world, but the strength he displayed in the trial place shocked many people!"

"The Great Perfection of False God killed one of the people in charge of the trial place back then!"

"Although he fell in the end, there is no denying his power!"

Li Xuan also spoke.

"You mean, Su Chen obtained his inheritance!"

"But about Su Chen, I've checked, and there's no aura of the Thunder Emperor, so he probably hasn't received his inheritance!"

The origin of the emperor's way.

"According to my investigation, there is another person who has received the Thunder Emperor's inheritance. It seems to be a person named Li Wuxie. However, this person only received some of the Thunder Emperor's inheritance, not completely. This person is also a member of the [Qinglong Club]."

"I suspect that this [Blue Dragon Society] may have something to do with the Thunder Emperor!"

"Maybe it's the Thunder Emperor's back-up plan!"

"However, their big dragon head has never appeared. It is possible that they are the true descendants of the Thunder Emperor!"

"This Su Chen is the young master of the [Qinglong Club], maybe we can see the mysterious big dragon head from him!"

"Furthermore, my subordinates have been studying some information on Su Chen recently. This person is familiar to everyone in the human world and Jiange, so I asked Guyue Shan to contact him!"

Li Xuan also spoke.

"If you tell me this, I'm a little interested in Su Chen!"

"Then Emperor, should we send someone into the Thunder Emperor's secret realm to investigate!"

Li Xuan also said.

"It's not an enemy. If we investigate and are discovered by people from the [Blue Dragon Club], it will cause unnecessary trouble!"

"This matter ends here!"

"The best way to understand Su Chen is to have more contact with him!"

The origin of the emperor's way.

"I won't go to the forbidden area of ​​the Twelve Heavens Shrine this time. You can lead the people there yourself!"

"There is a letter from the Qinglong Club, saying that Li Xunhuan, the second leader of the Qinglong Club, will go to Tiansheng City in person and meet you then!"

"After meeting, tell them the true situation in the Twelve Heavens Palace!"

"The three apostles inside there must not be allowed to come out alive. If they come out, it will not be good news for the human race in the Yuan World!"

"Back then, when they created clones, they swallowed up the entire state!"

"With this change in the dimensional world, the Twelve Heavens Palace may choose a master. This is their last chance!"

"They will not miss this opportunity!"

"The demons and ferocious beasts have collected a lot of Holy Son Tokens this time, and I must be thinking of entering them to contact them!"

The Origin Emperor spoke.

"Emperor, over there at Tianyuan Holy Palace!"

"They have completed the Twelve Heavenly Blood Sacrifice. They should be able to severely injure some people!"

"Should we wait for their blood sacrifice to be completed before taking action? After all, those people are extraordinary in strength!"

Li Xuan also said.

"A group of self-righteous people want to use the Twelve Heavenly Snow Sacrifice to suppress those people and refine the Twelve Heavenly Palace. They are really wishful thinking!"

"Since they are so self-righteous, let them pay some price for it!"

"However, if they want to start, they will have to wait until the Twelve Holy Sons are tested!"

"There are many talented people from the human race in this Order of the Twelve Saints!"

"Maybe we can get a good inheritance!"

"The inheritance of the God of War Palace is extraordinary!"

"There is also a place in the Palace of the God of War, the Divine Blood Pool, which is helpful to you. It should be able to help you restore most of your immortal fighting power!"

The origin of the emperor's way.

"I see!"

"I'll leave today!"

Li Xuan, the national teacher, also said.

"Okay, but when you go to Zhongzhou, pay attention to Tianfret Tower!"

"That day at the Buddha's Origin, the second deputy tower master of Tianfrei Pagoda appeared at Tianfrei Pagoda in Zhongzhou, but he did not go to Tiansheng City. There should be some action. I want to know what he is doing?"

"In this era, the rulers of the Yuan World are those who gave the Heaven and Buddha the Origin and Land!"

The Origin Emperor said in a deep voice. (End of chapter)

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