The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1767: Inciting secret hands to attack and kill Lu Xun


"Heavenly Buddha Origin Earth, I didn't expect you to collude with demons!"

"But can you, a bunch of ants, deal with me?"

"It seems that everyone in the world has forgotten me, Lu Xun!"

Lu Xun's voice was cold and stern, and his cold eyes were dark as he stared at everyone.

The terrifying power of true energy burst out from his body.

Under his gaze.

For a moment, the entire space seemed to stop halfway.


At this moment, the second deputy tower master suddenly roared.

The huge thunder Buddha figure behind him made a huge thunder sound, and the thunder was rolling, containing a terrifying aura, and forcibly dispelled the coercion in Lu Xun's eyes.

And this moment.

The body of the man who looked like a giant mountain began to change.

Scarlet light burst out from his body!

Forming a mighty blood energy.

The blood infects the surrounding space, like a wave of scarlet blood.

In this blood wave, the previous giant mountain-like figure, covered with red hair, was eerie and huge.


Blood dripped from the dark red hair.

The whole body seemed to crawl out of bloody water.

It reveals evil spirit, blood energy, cold energy, and yin energy, which is indescribable.

"Blood Corpse Clan!"

"To be able to cultivate the corpse body to such a big size is an extraordinary talent. It's a pity that I have to die here today!"

Although Lu Xun admired him, his eyes did not waver at all.

"Death here, Lu Xun, you are too arrogant. We dare to come here. Do you think we have no confidence?"

The giant man had a low voice and a sneer in his mouth.

"is it?"

"Then you die first!"

Lu Xun looked at the giant man with red hair, his eyes were cold and stern, and he raised his palms.

At that moment when the palm was raised.

A terrifying true essence condensed in his palm, forming a true essence spear.

The spear instantly pierced the void, carrying a monstrous killing intent, and shot towards the giant red-haired man as fast as lightning.

"Let's take action together and resist!"

The giant red-haired man didn't expect that the other party would take action as soon as he said it, and he would take action so fiercely. While his face was shocked, he also growled, asking others to take action as well.

"Heavenly Killing Sword!"

At this time, the big man with the sword slashed out with a long sword in his hand.

The terrifying sword energy poured down instantly.

Cut on the spear that shot violently.


The moment the sword energy collided with the spear, it was directly shattered by the power emanating from the spear.

But at the moment of shattering.

The giant red-haired man roared, and his aura spewed out like a volcano.

There was madness in his eyes.

Punch out!

Terrifying blood energy erupted in the fist, forming a huge fist mark, heading towards the spear.


And this moment.

The woman with the snake pattern on her face also growled.

The three giant pythons behind him instantly roared out and headed towards the spear.

And at this time!

The second deputy tower master did not take action, but secretly formed seals on his palms, and strange runes appeared in his hands.

Some runes merged into the void and disappeared.

Part of the runes merged into the ground and merged with the black evil energy on the ground.


Two terrifying sounds erupted.

The attacks of the snake-printed woman and the giant red-haired man were directly pierced by the spears.

And in an instant, the spear appeared in front of the red-haired giant.

"Damn it!"

At this time, the old man in Xuanyi shouted sharply and slapped out his palm.

A huge Hades bird flew into the air and hit the spear.

The spear was deflected by the impact.


The spear was inserted into one of the arms of the giant red-haired man.

The giant red-haired man didn't hesitate, tore his arm directly and threw it out instantly.


The arm and spear exploded directly.

"So strong, even a casual blow has the power of False God's Perfection!"

Seeing this scene, the expression of the old man in black clothes changed.

He couldn't imagine how powerful Lu Xun's fighting power was when he was at his peak. "I hit you casually and you all had such a hard time hiding. I don't know how you have the courage to deal with me!"

Lu Xun raised his palm again.

At this moment, the power of true energy erupting from Lu Xun's body surpassed that before.

If these people can come here, there may be a problem in Luba Mountain that day, and he will kill them.

"Old bald donkey, are you okay?"

The old man in black clothes shouted lowly.

"All right!"

"His power has been restricted, and the dark evil energy in his body has been aroused!"

The second deputy tower master laughed wildly.

Just now, other people were confronting Lu Xun, and he was secretly using the back-up tactics he had previously deployed on Lu Xun.

"Restrict my power and activate the evil spirit in my body!"

Lu Xun's eyes narrowed.

But then the black evil energy in his body began to riot, and it seemed that it was out of control at all!

And in his blood and soul, strange black runes appeared.

All of a sudden!

The power of the true energy, the power of Qi and blood, and the power of the soul in his body were all suppressed.

Especially the qi and blood in the body are also filled with traces of black evil energy.

Although the dark evil energy in the ground was filtered by the Dark Pagoda, some of the dark evil energy in his body still remained after so many years.

Now that the energy and blood are rioting, and with the addition of those black runes, the black evil energy in his body is drawn out,

"How could you plant a secret hand inside me!"

Lu Xun's face was full of disbelief.

He has been practicing meditation here.

How could someone be planting a secret trick and not notice it.

"Lu Xun, since we are taking action, we must be absolutely sure to deal with you. Qian Yin Tian maneuvers and explodes!"

At this time, the second deputy tower master shouted lowly.


When Lu Xun was standing there, the energy and blood in his body exploded as if being aroused in an instant.


Lu Xun spat out a mouthful of blood.

The aura on his body dimmed instantly.

"Kill, Dark Mandala!"

Right now. '

The naked woman in the black dress who had not made a move suddenly made a move. Countless black vines appeared around her body and swept towards Lu Xun in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Xun was wrapped up.

The sharp needle pierced Lu Xun's body.


The red-haired giant who was injured earlier roared.

The remaining big hand was raised and patted towards Lu Xun.

"Heavenly Soul Snake Seal!"

The snake-printed woman also gave a low drink at this moment.

The three giant pythons suspended behind him appeared again, roaring and roaring.

Black runes appeared in the sound, and the runes turned into small black snakes and headed towards Lu Xun.

The man holding the knife was the most peculiar, with nine whirlpools appearing on his body.

The whirlpool gathered into a point on his long knife.


A point of light shot out from the long knife.

The light spot was like the opening of the universe, swallowing up everything and sweeping towards Lu Xun.

The old man in Xuanyi also shot out another palm, and the bird flew into the air and rushed towards Lu Xun.

As for the second deputy tower master, when he used the Qian Yin Tian maneuver, a trace of blood overflowed from his mouth.

But he didn't take into account the injuries on his body.

Palms raised!

The Heavenly Buddha True Divine Furnace appears.

He was directly sacrificed and headed towards Lu Xun.

Under this series of attacks, Lu Xun could not stop his Heavenly Buddha True God Furnace.


Four attacks fell on Lu Xun.

Lu Xun's body was hit by the bombardment and hit the black tower, and blood burst out from his mouth.

At this moment, the meridians in the body also began to break.

But there is still a trace of special power flowing in the break, maintaining the connection of the meridians.

My body struggled to stand up.

But the Heavenly Buddha True Divine Furnace that appeared shrouded Lu Xun. (End of chapter)

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