The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1774: Commissioned Mission, Netherworld Inn Teng Yungui

"How strong are the two of them?"

Su Chen asked.

"Judging from the combat situation, the strength is close to the early stage of False God!"

"But judging from the reported battle situation, Zhongzhou's Tianfret Pagoda cannot stop these two people!"

The original Suiyun said.

"Is this so? The strength is close to the early stage of False God. If these two people are sent by Lu Ye, then Lu Ye is hidden deep enough!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

Li Chenzhou is the mountain master of Tianluba Mountain and Lu Ye's disciple.

No one knew the existence of these two people.

This shows how deep Lu Ye is hidden.

"I'm becoming more and more interested in this Lu Ye!"

"Zhongzhou Tianfrei Tower has little to do with us. It mainly has the three second deputy tower owners!"

Su Chen said.

What he wants is the corpse of the human immortal and the true divine furnace of the Heavenly Buddha!

His eyes then looked towards the auction below.

Now the auction has come to an end.

His Order of the Twelve Holy Sons had been auctioned off and was taken away by a man wrapped in black robes.

The man in black quickly left the auction house after receiving the Order of the Twelve Holy Sons.

"My subordinate's clone, Bat, has sent word that the man in black robes of the Twelve Holy Sons who was photographed earlier is Ye Wuyou!"

"Lord, are you going to take action against him?"

The original Suiyun said.

"It's him again, which means he has at least two Orders of the Twelve Sons on him!"

Su Chen frowned slightly when he heard this.

"The problem with Wuyou is huge this time. I won't do anything to him for the time being. I really want to see what his plans are when he enters the Twelve Heavens Palace."

"Didn't Li Longshou get one from Lan Shen earlier, the Order of the Twelve Holy Sons?"

"Use this Order of the Twelve Holy Sons to contact him."

Su Chen said.

If the other party wants the Order of the Twelve Holy Sons, then I will give him another one!


The original Suiyun said.

clatter! clatter!

That's when.

There were footsteps outside the door, and then there was a knock on the door.

"It seems that the young master of the Nine Nether Crow Clan is here!"

"Invite him in!"

While the auction is going on.

The young patriarch of the Nine Netherworld Crow Clan did not show up. Now that the auction is over, the other party should come to see him!

Yuan Suiyun opened the door.

A tall man stood at the door.

The man was wearing a robe embroidered with the dark golden Crow logo.

Although he was wearing a robe, his body was filled with a very arrogant and fierce aura.

Also on his shoulders was the dark crow that had previously sent Su Chen the invitation.

"Former manager, I am the young patriarch of the Nine Netherworld Bird Clan, Xia Wuyou!"

The man introduced with a smile on his face.

"Please come in!"

Those who come are guests.

Yuan Suiyun invited the other party to enter the house.

Xia Wuyou didn't look unfamiliar either. He entered the room and sat directly in front of Su Chen.

"I've met Young Master Su!"

"I don't know, Young Master Xia, what do you want from me?"

"Young Master Su, I won't beat around the bush. I came here this time to ask Young Master Su to help me kill someone!"

Xia Wuyou said.

"Kill someone? Kill who?"

Su Chen said.

"The ferocious beast clan, Ying Wujie of the Blood Mountain Sky Eagle clan!"

Xia Wuyou said.

"Killing him is easy, the main thing is what price you can pay!"

Su Chen looked at Xia Wuyou.

Ying Wujie's strength is not weak, but now he is no different from an ant on his side.

"Young Master Su, I am so happy. I am willing to take out a token to enter the trial place in advance!"

Ying Wujie looked at Su Chen and said.

In each era, the only tokens that can enter the trial place in advance are the demon clan and the beast clan. They will directly leave the trial place with the help of the token.

There is no risk and you can leave, which is very attractive.

But this is of no use to Su Chen.

Because he has it himself.

Even if not, when the strength becomes stronger, it may be pushed there. Seeing that Su Chen's eyes were calm and showed no signs of movement, Xia Wuyou looked slightly startled.

"Young Master Su, is it possible?"

"I don't need the token, I need something else!"

"If you can come up with something else, that Yingwujie will die tonight!"

Su Chen looked at Xia Wuyou and said.

"If you don't want a token, what do you need, Master Su? A treasure?"

Xia Wuyou said.

"I like collecting treasures the most. There are three top-quality emperor-level treasures. I, Qinglong, will help you kill that Ying Wujie!"

Su Chen looked at the other party and said.

He wanted to do Ying Wujie himself. Now that someone was spending money to kill him, how could Su Chen not accept such a commission?

"Of course, this depends on you being the first to cooperate with me!"

"Otherwise, with three top-quality emperor-level treasures, I, Qinglong, will not be able to wade through this muddy water!"

"Young Master Xia is a smart man and should know my sincerity!"

Su Chen continued.

"Okay, tomorrow I will collect three top-quality emperor-level treasures and hand them over to Young Master Su. I hope that the eagle will die tomorrow without disaster!"

Xia Wuyou said,

"Don't worry, since we [Qinglong Club] have accepted this mission, we must do what we say. Otherwise, how can we [Qinglong Club] gain a foothold in the Yuan World!"

Su Chen said calmly.

"Then tomorrow, I will personally visit Young Master Su!"

After Xia Wuyou finished speaking, he bowed slightly and left.

"My lord, it seems that there is constant fighting within the demon clan!"

"Where there are interests, there are fights!"

Su Chen's face was calm, he looked at Xia Wuyou leaving and said.

"But this Xia Wuyou, why are you doing this at this time?"

Su Chen had some doubts in his heart.

"Lord, let me investigate!"

The original Suiyun said.

Su Chen nodded.

"Where is Teng Yunhui now? Is there no news from Qin Hongyi?"

Su Chen then said.

The person who controls Netherworld Inn now is Teng Yunhui, one of the three royal families behind him, from the Teng family.

But the other party disappeared after arriving at Tiansheng City.

Didn't even show up for today's auction.


The original Suiyun said.

"It's really interesting!"

Su Chen's eyes became deep.

Xia Wuyou, the young leader of the Nine Nether Bird Clan who left Su Chen, quickly left the auction house, and his figure turned into a black light and rushed out of the city.


He appeared outside a very inconspicuous courtyard.

Open the door respectfully and enter the small courtyard.

In the small courtyard.

There are two figures.

A middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a dark complexion

The black robe on this man's body was flashing with strange runes, completely hiding his aura, but his eyes exuded a sharp light, which made people feel heart-stopping.

The other person was sitting on the stone platform in the courtyard.

He looks young, exudes an invisible power, and has a royal aura between his brows.

This young man is the new leader of Netherworld Inn, one of the royal family, Teng Yunhui of the Teng family.

In addition, the middle-aged man is his protector, Tie Kongming.

"I've met Master Teng!"

Xia Wuyou came in and bowed to the two of them.

"Tell me what you did, how did it go?"

"The opponent wants three top-quality imperial weapons!"

Xia Wuyou said quickly.

"He has such a big appetite. A person who has transcended the realm actually wants three top-quality imperial weapons!"

"The best imperial weapon is a treasure second only to the god level, and it is also a treasure that is difficult to obtain in this Yuan world!"

"That Master Teng!"

"He actually wants it and gives it to him. Just take this Ying Wujie and see how powerful the Qinglong Club is!"

"Controlled Qin Hongyi silently. If you are strong enough, then I will give you a chance to be loyal to me!"

"In this way, I may be able to take you into the Ancient Star Territory."

Teng Yunhui murmured in his mouth.

Then with a wave of his hand, a storage bag flew directly into Xia Wuyou's hand. (End of chapter)

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