Hanhai, Northeast Triangle City.

This is the place where Hanhai, Yuezhou and Zhongzhou meet.

Passing through here, you can directly enter Zhongzhou.

Just because this is the junction of the three realms, it is not under the jurisdiction of the Origin of Heavenly Buddha.

The Heavenly Buddha Origin Land is strong, but this is the intersection of the three realms, and the mobility of warriors is too high.

Previously, Buddhist temples were set up here in the Origin of Heavenly Buddha, but just overnight, the Buddhist temples were destroyed, and the people who destroyed them returned to Zhongzhou.

And here, I don’t know why three streams of air appear from time to time.

These three airflows come from three places and form a storm. Once swallowed by the storm, there is no possibility of survival.

So this situation makes this place even more chaotic.


Three people wearing robes and covering their bodies appeared in Triangle City.

"Two sisters, ahead is Triangle City. We can enter Zhongzhou through Triangle City!"

A crisp sound came from the mouth of one of them.

The voice was female, exactly that of Huan Huan.

The other two people were Yaoyue and Ji Wuxia.

"This place itself is the boundary of Hanhai, but the source of Tianfo has not been captured, so we still have to be careful!"

Yaoyue raised her head and looked at the ancient city in front of her.

"There are rumors here that after the three-pole storm, top-quality Yuan stones will appear. I don't know if we will see such a scene!"

Ji Wuxia said.

They are not short of Yuan Stone, but they are short of top quality Yuan Stone.

Because the best Yuan Stone is extremely difficult to appear.

In the Triangle City, three places converged, and a storm appeared. After the storm, top-grade Yuan Stone appeared.

This is also one of the reasons why the Heavenly Buddha Origin Land cannot take over this realm.

Huge benefits cannot be enjoyed exclusively by Tianfo Origin.


Huanwan took the lead and walked towards the city.

There are no guards at the city gate, but traffic is very close.

In this ancient, chaotic city.

But it is not as chaotic as the outside world says.

On the contrary, it was very bustling and lively, with huge crowds of people and small stalls everywhere.

The food, sale and entertainment here are all beyond expectations.

Many medicinal materials that are extremely rare in the outside world are everywhere here.

The transaction is not ordinary gold and silver, but the essence stone for cultivators to practice.

The three of them were walking in the busy streets, buying something from time to time.


There was a low roar behind them.

Along with the roaring sound, a fierce atmosphere spread, and the whole street was in chaos.

"Get out of the way! You deserve to be trampled to death!"

"Get out of the way!"

I saw a young man in blue riding on a giant cyan beast with a ferocious face. He was rushing forward quickly. Many people passed by in panic and dodge, but they were still hit by the giant cyan beast with a bang. There were screams, and many people were trampled to death.

The crowd was in an uproar and angry, but they all hid.

"Who is this? If you are so arrogant, aren't you afraid of being killed?"

"Brother, you don't want your life. Keep your voice down. That's the evil king's will. Triangle City, one of the three major forces, the young master of the Three Evil Sect, can't afford to offend you. Don't say it again, otherwise, I'm afraid you will offend Come and kill yourself!"

"Let's get out of the way!"

Some people avoided it.

And when the giant beast under Xie Junyi passed by Huanwen and the others, the giant beast under Xie Junyi suddenly roared.

The cloak on Huanwan's head was lifted off by the air flow generated by the roar, revealing her face.

Seeing Huanhua’s face.

The young man in blue stopped the beast at his feet.

He quickly stared at Huanwan, a light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly got off the giant beast.

"My lord, the Young Master of the Three Evil Sect, the evil beast has gone crazy today for some unknown reason and has disturbed the girl. Please forgive me!"

The evil king stepped forward. "Sister, let's go!"

Huanwan glanced at the other party and did not say anything. Instead, she pulled Ji Wuxia and Yaoyue away.

"Insolent, you guys!"

Attend the evil king's will.

When he saw Huan Huan leading people away, his face became furious and he wanted to step forward and scold him.

As soon as the attendant finished speaking, Xie Junyi in front of him turned cold and slapped him on the head.


The attendant's head was instantly smashed with a palm, and his brains and blood spurted out.

At this moment, the other followers who followed Xie Junyi were trembling all over. They didn't know why their young master killed one of their own.

I can only lower my head and dare not express my anger.

To avoid getting shot in the head by his own young master.

"Girl, your men are rude. I'll help you teach them a lesson. I wonder if the girl can reward them. I'll treat three girls to a banquet!"

Xie Junyi stepped forward again and spoke.


Huanwan snorted coldly and did not stop.

The three of them left quickly.

This time Xie Junyi did not step forward, he just looked at Huan Huan and the others, then got on the giant beast and continued moving forward.

"I didn't expect that everything was fine. That girl is so lucky!"

"The girl who was favored by the evil king was taken away directly!"

Some people whispered after Xie Junyi left.

"It's really interesting. That Evil Lord Yi must have seen something?"

Yao Yue looked at the evil figure leaving and said.

"No matter what, if they want to die, I don't mind killing them!"

"Let's go, let's find an inn first, tidy up, and then penetrate the windless area and enter Zhongzhou tomorrow!"

Ji Wuxia said.

The three of them didn't care about this evil king's intention.

the other side.

The evil king's intention that left quickly returned to the Three Evil Sect.

The Three Evil Sect is one of the three leading forces in Triangle City. Being able to become one of the three leading forces here shows that it has a lot of background behind it.

In the main hall.

Wearing a jet black robe, the leader of the Three Evil Sect looked at the Evil Lord and said, "Are you sure that the woman is Hanhan!"

"It's absolutely unmistakable. I can clearly see the character information sent by Tianfo Origin Di!"

"Father, you also know that I think women can never go wrong!"

"What's more, when I was observing the Huanwan, I deliberately got closer. Although the other two people wore veils on their faces, from their exposed eyes, I could confirm that the other person should be Yaoyue from the Snowy Jiuhan Palace. There is no flaw in the world!"

Xie Junyi said seriously.

Beauty, these three people can be said to be peerless beauties.

At that time, when he saw the image of the Buddha's origin spread to all parts of the vast sea, he was astonished.

"Why do you think they came to our Triangle City?"

The leader of the Three Evil Sect frowned.

"Maybe he wants to enter Zhongzhou. Isn't the Twelve Heavens Temple in Zhongzhou about to be opened?"

"Father, now is not the time to think about this. We have done a great deed this time. These three people are of extraordinary status, especially those Wan Wan and Yao Yue, who seem to be the women of the young master in the human world. We will inform Tianfoyuandi of the appearance of these three people!"

"If the people from the Heavenly Buddha's Origin Land capture them, we will definitely be able to use this opportunity to enter the Heavenly Buddha's Origin Land!"

Xie Junyi said.

"But what if the world takes action against us?"

The Sanxie Sect Master said with some worry.

"We have all entered the Source of Heavenly Buddha. How could they attack us? Father, if you miss this opportunity, you will never get it again!"

"Father, this is our chance to escape from this place where birds shit, and it is also our chance to step into the source of heavenly Buddha."

Xie Junyi said quickly. (End of chapter)

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