The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1783: Xuantian Evil Emperor moves, Tianjing Temple takes the bait

Snowy land.

In the Tianxue Empire Palace.

Xuantian Evil Emperor stood with his hands behind his back, his aura surging. He had been cultivating quietly since he entered the consummation of the Void God.

Now he has just come out from hiding.

"The Void God is perfect, but the development of my own ancestor's demon bloodline is relatively slow!"

"The demonic energy enters the body, travels around the six voids, and becomes possessed by the demon itself. Perhaps it can even more stimulate the bloodline of my Yuanzu Heavenly Demon!"

Evil Emperor Xuantian thought in his mind.

In his last life, he was a strong man in martial arts, but in this world, martial arts is very different from the previous life. He can become stronger. On top of his martial arts practice, he is improving.

But combat power can be improved with the blood of the Yuanzu Demon.

He has now reached the level of Virtual God Perfection, so he really wants to try the strength of the powerful Virtual God Perfection.

At this moment.

He got the news from Yin Zhong.

"It's really interesting. That Xieran notified the origin of Tianfo, but the contact with Xieran was the Fanhui Wu of Tianjing Zen Temple!"

"It seems that for the Snow Land and for our human world, it is Tianjing Zen Temple!"

"Tianjing Chanyuan, you guys really don't want to give up."

"If that's the case, let's take this opportunity to show you some more colors!"

"This way we can let them know that if they reach out, they will be cut off!"

"If the Buddha's Source wasn't so mysterious that day, I wouldn't mind going to the Buddha's Source for a walk."

"But Tianjing Chanyuan knows my strength in the human world, and still takes action. The goal is the human world, or the snowy land!"

Xuantian Evil Emperor said in his heart.

Regarding the human world, it can only be said to be a duel between overlords.

If the target is the Snowy Region, it means that there is something in the Snowy Region that Tianjing Chanyuan cares about, and Tianfoyuandi cares about.

"This time I will go and see for myself!"

"I hope Tianjing Chanyuan can have decent masters."

The eyes of Evil Emperor Xuantian flashed with cold light.

The young master's wife in the human world, Ji Wuxia, one of the three emperors, appears. With such strength, Tianjing Zen Academy will definitely send strong ones.

Otherwise, Ji Wuxia wouldn't even be able to take it back.

What's more, when the two young masters and wives travel, there should be secret guards. They won't expect it.

"Emperor, I will go with you!"

In the darkness, Jian Yin walked out of the opening and said.

Jian Yin is different from others. He likes to be in the dark and doesn't like to be watched, so he always hides in the dark, showing more of a follower status.

"Then let's go together!"

Xuantian Evil Emperor nodded and directly used the teleportation talisman.

A ray of light enveloped the two of them, and then disappeared into the palace.

at dusk.

Three Evil Sect, in a secret room.

Xie Ran stood with a bow, and in front of him was a teleportation array.

The Three Evil Sect belongs to the Origin of Heavenly Buddha, so it has its own teleportation array, which is convenient for problems or when the best Yuan Stone is found. The Three Evil Sect can quickly get support and snatch things.

Time passed little by little.

The light above the teleportation array flickered.

Four figures in monk robes walked out of the teleportation array, their bodies filled with aura. The leader of the Three Evil Sect, Xie Ran, had his body bent a little under the pressure of this aura.

Among these four figures, the leader is Fan Huiwu from Tianjing Zen Temple.

Xie Ran immediately stepped forward and saluted Fan Hui Wu.

"Where are Ji Wuxia and the others now?"

Although Yaoyue and Hanwan are the wives of the young master in the human world, Ji Wuxia, one of the three emperors in the human world, is their target.

I have never been able to find out the details of the human world.

As long as Ji Wuxia is captured, the true story of the human world will become clear.

Then Tianjing Chanyuan can launch an attack on Xueyu.

This is why she quickly contacted Xieran after receiving the notice from Tianfo Origin.

"Sir, their strength is extraordinary, and my subordinates did not dare to send anyone to investigate."

"But I asked some vendors on the street at that time!"

"We have roughly locked down where they are, and my subordinates can take you there!"

Xieran said.

"Okay, then you lead the way!"

Fan Huiwu nodded.

Then he saluted the three people behind him and walked out of the secret room.

Although she is the leader, the people behind her are stronger than her.

The group of people quickly walked out of the secret room.

After everyone left the secret room.

The previously paused teleportation array light appeared again.

A figure walked out of it.

There is no figure of the Origin Buddha.

The figure appeared, stepped out, and disappeared into the secret room.

Triangle City is in a single courtyard.

Ji Wuxia, Wenwan, and Yaoyue were in the courtyard pavilion, looking at the moonlight in the sky.

The moonlight is clear and clear, without any clouds or mist, shining on the earth as if it were daytime.

The three of them were talking and laughing.

Ji Wuxia and Yao Yue both felt cold and cold, but with Huan Huan among them, the three of them seemed to have endless topics to talk about.


Ji Wuxia, who was joking, turned cold.


As he spoke, a sword light slashed towards the void.


There was a low shout, and a golden light appeared, turning into a vajra and colliding with the sword light.


The sword light was shattered.

Four figures appeared and then landed in the courtyard.

"Fan Hui Dance!"

"Tianjing Chanyuan?"

Ji Wuxia looked at Fan Huiwu with cold eyes.

"I didn't expect His Excellency Snow Emperor to know me. It's such an honor for me!"

Fan Huiwu saluted Ji Wuxia slightly.

"Fan Huiwu, in this world, my grudge with your Tianjing Temple has been settled. What do you want to do when you appear here?"

Ji Wuxia said with a cold expression.

"The Snow Emperor of the human world invites Madam Yue and Madam Huanwen to come to our Hanhai. Of course, our Tianjing Zen Temple will entertain them!"

"I sincerely invite you to come and stay in my Tianjing Zen Monastery for a while. I don't think you will refuse!"

Fan Huiwu looked at Ji Wuxia, invited the moon, and said.

"Fan Huiwu, do you know the consequences of doing this!"

Yao Yue stepped forward and said coldly.

"As a result, I think the young master in the human world should go to our Tianjing Zen Temple. After all, some time ago, I personally went to see the young master in the human world, Su Qingchen, and gave him a ransom!"

Fan Huiwu looked at Yao Yuedao.

She went to the Snowy Land to redeem her disciple from Su Chen.

They say women hold grudges, and this is absolutely true!

"Are you really sure you can take us away?"

Regarding Fan Huiwu's words, Yao Yue said in a deep voice.

"Since I dare to come, can't I take you with me?"

"Sometimes those who know the current affairs are heroes. You are weak now. Follow me to avoid any accidents!"

Fan Huiwu said confidently.

"Then I'd love to try it!"

Ji Wuxia's figure moved, and the true energy in his body surged, turning into an unparalleled sword energy that rose up into the sky and swept away.


With a movement of his body, he went straight towards Fan Huiwu and killed him.

"Hmph, I don't know what's going on, I'm here to slay the devil!"

Behind Fan Huiwu, a monk walked out.

This middle-aged monk looks like a man, wearing a black cassock. On the cassock are engraved with the runes of a vajra pestle.

It can be seen from here that it was this middle-aged monk who blocked Ji Wuxia's sword energy previously.

"Vajra subdues demons, five-shaped vajra!"


Five huge golden vajra pestles appeared, the golden light was thousands of miles away, and the Buddha's light covered the sky, forming a restriction and heading towards Ji Wuxia to suppress it.

They came here to suppress Ji Wuxia and others.

Ji Wuxia's eyes did not change, he held a long sword, and his own energy was condensed into the sword.

The edge of the sword flows.

The sword energy burst out and headed towards the restricted power.


The sword light collided with the golden light and made a banging sound, but the sword energy did not break the restriction.

The ban continues to fall.

"I, Domain Brahma, a strong man in the middle stage of False God, just detached, suppress with bare hands!"

The middle-aged monk's tone was cold.

The Buddha's light burst out in the midst of the restriction.

At this moment, the sword light was directly shattered by the burst of terrifying forbidden power.

Ji Wuxia's eyes narrowed.

The long sword in the palm of his hand made a sword sound.

A circle of ripples of sword energy spread out like a stormy wave.

The figure soared into the air, and then the long sword slashed out.


The five restraints that fell down instantly shattered under this sword.

But his body was shaken and he took a few steps back.

The difference in realm is somewhat large.

"The aura of swordsmanship is extraordinary, but that's all. With your fearless struggle, Ji Wuxia, you should be able to catch me without any help and still be alive."

The one who took action, Yu Brahma, snorted coldly. (End of chapter)

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