Chapter 433 Iron-Blood Divine Style, Joint Killing, Yang Gu

Huo Mufeng didn't want to delay any longer.

Directly perform the divine formula obtained by stepping into the sea of ​​nine disasters between heaven and man.

The white figure absorbing the cold air behind him is his condensed spirit.

The leak of the divine shadow showed that Huo Mufeng was about to take a step towards the Shattered Void.

It is impossible to leak the shadow of the gods just after reaching the sea.

Su Chen blasted out with a fist, concentrating all his strength and blood, and collided with the slapped palm.

When he shattered the opponent's palm, his figure was shaken and he took a few steps back.

At this moment, the surrounding air is all heading towards Huo Mufeng.

He looked up and saw the white phantom, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"I didn't expect this Huo Mufeng to use his divine style now!"

Su Chen didn't dare to underestimate the opponent's move.

"Thousand degrees of frost, freezing the world!"

At this time, Huo Mufeng let out a low cry, raised his palm, and the white phantom behind him also lifted up, and the phantom's palm merged with his palm.

Then he patted Su Chen with his palm.

Endless wind and frost appeared in the world.

A layer of ice appeared on the ground, quickly spreading towards Su Chen.

Watching the cold snap.

The ice unicorn on Su Chen's arm began to throb a little, trying to absorb the gushing cold current.

But Su Chen wants to feel the blow of the concentrated and strong man in the sea of ​​nine disasters.

I also want to feel the power of the Iron Blood God on Tie Zhongtang.

Tie Zhongtang was born in Tie Xue Daqimen.

By himself, he practiced the Big Banner Wind and Cloud Palm, the Thirteen Iron Blood Styles, the Marriage Dress Magic Art, and the power of Ye Di.

Perhaps Tie Zhongtang is the combined version of [Ye Di] and [Yan Nantian].

But Tie Zhongtang, who was born in the Iron Blood Banner Gate, inherited the will of the Iron Blood Banner Gate, so his aura is that of Iron Blood.

At this moment, Su Chen casts the Vajra Cracking Devil, violently himself, plus Tie Zhongtang's iron and blood god style.

He wanted to see how powerful it could be.

When Su Chen performed the Tie Zhongtang Divine Form, a strong blood energy filled the world, and boundless blood rushed in the world.

Crazy air of iron and blood permeates out along with fierce air.

Let the world be moved by it.

he punched out

The fist collided with the slapped palm.

At the moment of the collision, shocking force fluctuations exploded between the sky and the earth, the ground exploded, the air was squeezed, and traces were formed.

The two people who were confronting were shocked back again and again.

The cold air collided with the blood energy, forming an evenly matched force.

Su Chen did not have the upper hand.

Huo Mufeng is also a warrior of an era, and his strength is not bad.

Su Chen is suppressing the tumbling qi and blood in his body, while Huo Mufeng is also suppressing the boiling qi and blood in his body.

This reveals who Su Chen is.

How can there be the strength to fight with oneself.

20 years out.

How can there be such a big change in this world, and many strong people have emerged.

Huo Mufeng couldn't imagine it.

Seeing the disappearing cold, and the blood, he felt that he had miscalculated this time, and he had a feeling of retreating.


Just then.

A golden figure appeared behind him and punched out.

A bright golden light erupted from his fist, and it was Gu Santong who was watching the battle, and he made a move.

Just now when Su Chen fought against Huo Mufeng, the vision of heaven and earth appeared.

There must be many people coming

So now is the time to act.

The bright golden fist rushed out of the figure with a tyrannical energy fluctuation, gushing out of the fist like a tide.

Under such a tyrannical attack, Huo Mufeng could only fight.

The energy in Huo Mufeng's body circulated rapidly.

The cold air came out quickly, the palm of his hand turned the color of ice jade, and he punched out, touching Gu Santong's fist.

There is a suction force on the fist of Gu Santong, which can absorb people's strength.

He has fought against Gu Santong several times, and he knows the characteristics of Gu Santong's exercises, so he pays special attention when he makes a move.

The two fists collided.

This time they didn't separate at the first touch, Gu Santong strengthened his energy in his body, and the bright golden power gushed out desperately.

It shook Huo Mufeng back and forth.

Huo Mufeng had no choice but to resist desperately.

At this moment.

Su Chen's figure also shot out directly, and the palm of his left hand was clawed directly towards Huo Mufeng, he wanted to seal Huo Mufeng's figure.

A sharp energy came out from Su Chen's hands, filled with fluctuations of terrifying power.

Huo Mufeng was startled.

The remaining hand stretched out, and a gust of cold air formed a palm force and hit Su Chen's claw.

At this time, Su Chen's palm immediately changed into a palm and collided with the opponent's palm.

at the moment of impact
Su Chen activated the ice unicorn arm.

The cold air that filled into his palm rushed towards his arm in an instant.

It's not in control at all.

Huo Mufeng felt the power being sucked, his eyes changed drastically.

He didn't expect that Su Chen was absorbing the ice energy in his body.

Even the ancient three links dare not suck like this.

He looked at Su Chen, but found that his cold air did not pour into his body.

At this time, the sleeve on Su Chen's arm burst open in an instant, and the unicorn arm appeared in front of Huo Mufeng.

The unicorn arms shone brightly under the nourishment of the cold air.


Huo Mufeng's expression changed drastically when he saw the unicorn arm.

Quickly control the cold on your arms.

But at this moment, Gu Santong's qi suddenly increased again, making him unable to control the qi in his body at all, and could only watch helplessly as the qi he had cultivated for decades rushed towards Su Chen's arm.

With the passage of time, Huo Mufeng's original ocean-like vigor gradually began to disappear, and his own realm began to fall.


Huo Mufeng growled.

But no one paid any attention to his growl.

When the ocean-like energy in Huo Mufeng's body disappeared, his breath dropped sharply, his face became pale, and his eyes dimmed.

at this moment.

Su Chen withdrew his arm.

Lifting his finger, he pointed at Huo Mufeng's eyebrows.

The gloomy Huo Mufeng was shocked when he saw this finger, and he felt a strong killing intent.

Su Chen wanted to kill him.

"You want to kill me, you want to kill me, how dare you kill me!"

he growled.

While roaring, a Gu insect imprint appeared between his eyebrows.

Watching the mark of the Gu worm appear.

Su Chen frowned, but his fingers didn't stop, they directly pierced through the imprint, right between Huo Mufeng's brows.

"I came here to kill you! How could I let you live!"

Su Chen said in a cold voice.

"If you kill me, you won't survive. Emperor Zhou dare not kill me, ha!"

After Huo Mufeng laughed wildly, he fell straight on the ground.

When Huo Mufeng fell to the ground, a white Gu worm rushed out of his body and charged towards Su Chen.

A layer of frost appeared in Su Chen's palm and grabbed the white Gu worm.

The white Gu worms penetrated the ice layer and continued towards Su Chen.

[Find Yin-Yang Gu insects, Yang Gu, trigger and reward 3 orange lottery cards, which can be controlled by primary slave beast charms. 】

At this time, a message appeared in Su Chen's mind.

Seeing this, a low-level slave beast talisman appeared in Su Chen's other hand, which was directly pasted on the Yang Gu
The slave beast talisman instantly merged into Yang Gu's body.

Immediately, Su Chen felt the same as controlling the ice silkworm Gu worm on Mu Qingxue before.

But at this moment, Tie Zhongtang's experience card on Su Chen's body disappeared, and his body felt weak.


Although I don't know what this thing is, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

The Four Ghosts of Xiangxi appeared beside him, led Su Chen, and quickly left with Gu Santong.

(End of this chapter)

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