The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 435 Zhu Wushi, 4 Secret Agents, Yan Fanatic Experience Card

Chapter 435 Zhu Wushi, the Four Great Secret Agents, Yan Kuangzi Experience Card

Hear Dugu Wudi's words.

Su Chen pondered,

Now is indeed the opportunity to kill the [Tianshan faction].

"This matter, Gu Santong, you are in charge, lead people to the [Tianshan faction], and occupy the stronghold of the Tianshan faction!"

Su Chen ordered.

"it is good!"

"Then trouble a few!"

Gu Santong cupped his fists at Li Chenzhou and the others.

A group of people got up and left quickly.

Su Chen was alone in the courtyard.

Looking at the three orange lottery cards that appeared on the disk in his mind.

This is when Huo Mufeng was killed, Yang Gu appeared on him, triggering 3 orange lottery cards.

Take it out
[Obtain the character card Tiedanshenhou Zhu Shishi, get Tiedanshenhou's four secret agents of Tiandi Xuanhuang, and get 1 Yan Kuangzhe experience card]


Su Chen looked at this lottery draw with a shocked expression,

First of all, Zhu Wushi and his four secret agents from Hulong Villa were directly drawn out.

Another thing is to draw the Zhongyan Madman Experience Card by yourself.

Zhu Wushi's strength should be similar to that of Gu Santong, it may be higher or lower.

After all, in No. [-] in the world, Zhu ignored the skills of so many people, and his strength was extremely powerful.

As for Yan Kuangtu, according to reason, he is No. 1 in Wenshu, the father of Li Chenzhou, and his strength must be absolutely strong.

If I have this experience card, I will definitely make a lot of money.

Find out the strength of a few people.

Zhu Wushi's strength is the same as that of Gu Santong, who has also reached the stage of concentrating in the sea, and there is also a sign of [Shattered Void] behind him,

As for the four secret agents of Tiandi Xuanhuang,

Among them, Duan Tianya and Guihai Yidao's strength have reached the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, but they have not reached the stage of Dantian Huahai.

There are six difficulties in heaven and man, the strength of Xiaojin people is right and wrong, the strength is a little low,

The lowest one is Shangguan Haitang, whose strength is only the best among heaven and man.

As for Yan Kuanglu

Su Chen's breathing was a little short. The definition given here is actually a character at the level of the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, the third stage of Shattered Void.

broken void,

If I use it, will I break open the gate of heaven and leave directly?

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Previously, he knew from some skills that the characters who broke the void should be able to break open the gate of heaven directly.

That's why Su Chen had such an idea.

"Zhu Wushi, they and Gu Santong are both figures in No. [-] Middle School in the World. Put them in the East Pavilion, and Zhu Wushi can become the deputy pavilion master!"

Su Chen thought so,

Thinking of this, Su Chen suddenly wondered whether to let the [Blue Dragon Club] people leave.

How about letting the East Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion] occupy [Tianshan School]?

As soon as he had such an idea, Su Chen immediately summoned the five of them.

Zhu Wushi is more majestic than the ancient three links, more like the owner of the main pavilion,

But who let Zhu Wushi come out late, so he can only be the deputy pavilion master.

Duan Tianya looked calm, Gui Hai Yi Dao exuded a terrifying saber aura.

Shangguan Begonia is as beautiful as a flower and has an orchid temperament, while Cheng Shifei has a chaotic temperament.

"See the Lord!"

The five saluted at the same time.

"This is my token. You can go to the [Tianshan School] to meet with Gu Santong to replace the members of the [Blue Dragon Club] there. From now on, you will be the deputy head of the East Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion]!"

"I believe you can understand the situation here, so I won't tell you more!"

Su Chen ignored Zhu.

Zhu ignored that there were not enough people here, and Su Chen believed that they could quickly know the situation here.


The five left quickly.

They still need to understand things here, so they didn't stay too long at Su Chen's side.

follow their speed
They should be able to catch up with them who just left Gu Santong,

"This trip beyond the Great Wall went very smoothly!"

Su Chen said softly.

After finishing these, Su Chen also walked out of the courtyard, and he still wanted to visit the markets gathered here.

It is early spring.

The Gathering Bazaar also began to become lively, and some merchants who came from the pass were buying and selling with the gathered insiders.

Su Chen walked into a restaurant.

I ordered some food and wine.

One sat by the window and ate, listening to the conversation of these people.

"Do you know? [Tianshan School] is going to be over!"

A big man with a beard on his face said,

"How did [Tianshan School] end? Where did you hear the news?"

A person next to him spoke.

"Really, did you see the vision between heaven and earth just now? That is the scene where [Tianshan Sect] is the leader, and Huo Mufeng is fighting with someone."

"Didn't there be a vision last time? Headmaster Huo is fine!"

"It was fine last time, but something happened this time. Master Huo was killed, where is the body still left?"

The bearded man who spoke earlier said.

"Not only that, the Supreme Elder of the [Tianshan Sect], the owner of the mountain was also killed by the people of the [Blue Dragon Society]!"

"The [Blue Dragon Club] is the [Blue Dragon Club] that occupies the nine counties in the north, and they have no enmity with the [Tianshan School]!"

Hearing this, someone couldn't help but say.

"I heard that the people from [Ghost Domain] paid a lot of money to ask [Blue Dragon Society] to do it."

"This [Blue Dragon Club] is really strong."

said another.

"Didn't expect the news to spread here?"

While eating and drinking, Su Chen heard the conversation of several people, and said in his heart.

"Su Zhangjiao, you left so quickly. If you don't say that I [Cold Moon Sect] has a lot of people, I really can't find Su Zhangjiao you."

At this time, a purple figure appeared in front of Su Chen.

It was Zi Hanyue. At this time, Zi Hanyue was wearing a bamboo hat. When she sat down, a fresh fragrance came to her face.

"Saint, looking for me?"

Seeing Zi Hanyue appearing, Su Chen frowned slightly.

Zi Hanyue found him fast enough.

"I want to know who killed Huo Mufeng!"

Zi Hanyue sent a voice transmission to Su Chen.

"Don't say, you don't know, I know you went there, and you must have seen the situation at that time!"

"But why should I tell you?"

Su Chen said softly.

"If you tell me, I will tell you a secret, the secret about the Gu worm on Huo Mufeng!"

"I think when Huo Mufeng died, there must have been a Gu worm!"

Zi Hanyue looked at Su Chen with a smile on her face.

Gu worm!

At this moment, this Yang Gu is enslaved by him, and it is still on his body.

According to the principle, if there is Yin, there must be Yang, and if there is Yang Gu, then there must be Yin Gu.

Yang Gu is on Huo Mufeng's body, so Yin Gu must be on a woman.

And what Huo Mufeng said, the background of that woman should not be simple.

"You're talking about the Yang Gu on Huo Mufeng's body, and the Yin Gu on the other person. If it's this, you don't need to go on."

When Su Chen spoke, he looked up at Zi Hanyue.

He wanted to see Zi Hanyue's reaction.

"You know this as well?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Zi Hanyue couldn't help being startled.

But it is also confirmed that Su Chen has seen the Yang Gu, he knows who killed Huo Mufeng.

"Then you must have seen who killed Huo Mufeng, sell this information to me, and you can tell me the price!"

Zi Hanyue looked at Su Chen and said.

"We [Azure Dragon Club] pay attention to credibility, I won't tell you!"

"What's more, I can tell you that the people from [Tianya Pavilion] have already gone to [Tianshan School], [Tianya Pavilion] has not only the ancient pavilion master, but also a deputy pavilion master and four elders! "

When Zhu ignored the [Tianshan faction], he would definitely do it, and his identity would definitely be known.

Su Chen told the other party now that he was also thinking of getting favors from Zi Hanyue.

By the way, let's take a look at the plan of [Cold Moon Sect].

(End of this chapter)

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