The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 458 Tiangang Breathing Method, Paradise Palace, Passionate Fairy

Chapter 458 Tiangang Breathing Method, Paradise Palace, Passionate Fairy
Lingnan County


Although it was already spring, Su Chen was still wearing a coat and stood on top of a tall building in Shanhemen with a hint of cold air.

"Teacher, Master Qiao has sent a Dao scroll!"

Yuan Suiyun in brocade clothes stood beside Su Chen and said,

"Qiao Feng got back a Dao Scroll!"

Su Chen couldn't help being interested.

"Governor Qiao snatched a Dao scroll from Bai Wuji of the Taishang Wuji Sect."

Yuan Suiyun told what happened in Changhe County.

"I didn't expect Chief Qiao to follow the Romans!"

Su Chen said involuntarily.

Qiao Gangzhu is in Tianlong Babu, but he is a hero who cares about the country and the people. He didn't expect that after entering this world, he also began to change.

But this world is like this, warriors rule the rivers and lakes, and thus control the world.

"Teacher, there is a letter from Princess Qingchen from the capital, and I want you to go to the capital to help her!"

"According to the information sent back from Bai Choufei, Murong Qingchen is in a very bad situation now. I guess I want the head teacher to help her reverse this predicament!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"Jingshi, it's not time for me to go yet!"

Su Chen shook his head. Now his layout in the capital is still very weak, and it is not good for him to go to the capital.

And it will also make him fall into the struggle of the prince for power.

[The host's subordinate Cui Wuhu and the Five Poison Boys assisted Liu Liqing to win the [Gate of Resentment] and rewarded with an orange lottery card. 】

At this time, Su Chen received a reminder of the reward, and his face was slightly taken aback.

"The gate of resentment has been taken down?"

Su Chen was a little surprised in his heart, but the news was a system prompt, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"This Cui Wuhu and the Five Poison Boys are too ruthless. They just killed King Lie Wu's son a while ago, and now they have taken down [Gate of Resentment]. What a talent."

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"You wrote back to Murong Qingchen, saying that I can't go to the capital for the time being!"

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun.

While speaking, he also picked up the scroll that Qiao Feng sent back.

Open the scroll, the scroll is broken, there are only some words.

[Discover the fragments of the Daomen Kungfu method [Tiangang Breathing Method], and reward 2 orange lottery cards. 】

"Fragmented volumes of the Daoist technique [Tiangang Breathing Method]?"

Su Chen frowned slightly, he didn't expect that this scroll turned out to be a kind of breathing technique of Taoism.

About the breathing method of Daomen.

It was recorded in some classics that Su Chen consulted before, that is the breathing method that can help people step into the gate of heaven.

Because it was included in the system, he quickly understood that this [Tiangang Breathing Method], a method for cultivating the soul, was somewhat broken and useless at all.

"But it's not bad to be able to trigger rewards!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Together with Cui Wuhu, he got 3 orange lottery cards today, plus some ancient books,

Some rewards were triggered, and Su Chen now has seven orange lottery cards on his body.

After Su Chen cleaned the Red Sandalwood Palace last time, and after Mu Qingxue took charge of the Red Sandalwood Palace, he began to move the Red Sandalwood Palace to Jiangnan.

The resources of the Red Sandalwood Palace have been transferred before, so there is no point in staying outside the Great Wall
What's more, Mu Qingxue also wanted to travel to the south of the Yangtze River.

The capital and the south of the Yangtze River are both places where Su Chen is deployed, so Mu Qingxue didn't stop him from going to Su Chen.

Although it was said that Mu Qingxue was his woman, to be honest, the relationship between them was more of a master-servant relationship, and Su Chen controlled Mu Qingxue's life and death.

At this time, Zhuge Zhengwo appeared outside the door.

"Headmaster, one of the Four Great Daughters of [Elysium Palace], [Sentimental Fairy] Zhao Xiaodie appeared in Yuanbei County!"

"Meet her and the new second leader of [Tianxiameng], Xiao Bieyi!"

Zhuge said to me.

"Hmm! [Tianxiameng] and [Elysium Palace] joined forces?"

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but speak.

In the Palace of Bliss, Qiu Caidie, one of the four great ladies, was killed by Bai Choufei, devouring her skills and helping Bai Choufei.

But Bai Choufei's [Tianya Pavilion] people have nothing to do with them.

There is no reason for Bliss Palace to join hands with Tianxiameng to deal with them Qinglonghui.

But now that they are gathering with the second leader of the [Tianxiameng] in Yuanbei County, they must be plotting against them.

"What is the strength of the new second leader of [Tianxiameng]?"

Su Chen had never heard of Xiao Bieyi before.

"Headmaster, this Xiao Bie appeared very suddenly. There didn't seem to be such a person in the Tianxia League before, but after Leng Tianchi's death, he appeared directly as the second leader of the alliance. His specific strength and cultivation skills are all important to me. I haven't found any information yet."

"However, if this person dares to come to our nine northern counties alone, his strength should not be simple!"

Zhuge Zheng said in a low voice.

It is said that people with high skills are bold.

This Xiao Bie dared to come to his nine northern counties alone, it must be because of his extreme confidence in his own strength.

Recently [Blue Dragon Club] helped [Tianya Pavilion] take down the Tianshan faction, and their reputation has grown to a higher level.

He didn't believe that Xiao Bie didn't know the strength of [Blue Dragon Society].

"Keep an eye on him, and see what kind of connection he has with that【Elysium Palace】!"

"Just after my nine northern counties subsided, [Elysium Palace] reappeared, and even connected with [Tianxiameng]. It seems that I don't want my northern nine counties to subside!"

"Liu Shengyijian is currently in the area of ​​Yuanbei County, let him meet this amorous fairy from [Elysium Palace]!"

Su Chen said coldly.

"This subordinate will notify Liu Sheng of Yijian!" Zhuge Zhengwo nodded.

"My lord, there is one more thing, that is, Hai Wuya, the leader of the second most powerful Haisha Gang in the Lingjiang area, is going to visit you recently!"

"Discuss joining forces with us to deal with the Tianxiameng."

Zhuge is right.

"Although the Sea Shark Gang is the second force in the Lingjiang area, there is a gap in strength between them and the Tianxiameng. They want to join forces with us to deal with the Tianxiameng?"

Su Chen frowned slightly.

"Hai Wuya has already sent an invitation letter, but the subordinates have not responded yet, but they have sent people to investigate this Hai Wuya and found that this Hai Wuya has some connections with the Great General King of the Southeast Sea Region!"

Zhuge is right.

"General Wang Dugu is for me. Last time we were in [Qinglong Temple], he was the one who killed him."

"Could it be that this Hai Wuya is planning to plot against us for this person?"

Su Chen will never forget the person he killed in Qinglong Temple last time. Behind that person is Wang Dugu, the general occupying the southeast sea area.

"Teacher, according to the information sent by Xi Mufeng after returning to the capital, the general Wang Dugu may be transferred from the southeast sea area and return to the capital for me."

Zhuge Zheng said to me.

"Dugu was transferred from the southeast sea area for me, and returned to the capital. Who will replace him? Did Xi Mufeng say anything?"

Su Chen frowned.

Now the capital seems to be changing, the general Wang Dugu returned to the capital for me.

Then the capital is very lively.

It feels like something big has happened.

(End of this chapter)

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