Chapter 460 Heaven and Earth, Anyone Can Kill
Fatty Zhu Bing came to the backyard in small steps from the front yard.

"Miss, Zhu Bing's is here!"

The maid beside her spoke when she saw Zhu Bing approaching.

"It seems that there is a response over there, but I don't know if Su Chen will come to see us."

Under the veil, Zhuang Xuanji looked worried.

Fatty Zhu Bing came to the center of the gazebo.

"Master Zhu, I don't know Master Su, do you have time to see us?"

Zhuang Xuanji said.

"Miss Zhuang, just now there was news from the former manager that the head teacher is coming to see you!" Zhu Bing looked at Zhuang Xuanji and replied.

Although separated by a veil, she couldn't resist the beauty of this woman. The blue robe exposed her skin like suet jade, and there was a faint fragrance wafting from her body, which made people intoxicated.

"Is that so? Thank you, Master Zhu,"

Zhuang Xuanji said.

"You don't need to thank me. If Miss Zhuang wants to thank me, she hopes to help my bank expand its business!"

"The former manager replied, so I won't bother the girl here, but I guess the former manager will come to meet the girl earlier!"

"The original chief is the head teacher's confidant, Miss Zhuang must not worry about it."

After speaking, Zhu Bing looked away, took his leave and left.

Although people are beautiful, they are not his Zhu Bing's food, so don't be greedy.

"The original manager, Yuan Suiyun?"

Zhuang Xuanji said silently in her heart.

Before coming, she got to know Su Chen a little bit, and knew that there was a man named Yuan Suiyun beside Su Chen.

"Miss, you are still the most charming, this Su Chen still hasn't escaped your beauty, I'm coming to see you, miss!"

Said a maid on the side.

"Of course, Miss is the third most beautiful woman on the list of immortals. How many people in the world would like to see Miss's beauty?"

Another maid said.

"Don't talk nonsense here, people who can be elected by organizations like [Blue Dragon Club] will not be attracted by beauty!"

Compared to the self-confidence of the two maids, Zhuang Xuanji said.

Although she has a beautiful appearance, her appearance is not her weapon.

Once you let your appearance become a weapon, many things are out of control.

So sometimes, if you can impress the opponent without your appearance, it is better not to impress your opponent with your appearance.

The next day.

Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun appeared outside Zhu Bing's mansion.

Zhu Bing seemed to know that Su Chen was coming at this time, so he was already waiting at the door. When he saw Su Chen, he led him into the compound.

"Boss, my yard is a big yard with three entrances and three exits. It is the old house of my Zhu family!"

Zhu Bing said as he walked.

in a while.

The three came to the banquet hall.

"Master Zhu, follow me to invite Miss Zhuang to the living room!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"Miss Zhuang was arranged by me in the backyard, and the original manager invited me."

Zhu Bing nodded, and led Yuan Suiyun towards the backyard.

Inside the backyard.

Zhuang Xuanji's maid had already heard that Su Chen had come to the mansion.

"Miss, Headmaster Su of the Shanhe sect, they will invite us to the banquet hall after a while when they arrive at the Zhu Mansion. It seems that our affairs are about to be completed!"

The maid in Tsing Yi beside her said excitedly.

"Don't be too happy!"

Zhuang Xuanji shook her head, put on her hat and veil.

"Miss, you are still wearing a veil today, I don't think you need to wear it!"

The maid on the other side said.

While they were talking, Zhu Bing and Yuan Suiyun appeared outside the courtyard.

"Miss Zhuang, the head teacher, came to our residence, please tell me!"

Zhu Bing's voice sounded outside the courtyard.

Zhuang Xuanji pushed open the door, walked out of the room with two maids, and saw Zhu Bing and Yuan Suiyun who had already entered the courtyard.

Yuan Suiyun was wearing a blue shirt and a pale white windbreaker. His tall and straight body, coupled with the aura of a child from a noble family, made people couldn't help admiring him.

Under the veil, Zhuang Xuanji's beautiful eyes moved slightly.

"Under the original Suiyun, the head teacher is in the banquet hall, Miss Zhuang please!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

His eyes could not help but fall on Zhuang Xuanji.Wearing a veil, he couldn't see his face clearly, but from the appearance, the other party was extraordinary.

"Thank you, former manager!"

Zhuang Xuanji thanked her and walked out of the courtyard.

Walking in posture, extremely dignified, every move, exudes an aura from the whole body.

This Zhuang Xuanji's martial arts is not weak.

Yuan Suiyun thought in his heart.

A group of people soon came to the banquet hall.

Su Chen was sitting on the bench in the banquet hall, when he saw Zhuang Xuanji and the others enter the banquet hall, he got up slightly.

"I've seen Headmaster Su!"

Zhuang Xuanji entered the living room, looking at Su Chen.

Su Chen's appearance was no less than Yuan Suiyun's, and he exuded a powerful aura, and there was an undeniable aura that only those in power can make people doubt.

"I've met Headmaster Su!" Zhuang Xuanji saluted slightly.

"Miss Zhuang, please sit down!"

Su Chen waved his hand.

She looked at Zhuang Xuanji with her eyes. She was wearing a veil and couldn't see her face clearly, so she wasn't watching either.

"Teacher, I recently had a restaurant in the city that makes good peach cakes. I specially asked someone to prepare some. You can try it, Master!"

After clapping their hands, several house maids came in with a cake, and placed them on the table next to the two of them one by one.

"Miss Zhuang, I don't know what's going on with me this time?"

Su Chen said calmly.

Zhuang Xuanji had been paying attention to Su Chen's movements. Seeing that Su Chen just paid attention to herself, she went straight to the topic and said, "I came here this time mainly to ask the [Blue Dragon Society] behind Master Su to help."

"I want to ask the masters of the [Blue Dragon Society] to kill someone?"

Zhuang Xuanji said.

"To kill someone, I don't know who Miss Zhuang wants to kill?"

Su Chen frowned slightly and said.

"[Number One Village in the World] Huo Xingchen, the young owner of the village!"

Zhuang Xuanji explained the purpose of her visit this time.

"The Huo family in the JB area?"

Su Chen said calmly.

Although his expression was calm, he was surprised in his heart.

The No. [-] Manor in the World, Huo Family Manor, and the owner Huo Tiansheng, is one of the sworn brothers of His Majesty the Emperor of Zhou.

Of course, it wasn't because of the canonization of the Great Zhou Emperor that one could have such a title.

The main reason is that the Huo family is very powerful.

The JB area is close to the Jiangnan area. There are many overlords in the Jiangnan area, but there is only one overlord in the JB area, and that is the Huo family.


It is not a force that ordinary people can deal with.

Huo Xingchen is Huojiazhuang, the leader of the younger generation, and it is rumored that at a young age, he has the strength of the four difficulties.

He is the well-deserved leader of the next generation in Huojiazhuang.

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Xuanji came here to ask them [Qinglonghui] to kill such a person.

After Zhuang Xuanji finished speaking, she kept looking at Su Chen.

She wanted to see what Su Chen was thinking from Su Chen's expression.

But Su Chen's face was calm, and he couldn't see what he was thinking at all.

"Miss Zhuang, the idea of ​​our [Qinglong Club] is that everyone in the world can be killed. As long as you can afford the money, everything will be fine."

"I heard that you have thirty money houses in the Lingjiang area. If these thirty money houses are handed over to Shanhe Sect, Huo Xingchen will die!"

Su Chen pondered for a moment and then said.

(End of this chapter)

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